The Factuals versus the NABS (New Age BullShit)

Discussion in 'Memeperplexed' started by admin, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    New Age Gullibility and Censorship

    Amy Schabot

    Holly Phaon The Veil...see it lifting???

    Tony Bermaseder

    '""""""Occult' Decoding for you: VEIL=EVIL=LIVE=48=SEX=...
    And the 'good versus evil' dichotomy becomes relative to unified perception and definition. Now how much about this 'higher science-nous-knowledge' do the ptb know? More than the vox populi sure, but is there a ET-PTB watching the ptb""""""-----The 'unliked comment' which requires feminist ,new age' protection

    Holly Phaon
    Cant like ur there wont let me like it

    Amy Schabot
    No dear you can't.. I did not like his comment and told him nicely in his inbox to stop.. He refused.. So I block him..

    Holly Phaon K

    Amy Schabot

    Amy Schabot

    Seems Donald was in my town yesterday and told the crowd it was rigged... So prep up folks.. they are going to do what they are going to do...

    Tony Bermanseder

    Amy Schabot
    That was a sercret message to donald from Hillary about Lady Liberty..
    The most famous statue in America is Liberty. The scupltor of the statue is Auguste Berthholdi. A Mason belonging to the Masonic Lodge in Paris. Before building Liberty he was seeking to commssion to build a giant statue of goddess fertility "ISIS". As it is known to the Egyptians. Or Ishtar, to the ancients Babylonians. Romans also adopted this goddess but change the goddess name to Libertas in Latin. In English it means Liberty. In the bible she is know as the whore of Babylon.
    Notice how much porn we have in this country and how we provide to the world..
    She is so back up by Babylons leader Rothschild.. That was a huge, huge message about one of there rituals. Sex will bring down Washington DC.

    Tony Bermanseder
    You are correct in implying that the conspiracy of conspiracies is metaphysical and that the physical manifestos are secondary, inclusive of all politics. You are in error, if you believe that Trump is in metaphysical/occult affiliation with Hillary. He and she do however 'play out' archetypical memplexes which are VERY much associated with the various bases of your belief structures, What the old age and new age proponents call 'spiritual' is a multidimensional advanced quantum mechanics. As you would know the parallel NWO agenda embodied by George Schwarz-Soros-Black encompasses all forms of 'conventional politics'. Trump represents a contra parallel to those memeplexes WITHOUT being conciously aware of the archetypical roles he is playing. ALL are players INCLUDING Soros and the true ET/Logos 'puppet masters', better termed 'ancient ones' are the only 'hope for a genuine non-Orwellian New World. There exists a millennia old 'masterplan' which many new agers like yourself have intuited with your 'feeling intelligence' and this has allowed many 'souls/consciousness waveforms' to penetrate this 'masterplan' say instinctively. But the logical-rational-analytic realisation is still in cocoon for the partially awakened members of the universal ET family and a family which is ancestral-ancient in mentality but emergent-descendent in physicality. IOW you are simulcast in the cosmic masterplan as being both your own parent and your own offspring to ensure a universally favourable and desired outcome for ALL of the universal sentient civilization.

    2010-2020. This is a nice summary and a rational contribution from Glenn Beck, which is perfectly appropriate for 2016-2020

    George Soros, Puppet Master

    Last edited: Oct 23, 2016
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Tuesday, May 2, 2017

    The World in Turmoil: "Islamic Europe, or Western Spring?"

    The world is in turmoil. We are balanced on a knife's edge. Unchecked inflows of "refugees" - some might call them "invaders" - are threatening to plunge Europe into a new Dark Age. Are we on the precipice of an Islamic Europe? Or is there hope for a different, more optimistic outcome; perhaps a rejuvenation of Enlightenment values - what we might call a "Western Spring"?

    Come hear famed journalist and Islamic expert Melanie Phillips describe the threats and opportunities confronting Europe today.

    Ms. Phillips is the author of the acclaimed book Londonistan which describes the descent of the historic and strategically critical capital of the United Kingdom into a hub for the promotion, recruitment, and financing of Islamic terror and extremism, thereby earning the name coined in the title of the book.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

  4. Saptarishi

    Saptarishi Member


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