Dirac’s Magnetic Monopole And The Energy Density Of The Universe From Dark Matter With Dark Energy

Discussion in 'A Cosmology of Initial Boundary Conditions' started by admin, Nov 6, 2021.

  1. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    The Pregnancy and Gestation of the New World in the Womb of the Old World
    February 26th, 1776---July 4th, 1776---January 2nd, 1777-----February 22nd, 2022---July 11th, 2022---December 29th, 2022
    for Pluto Return of 246 years at D-R-D-D-R-D at 27 degrees 34'

    God Reborn - The Birth of God as a Superbrane
    A Story of Intelligent Design and the Creation of the Quantum Universe

    Dirac’s Magnetic Monopole and the Energy Density of the Universe from Dark Matter with Dark Energy

    A Cosmology of Initial Boundary Conditions

    The question of creation as quantum fluctuation ex nihilo is answered as a creation ex UniPhysCon as the quantum entanglement of omnispace in the form of universal physicalized consciousness.


    de mortuis.

    Revelation 14:13 -King James Version (KJV)
    13And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.



    A claim to have some answers to pertinent and profound questions in regards to the perennial quest of the human race to understand itself in being and in mind can be no statement of whimsicality.
    Such a proposition demands a thorough investigation of the issues at hand; not a one-sided or biased examination of selected data and information; but a rigorous scientific approach to evaluate all the evidence supplied in the history of the developments, both in the popular culture and its science and the philosophies supporting it.
    It is of limited value to parade the scientific discipline as the rational and impartial paradigm for the future; if that same worldview proves itself incapable to elucidate or to explain the most basic of elementary questions asked or problems faced by the now globalized citizen, placing hisher hope and expectation into that same projected future. And the overwhelming problem facing humanity at the beginning of the 21st century is that of its own philosophy.

    ‘Where are we now as a race?’, ‘Where are we going ?’ and ‘Where did we come from?’ are some common questions asked, but not answered by the expert authorities in organized politics, science, culture, and religion. Why do we seem incapable, despite having built a monumental edifice called the scientific way and methodology; and notwithstanding the progressing technology derived from that; why then can that same worldview not answer a simple question like:

    If there is such a thing as God, as so many of us have been told, then where and what is it?”

    We find an evolved human genetic disposition to form allegiances and to carry and ascribe to certain beliefs, often founded or exposited upon by certain individuals or groups. Kings and knights, magicians, clerics, and sages of old have transformed into the experts and advisors of the new.
    Consultancy has become the catchphrase, often stifling the natural curiosity to find answers for one’s own questions in a denial of one’s own creative impulses through an adventure of self-discovery. Today, we find allegiances to political ideologies, religious dogmas, or some other culturally based agenda. All those liaisons and associations have something in common; however, they all become coloured in the individuals which belong to them. Redemption from this filtered state of affairs is found in a paradigm which is based on the precept of disallowing personality to individualize the work to be done or to colour the information to be collected as one’s personal archive or one’s private library of creation, subject to one’s own individual fancies and desires.
    Albert Einstein once remarked:
    “The greatest trouble in the world is the idea of a personal God!”
    And so, one might agree with the de-personification of Albert Einstein’s ‘God,’ whom he rather affectionately called: "The Old One” and of whom he also said: “God does not play dice with the world,” referring to his rejection of the idea that life and nature’s processes are intrinsically arbitrary in a universe defined by chance and random events.
    He thought of ‘God’ as being the intelligence behind the natural laws of nature, as found in the sciences and the mathematics which he studied and he believed that nature had to be based in geometrical principles, rather than in probabilities defined in statistics and stochastic matrices.
    And there were others before and after him; Plato and Aristotle, upon whose dialogues this treatise is based; Pythagoras, the Greek geometers and Niels Bohr, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, all contemporaries of Albert Einstein with Paul Dirac, Max Born and Wolfgang Pauli in their contributions to the birth of quantum mechanics.
    The symmetries in nature, numbers and sequences and fundamental constants; all seem finetuned and set into relationships with one another to create the universe and all the cosmological entities within it.

    And one should not forget another genius of contemporary science in Isaac Newton. But what the modern world has tried to forget and to sequester away under an umbrella of a perceived historical ignorance, was the immense interest Isaac Newton, the father of all of classical mechanics, had in the concepts of religion.
    And what is the modern moral evaluation by his peers, judging a man whom they portray to the students of science as having had no equal in his time in regards to his scientific work, inventions and mathematical insights?
    His power of pure intellect, like Einstein’s, is often used to exemplify the necessity for logical thought and concentration in the pursuit of scientific and mathematical excellence by the students in those fields. Is it embarrassing to tell the full story; that Isaac Newton spent months at a time trying to decipher scrolls, like the ‘Book of Daniel’ and the ‘Book of Revelation’ in the bible?
    He must have been deluded in the religious fervor of his age!” they would have said.
    But was he?
    Could a mathematical prodigy like Isaac Newton have been so gullible? Isn’t it more likely, that he sensed that there was something to it – and that it had to be scientific?! Isaac Newton’s ‘God’ is the same as Albert Einstein’s ‘God’ and yet it is completely impersonal. It must be, by the definition of the working ethic!
    But is it?
    Could it be possible, that once the ‘God of Science’ has become impersonal, that then this same ‘God’ is reborn in a ‘God of Omniscience,’ who allows, even demands a personification, because of its own definition?
    And what if that had been the masterplan throughout the ages anyway? Can we then ever know and understand such a masterplan? And what if all the clerical authorities around the globe are forced by their own followers to take notice?
    What if modern science can prove to them that their ‘Allah’ and ‘Jehovah’ and Yahwhey and ‘Brahma’ and ‘Baha’ and ‘Krishna’ and ‘Ra’ and ‘Osiris’ and ‘Set’ and ‘The Big Goat behind the Old Oaken Tree in the Walpurgisnacht on April 30th’ are all one and the same as the ‘Order out of Chaos!’ defined in a Universal Logos or Universal Intelligence manifesting the Primordial Universal Consciousness as a Source Energy and a circumstance and phenomenology which could be called the ‘Word of God’ as its physical manifestation ?
    What if their scriptures and ancient scrolls became illumined in a new light of omniscience; should their powerbase not become depersonalized if they are shown to have followed a very limited interpretation of their ‘sacred texts’ indeed?
    Where would they go in their grandstanding of and about ‘God’s Law’ for the ‘chosen people’ and for the ‘infidels’? It would be the end of falsified religious dogma and the death of manipulative religion as such. Because omniscience is Omni-Science, the Science of ‘The All’ for ‘The All’ and the German word for the cosmos or the universe is “Das ALL” - Albert Einstein and Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli and Max Born would have liked that in their contemplations upon the natural order of things.

    Albert Einstein also said: “Science without Religion is lame and Religion without Science is blind”- and this book shall try to synergize the two worldviews in a redefinition of Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle and its statistical nature within a geometrical interpretation of quantum mechanics.

    And then would peace between the nations have a chance, because of the demise of the old religions and the already internationally accepted profundity of the scientific way and methodology. Like music, dance or mathematics, a new language would sweep the old world of hate and dispossession, the ways of disempowerment and disbelief under the carpet of the illumination of a new base of knowledge.
    A new song would be sung and the nations and tribes and families at war with each other could embrace one another in a new way of looking at the world around themselves and their individuated places within it. And all the many things they had learned from their history through the ages of humankind; all their legends, myths and fables, their religions, and sciences; all would become integrated within themselves in a renewed understanding and the death of their ignorance regarding themselves.

    But to succeed, the initiation of this omniscience is first required to affect its own birthing process. The mathematical principles of necessity and sufficiency must be satisfied, and the scientific global community must become informed about the new dispensation. The premises of the new model also necessitate their scientific validation through experiment and verification in the collective scientific data base.
    This then is the disclaimer for this play of words.
    To scientifically empower the new dispensation; a scientifically rigorous approach in its elementary application cannot be avoided. Science cannot ‘prove’ something, without clearly identifying its parameters and boundary conditions.
    There is an abundance of literature, which explains the present status quo in the specialized fields of particle physics, quantum theory, unification physics and cosmology in a populist genre of communication.
    Many discoveries add to that edifice on a daily basis.
    This treatise then does not retell the stories, which have already been told in many other ways and media. A list of references points to supportive accounts of some popular ones amongst them. This essay attempts to explain the fundamentals, the principles, and preconditions for what brought about the universe’s occurrence and the parameters which led to its definition in the natural laws.
    And it is happenstance, that those precepts and prerequisites existing before space and time came into being, have a relevance for the birth of the religions of history or what one could term the ‘spiritual impulse’.
    The bearing upon the personality is found to be a subset of a collective psyche; what one might perceive as the groupmind of a race or species; a somewhat very unique genus, which despite the relativity of the observer and the heliocentric reality – finds itself at the center of the universe, as itself – the race of mankind!
    The ultimate aim of science to unify all aspects of existence so becomes a quest to enhance all energy and matter towards their most basic and elementary form of manifestation.
    Once such a fundamental oneness is found and classified by science; then the scientific worldview will become enabled to cross-fertilize all its inter disciplinary factions and the global culture will be ready to purge itself from all unscientific and irrationally derived paradigms and belief systems.

    That will be the death of superstition and of pseudoscience; the unscientific way of thinking and its many flawed perceptions in regard to observed natural phenomena.


    4Q392: “[...] and dominions [...][...] a man [...] God and not to turn aside from [...] and in His covenant your soul shall cling and [...] words of His mouth [...] and God [...] heaven above and to search out the ways of the sons of man, they have no hiding place. He created darkness and light for Himself, but in His dwelling place is the light of their light and all darkness rests before Him as well. He has no need to distinguish between light and darkness, but for the sons of man He distinguishes them as the light of day, with the sun, and night, with the moon and stars. He has a light which cannot be searched out, nor can its end be known. For all the works of God are doubled in this manner. We are flesh, which does not totally grasp these things. With us for [...] for a sign and wonders without number. [...] winds and lightning [...] servants of the holy of holies. They are as couches before him [...].”………………translated by Martin G. Abegg, Jr.
    The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls; Geza Vermes; Penguin, London, 1997

    Isaiah 45:6-8 -King James Version 6That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the west, that there is none beside me. I am the Lord, and there is none else. 7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things. 8 Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the Lord have created it.



    Dirac’s Magnetic Monopole and the Energy Density of the Universe from Dark Matter with Dark Energy
    A Cosmology of Initial Boundary Conditions

    The Dirac quantization condition and its relationship to the electromagnetic fine structure constant alpha is derived from the initial boundary conditions of the Quantum Big Bang Singularity (QBBS). The QBBS is shown to form a 2/11-dimensional mirror membrane as a 1-dimensional Dirac string relating timespace of a string-membrane epoch preceding the QBBS to the spacetime following the creation event. The Dirac monopole then transforms as a point particle into a space extended elementary particle known as the classical electron and is electro charge coupled as an electropole to the magneto charge of a magnetopole.

    The electron as a point particle of QFT and QED so becomes the monopolar form of the Dirac monopole as the Dirac electron but coupled to the elementary quantum geometric templates of the scalar Higgs boson with a dark matter particle defined as a RMP or Restmass-Photon.
    This RMP is shown to couple in string-membrane duality to both a minimum sourcesink and a maximum sinksource expression in the energy distribution of the multi-dimensional universe. The ratio of the RMP’s vibratory wormhole micro eigenstate of high energy to its winding mode anti-wormhole macro self-state then crystallizes the Planck-Density to Critical Density ratio in convolution with the dark energy and Zero-Point-Energy of the multi-dimensional cosmology.

    For {RRMP(ss)/RRMP(ps)}3 = (fss/fps)2 = (fss)4=(4π2rps/rssc2 )2 = {1/81x10120} ~ Critical Density/Planck Density
    ρPlanckcritical = {2πc5/hGo2}/{3Ho2/8pGo} = {16p2c5/3hGoHo2} = {1.855079x1096}/{3.78782x10-27} ~ 81x10120 = 4.897x10122 in a de Sitter cyclically closed EMR 10D-cosmology for which W=WB+WMDM/RMP+WDE = 1
    ρPlanckcritical = {2πc5/hGo2}/{Ho2/4p2Go}={8p3c5/hGoHo2} = {1.855079x1096}/{1.78497x10-26} ~ 81x10120 = 1.039x10122 in an Anti-de Sitter open-closed EMMR 11D-cosmology for which W=WB+WMDM/RMP+WDE = 1

    This is the universal sourcesink/sinksource volumar for the supermembrane Eps.Ess coupled in brane modular duality and solves the ‘cosmological constant’ problem in a revision of the Friedmann cosmology. In particular it is shown that the onset of the so termed dark energy at a redshift of z=0.6124 simply relabels the dark matter made manifest from the QBBS given in higher redshifts in the form of the Einstein Lambda as an Einstein quintessence.
    By introducing a time evolving quintessence for the harmonic oscillator modal energy eigenstates |Eps| = S{½+N}hfps for supermembrane Eps.Ess in the Zero-Point-Energy, the quantum description for spacetime crystallizes as a parameter space between maximized and minimized oscillation modes for the heterotic string class HE(8x8) as 10-dimensional expressions for the 11-dimensional membrane spacetime as the cosmological boundary mirroring an open ended Minkowski cyclically flat expanding cosmology in a closed de Sitter cosmology.

    The lower dimensional universe so becomes cyclically bounded within an infinitely expanding unbounded higher dimensional cosmology with the cyclicity of the gravitationally retarded de Sitter universe quantum tunneling in the cosmology of the multiverse. The evolving spacetimed cosmology as a thermodynamic black body radiator is shown to derive from a transition period from the timespace of a 5-generational 10-dimensional string epoch into a 11-dimensional multiverse self-intersecting its lower dimensional precursor in a cosmological Lightpath both refracted and cyclically reflected in the instanton-inflaton parameters of the QBBS.
    The timespace to spacetime transition is shown to manifest in a false Higgs-Planck boson vacuum or HBPFV as a consequence of the natural physical laws defining the concept of temperature as a form of kinetic-potential energy related to the frequency eigenstates of the QBBS parameter space. The breaking of the supersymmetry in energy so becomes a consequence from the quantum energy parameters of the E=kbT=hf=mc2 transitioning from timespace into spacetime in the central manifestation of the energy in the HBPFV as the instanton-inflaton of the QBBS.

    A temperature gradient in the HBPFV so defines a deviation between the Einstein quintessence and the quantum self-states of the Goldstone bosons of the fundamental energy interactions. The background temperature of the Quantum Big Bang Singularity as the quintessence temperature T(LE) is far in excess from the Weyl boson defining the quantum form Eps = kbTps.
    The inflaton therefore triggers the spacetime hyperspace expansion to attain temperature equilibrium between the multiplying and tachyonic hyper accelerating spacetime quanta given by the Weyl parameters with the Einstein quintessence in the inflaton. This homeostasis is reached in the bosonic temperature unification so 2 nanoseconds from the time instantaneity of the QBBS. At the end of the inflation epoch the imaged QBBS manifests a midpoint for the gravitationally retarded thermodynamic expansion of the lower dimensional cosmology as a Lightpath of a higher dimensional ‘Electromagnetic Return’ to meet the decelerating universe for the onset of dark energy at redshift z=0.6124.
    The Einstein quintessence therefore assumes particular cosmological characteristics manifesting both properties of a gravitationally decelerating cosmology in 10D and a Lightspeed invariant cosmology in 11D reflecting and refracting the 11D Lightpath emitted from the QBBS for the crucial time of having reached the spacetime boundary made manifest by the inflaton at the QBBS of the instanton.

    A synthesis of the MOND cosmology of Milgröm with the LCMD standard model is shown to resolve itself not in modifying Newtonian gravitation, but in the Milgröm characteristic acceleration inherent as the cosmological constant of the Einstein quintessence as a QBBS parameter.
    The necessity for Dark Matter to harmonize the hypermass evolution remains however, with the Dark Energy itself assuming the form of the Milgröm deceleration. That the Dark Energy DE is negative pressure interacting with a sign changing Einstein quintessence is also pointed out as a cosmological effect by Erik Verlinde in his ‘Emergent Gravity’ model in associating the Milgröm deceleration with the Hubble Constant and therefore the Friedmann standard cosmology by GM/R2 < cH = -2cHo/(n+1)3

    The space occupying classical electron as a Dirac string derivative is shown to oscillate on the Fermi scale of the nuclear interactions of colour charge asymptotic gluon-quark confinement, with the ground state for the electron defining the wormhole singularity of the QBBS in spacetime as the fifth transformation of superstring classes (heterotic class 64) from the timespace era. The Dirac string so manifests as a membrane-mirror for a 4-dimensional spacetime embedded within a 5-dimensional spacetime and descriptive for a 3-dimensional surface embedded as volumar within a higher dimensional cosmology, described in the properties of a Möbian-Klein Bottle geometric connectivity for a one-sided manifold becoming two-sided in the original form of the Dirac string as a one-dimensional mathematical singularity mirroring itself in the monopolar string self-duality of a multidimensional holographic cosmology .

    The natural stability of the proton and the absence of an original supersymmetry between matter and antimatter is shown to be the result of the non-existence of antimatter in the primordial universe and the coupling of the Higgs boson to the RMP of spin -1 and energy 14.03 TeV*.
    Primordial neutron decay becomes the transformation of a RMP boson in the form of an ylemic dineutron into two lefthanded neutrons quantum spin coupled to a graviphoton as the scalar Higgs bosonic blueprint of the wave-quarkian quantum geometry. Particular initial boundary conditions for the QBBS, defined as the Dirac magnetic monopole indicate the energy regime for the Higgs Boson as being bounded in a subatomic displacement scale from 0.000014-0.0028 fermi.
    This displacement scale forms a natural boundary for the mesonic scale for the strong nuclear interaction and resolves the discrepancy in the mean lifetime for beta minus decay in showing that the excess of neutrons at the Higgs energy with RMP-dark matter excess is 126.95/125.78=1.0093 and becomes balanced by a deficit of neutrons at the Higgs energy with RMP -dark matter deficit in 122.49/123.57=0.9913 and time differences of 10.28 and 9.92 seconds* for a mean neutron lifetime of 880.14 s* respectively.

    The thermodynamic evolution of the universe is shown to relate a general evolution of neutron stars with specific nuclear densities with respect to the cosmic radiation background to the Hawking properties of black holes as a background energy matrix originating from the distribution of a baryonic mass seedling and its coupling to the QBBS parameters. The Hawking-Gamow Temperature Unification for classical and quantum gravitation is so derived as the temperature ratio:
    THawking/Tylem = 1 = hcRe3/2pGomc2Rylem2 RHawking = Re3/anucleon.Rylem2RHawking with anucleon = aplanckae18 .

    Hawking’s micro black holes are shown to play a decisive role in the universal cosmology, as they modulate the quantum gravitational universe of the creation event with the classical gravitation of the spacetime geometry. In particular the micro black holes form the energy centers within encompassing vortices of potential energy modelled on the Jeans length applied to the general temperature evolution of the universe and inclusive of dark matter haloes around galaxies deriving from the original intersection of the higher dimensional inflaton superluminal light path with the lower dimensional light path of the instanton. Hawking's Information Paradox is resolved in the onset of DE as the Page Time.

    The HBPFV so manifests electroweak unification at the intersection coordinate between the expanding ylemic Dark Energy/Dark Matter-RMP Halo and expanding CBBR gravitationally retarded cosmology and described in the Hawking-Gamow modulus HGM = MHawkingTylem = hc3/4pkBGo = McurvTHawking

    The difficulties in measuring Newton’s gravitational constant are found to be causally related to the measured variation in the electromagnetic finestructure constant alpha ae as the polar orientation of the Dirac string of the QBBS and as a distribution of t’ Hooft-Polyakov monopoles in the Schwarzschild metric at the GUT unification energy scale from 2.7x1016 GeV* to 8.1x1017 GeV*.

    The supersymmetry and coupling parameters of the superstring classes is shown to derive from the interaction of the Planck-Stoney finestructures.

    The classical electron parameters are shown to relate to the electron of Quantum-Field-Theory QFT in a reassigning of the electromagnetic mass in a distribution of electron velocities in the wave matter of de Broglie and the Compton constant meRe = Compton constant = αh/2πc = lplanck.α.mplanck = mecrec , which proportionalises the quantum relativistic size of the electron with its mass. The classical electron is reborn within the structure of QFT in attaining a monopolar nature, derived from the Dirac string as a Dirac electropole.

    The concept of ‘Universal Physicalized Consciousness’ or UPC is defined from the conformal mapping of the magneto charge from timespace onto the electro charge in spacetime utilizing the dimensional reduction from 11D membrane spacetime into 10D string spacetime in the modular- and mirror duality of the {10-11-12}D spacetime matrix.
    UPC becomes identical in dimensional analysis to the gravitational parameter GM in its frequency quantum eigenstate and so defines a quantum radius-independent angular acceleration acting on any volumar constituent within any spacetime occupancy. In this capacity, the UPC defines the Einstein quintessence and so resolves the Dark Matter – Dark Energy distribution in the nature of the quintessence as a spacetime inherent classical acceleration, yet as a function of a nodal Hubble parameter, described as a frequency equivalent and coupling to the Weyl-wormhole frequency of the QBBS in fps.lps = fWeyl.lWeyl = c = Ho.RHubble.

    I: Introduction to a Multidimensional Relaxation Cosmology for a 'Hubble Tension' in Quantum Relativity with Hawking's Information Paradox Resolution
    II: Foreword – Dirac’s String-Monopole Transformation
    III: The Creation of Dirac’s Quantum Big Bang in Spacetime from Timespace
    VI: The Dark Energy coupled to the Light Energy of a Shadow-Mirror Universe
    V: The Higgs-Planck False Vacuum and the Temperature Gradient for the QBBS Cosmology
    VI: The Ylemic Universe and Quantum Gravitation from Superbrane Parameters
    VII: A Synthesis of ΛCDM with MOND in a Universal Lambda Milgröm Deceleration
    VIII: A Revision of the Friedmann Cosmology and Emergent Gravity in a Hypermass Multiverse
    XI: Ylemic Gluon-Quark-Plasma Protostars as Vortex QBBS Energies
    X: Primordial Neutron Decay from Higgs Boson – RMP/DM Quantum Geometry
    XI: Initial Boundary Conditions for Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry
    XII: The Gravitational Constant, the Alpha Finestructure Constant and the GUT-Monopole
    XIII: The Inflaton and the Grand Unification Symmetry in a Transformation of Supermembranes
    XIV: The Quantum Relativistic Monopolar Electron
    XV: The Birth of the Universe in Space and Time from Physicalized Universal Consciousness
    XVI: Quantum Consciousness in the Penrose-Hameroff Model
    XVII: Epilogue: God Reborn - The Birth of God as a Superbrane
    A Story of Intelligent Design and the Creation of the Quantum Universe in the Uniphyscon of Quantum Entangled Omnispace

    Last edited: Apr 6, 2022
  2. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    I: Introduction to a Multidimensional Relaxation Cosmology for a 'Hubble Tension' in Quantum Relativity with Hawking's Information Paradox Resolution

    The cosmological measurements for an accelerating expansion of the universe and as a consequence of Hubble’s law for the Hubble parameter H(n,t) = Recessional Velocity v(n,t)/Cosmological Displacement R(n,t) are the result of a multidimensional cosmology.

    There is not one Hubble parameter, but there are three Hubble parameters, defining various interwoven aspects of the multidimensional cosmology in a compacted event horizon in the lower form and bounded by a nodal form and a true event horizon with an unbounded particle event horizon, both in the higher form.

    The lower dimensional expansion of a closed de Sitter universe is bounded by a nodal Hubble parameter Ho=c/RH in a spacetime under gravitational retardation to define a constant Hubble event curvature horizon RH=2GoMH/c2. This nodal Hubble event horizon forms the higher dimensional boundary for a compacted event horizon moving towards it in the expansion of the universe.

    The multidimensional cosmology is modeled on the premises and stipulates of Quantum Relativity and a model combining the spacetime geometry of classical physics and cosmology with a model of quantum geometry, based on the concepts of string-membrane modular duality. The macro-state of classical gravitation as the curvature of spacetime is therefore related to quantum gravitation in a blending of the cosmological and astrophysical universe with the micro-states of quantum mechanics.
    This introduction predicts two distinct, yet related values for the Hubble parameter and shows how those values are related.

    For the dark matter inclusive cosmology, the Hubble parameter is defined in a true Hubble node, which oscillates in the lower dimension, but linearly decreases with the expansion of the universe in the higher dimension. Experimental measurements for this Hubble parameter therefore will conflict between the oscillating and the linear form. Astronomical observations into ‘deep space’ or ‘back in time’ for an increasing cosmological redshift and the Cosmic-Microwave-Radiation-Background CMRB so will determine the linear Hubble parameter and as applicable in the addition of the dark matter region of spacetime.

    Quantum relativity predicts this dark matter inclusive value for Ho(n=Hot) = 58.04 km/Mpc.s to be:
    H(n,t)|AdS = H(npAdS) = Ho/(2-npresent) = Ho/0.867288 = 2.165057x10-18 [1/s]* or 66.92 km/Mpc.s

    For the dark matter exclusive cosmology, the Hubble parameter is found in relating the compressed spacetime expansion to the oscillating form of the ratio of the recessional velocity to the compressed Hubble event horizon as the expanding wavefront modelled as the boundary of the universe. Astronomical measurements in the compressed spacetime so can be interpreted as observing cosmological distance scales as being closer to the observer than they actually are in the dark matter inclusive universe described as an Anti de Sitter AdS and open universe.

    Quantum relativity predicts this dark matter exclusive value for Ho(n=Hot) = 58.04 km/Mpc.s to be:
    H(n,t)|dS = H(npdS) = Ho[np+1]2/np(2np+1) = 1.22972Ho = 2.309075x10-18 [1/s]* or 71.37 km/Mpc.s

    Differentiating the Hubble parameters in the addition of the dark matter sector relative to the baryon normal matter compressed spacetime so resolves the ‘Hubble tension ‘ as the statistically significant discrepancy between the measurements of the Hubble parameter in the CMRB measurements and distance scale related observations for the compressed spacetime of an interwoven interdimensional cosmology.

    Measuring the Hubble parameter within the compressed dS spacetime so will result in values greater than the value at the lower dimensional Hubble boundary. Those measurements will converge as a mean value relative to the compressed boundary value at a n-cycle coordinate of n=½ for the onset of thee dark energy epoch in the multidimensional cosmology. Values for the ‘Hubble tension’ for cosmological distance scales such as cepheid variable stars so will converge to such a value range for the more proximate universe.

    Quantum relativity predicts this dark matter exclusive value for Ho(n=Hot) = 58.04 km/Mpc.s to be:
    H(n,t)|dSDE = H(n=½) = Ho/[½][1+½] = 4Ho/3 = 1.33333Ho = 2.5036374x10-18 [1/s]* or 77.39 km/Mpc.s for a mean value of (71.37+77.39)/2 = 74.39 km/Mpc.s

    The nodal Hubble boundary emerged from an instanton-inflaton Quantum-Big Bang-Singularity QBBS and from a parameter space of initial and boundary conditions established from a Planckian pre-spacetime string-membrane epoch modelled on an algorithmic timespace transforming into a spacetime in the emergence of dimensional degrees of freedom to manifest the physical parameters in energy from a pre-physical or metaphysical quantized energy continuum labelled as universal consciousness from algorithmic timespace.

    This de Sitter dS universe of positive curvature is modelled as a thermodynamic Planck Black Body Radiator expansion of a flat Minkowski spacetime experiencing the gravitational interaction in both the classical laws of General Relativity and the effects of quantum gravity from a higher dimensional parallel cosmology described as a Anti de Sitter AdS universe of negative curvature without gravitational retardation.

    The interdimensional interaction between the closed dS and the open AdS universes results in a flat overall spacetime relative to a spacetime observer situated at an arbitrary central observation point, say the center of a geometric horn torus, encompassed by a sphere.
    The AdS cosmology of lightspeed invariance at the QBBS then naturally expands the higher dimensional universe, say as a 5D Kaluza-Klein or an 8D Penrose or a 11D Witten spacetime at a greater rate than the gravitational Einstein-Planck-Minkowski in 4D EPM spacetime.

    At some point in the universe’s expansion the AdS Lightpath superposed onto the dS gravitationally retarded Lightpath will reach the nodal Hubble boundary and then both reflect and refract to expand the original size of the spacetime set by the initial boundary conditions of the instanton-inflaton defined QBBS. The higher dimensional Lightpath is denoted as EMMR for Electromagnetic Monopolar Radiation and the lower dimensional concurrent Lightpath is denoted as EMR for Electromagnetic Radiation.

    The refracted Lightpath of the AdS universe then resets the nodal Hubble event horizon in a new boundary independent from the original instanton-inflaton parameters of the QBBS to define a true Hubble event horizon as a new boundary for the compacted Hubble event horizon to approach.
    The reflected Lightpath from the old Hubble nodal event horizon Ho manifests a cyclic cosmology for the lower dimensional dS universe, however. The QBBS is mirrored at the even Hubble node Ho in the reflected Lightpath in an odd and even frequency count for the Hubble parameter with a clearly defined maximum at the QBBS as an even n-cycle count and a clearly defined minimum as Ho as an odd n-cycle count.

    All cosmologies can so be defined in a n-cycle time parameter and where n=Hot with dn/dt=Ho as a true Hubble constant.
    The compacted Hubble event horizon so becomes defined in the dS gravitationally retarded cosmology as the size of the lower dimensional curvature radius subject to an oscillating higher dimensional AdS Lightpath superimposed onto the expansion of the thermodynamic universe.

    The true Hubble event horizon can be expressed in the refracted Lightpath as REMMR(n,t) =nRH and the compacted Hubble event horizon becomes the curvature radius of the EPM protoversal universe as REMR(n,t)= R(n,t) = RHn/[n+1] and bounded in Ho=c/RH as a ‘Mother Black Hole MBH’ as a ‘Strominger eternal MBH brane’ and in the Schwarzschild metric RH=2GoMH/c2 with Go the gravitational constant as applicable to the Strominger BH evolution as ‘eternal black holes’.


    qo is a deceleration parameter defining the QBBS boundary initial parameters in the Einstein quintessence Leinstein and the de Broglie hyperspace inflaton hyper acceleration Adebroglie for the EMMR Lightpath as the ratio of the matter distribution Wo=Mo/MH for the overall energy density in the multidimensional cosmology. Mo is the mass seedling for the de Sitter protoverse defining a ‘Sarkar Daughter Black Hole’ in the Sarkar curvature radius Rsarkar = 2GoMo/c2 for the encompassing mass Strominger BH evolution engaging the Dark Matter and Dark Energy conditions.

    Another deceleration parameter is defined in q(n) = -{(d2a/dt2)(a}/(da/dt)2 for scale factor a = R(n,t)/RH

    The Lightpath for both EMMR AdS and EMR dS is coupled in the QBBS boundary parameters fpslps=fweyllweyl=fQBBSlQBBS=c=HoRH for the nodes of the spacetime mirrors.

    The recessional velocity from the Hubble law H(n,t) = vrec(n,t)/R(n,t) for the AdS Lightpath becomes
    vrec(n,t) = d(R(n,t)/dt = RHd(n/[n+1])/dt = RH(dn/dt)/[n+1]2 = c/[n+1]2

    The recessional Lightspeed c velocity for the AdS cosmology so precedes the continuously slowing down vrec(n,t) in dS as the refractive Lightpath with respect to the true Hubble event horizon and due to the gravitational retardation of the compacted Lightpath in the dS EPM universe.

    The reflected form for this recessional velocity c then creates the appearance of an accelerating universe because the true recessional velocity in AdS is mirrored onto a previously defined coordinate of the recessional velocity of AdS in dS spacetime and when the AdS Lightpath reached this n-cycle coordinate in its forward journey to the true Hubble event horizon albeit within the nodal boundary of then both for the EMMR and the EMR Lightpath parallel.

    The actual Hubble parameter so is defined for the curvature radius in the compressed de Sitter spacetime as:

    H(n) = vrec(n,t)/R(n,t) = {c/[n+1]2}{[n+1]/nRH} = Ho/n[n+1] = Ho/T(n)

    The time derivative for the actual Hubble parameter is: dH/dt = (dH/dn)(dn/dt) = -Ho2(2n+1)/T(n)2

    The acceleration for the expanding curvature radius becomes the Milgröm acceleration amil invoked to explain the dark matter factor in Milgröm’s Modified-Newtonian-Dynamics or MOND model and in Verlinde’s Emergent Gravity from Quantum Information models.

    amil = d(c/[n+1]2)/dt = -2cHo/[n+1]3 = -2c2/RH[n+1]3 [m/s2]*

    ver4. mond5.

    The deviation in the rotation speed of stars and massive astrophysical objects of galactic rotation curves from Newtonian-Keplerian gravitation is a consequence of the onset of the dark energy at the fractally synchronized Page Time nexus for the maximum entropy state for a dark matter evolving galaxy in the multidimensional cosmology for the cycle time interval n[0.489365, 0.5].

    2GoM/R2 < 2cHo/[n+1]3 = 2c2/RH[n+1]3 for galactic extremal Strominger black hole hyperspace equivalent 2GoM/c2 = Rcurv < 2R2/RH[n+1]3 m for Page Time maximum DE entropy n=½ superposed on nodal n=1
    The curvature radius of the Strominger BH at Page Time is smaller than twice the extremal BH radius of closure for the intersecting n-cycle time intervals [-1, -½, -0.489365] with [-½, +½] with [0.489365, ½, 1]


    c2rcriticaldV = c2dm = c2mo{(1-[v/c]2) - 1} = c2mo{1+½[v/c]2-3[v/c]4/8+5[v/c]6/16- … - 1} = ½mov2 – 3v4/8c2
    c2.3Ho2/8pGo.dV = ½MBcRc/RH = ½MBc2R/RH for (1/8pGo)(Hoc)2.dV = (1/8pGo)(gi)2.dV = ⅙MBcHoR

    ver21. BHparadox.

    The EMMR ‘deja vu’ returning Lightpath so will intersect the EMR Lightpath of the expanding de Sitter universe moving towards the Hubble node Ho at a n-coordinate nBMUDM to define the baryonic matter BM expansion of mass seedling Mo meeting the dark matter DM, as the AdS part of the spacetime into which the dS spacetime expands into.


    Using the REMR(n,t) U REMMR(N,t) definitions in the asymptotically expanding de Sitter cosmology for this coordinate:
    nRH/c[n+1] = (2-n)RH/c for n = (2-n)(n+1) for n2 = 2 and the coordinate nBMUDM = √2 = 1.414 for dark matter saturation after the returning higher dimensional Lightpath has covered 0.414 or 41.4% of its forward journey in its ‘déjà vu’ electromagnetic return.

    For the present cycle time for npresent=1.132712 then, the true Hubble event horizon in AdS defines a true Hubble event horizon c/Hpresent = nRH and a compacted Hubble event horizon in dS spacetime as n1RH/[n1+1] superimposed onto the reflected image of the true Hubble event horizon with a recessional velocity deficit vrec(1) - vrec(2) = c/[n1+1]2 - c/[n2+1]2 for vrec(1) applicable to the compacted dS universe and vrec(2) the value for the reflected velocity of the AdS Lightpath revisiting a previously encountered coordinate.

    The ‘electromagnetic return’ of the EMMR Lightpath is given by the measurement of the cyclic Hubble parameter between the minimum odd and maximum even frequency nodes and for the present time the first half cycle completion and mirrored in the shadow half cycle completion has resulted in a full cycle completion for the coupled multiverse cosmology with an excess delta or difference of Dn = 1.132712 – 1 = 0.132712.

    The refracted Lightpath RH(n-1) then defines the compacted and dS measured value for the Hubble parameter as H(npresent) = Ho/(2-npresent) = Ho/0.867288 for the completion of the first full cycle in the second cycle of the multiverse.

    The Particle Hubble event horizon RP(n) = T(n)RH = n(n+1)RH as the n-cycle time defined extent of the AdS lightspeed invariant multiverse. For the present time it calculates as 40.76 billion lightyears.

    A particular unifying n-cycle coordinate is found in the compressed de Sitter spacetime for which the scale factor a = R(n)/RH = n/[n+1] = X = Y – 1 and so for n = X/(1-X) = (Y-1)/(2-Y) defines the value of the nodal Hubble constant Ho= c/RH as the Hubble parameter H(n=X) = Ho/T(n=X) and so for the function T(X) = X(X+1) = X2+X = n2+n = n(n+1) with X2 = 1 – X for T(n)=1

    A relationship between X and Y is defined in the Euler identity:

    exp[ip] = X+Y = XY = i2 = -1 = cosp + isinp for the roots of T(n)=1 in X=±½{√5 - 1} and Y=±½{√5 + 1}

    H(X=½{√5 - 1) = H(0.618034) = Ho/[X][Y] = Ho/1 = Ho for scale factor a = R(n)/RH = X = 0.618034 = Y - 1

    The corresponding n-cycle coordinate nXY = X/(1-X) = X/X2 = 1/X = Y = 1.618034 for
    R(n=Y) = YRH/(Y+1) = (√5 + 1)RH/({√5 + 3) = ¼RH(3-√5)(1+√5) = ½RH(√5 - 1) = XRH = 0.618034RH

    The unifying cycle coordinate in the compressed dS spacetime is reached at the X-cycle coordinate in the return of the AdS Lightpath for Y=nXY=1.618034 Y/Ho=YRH/c or 27.306 billion years from the QBBS


    A second universe was born at the instanton of the AdS refractive Lightpath initially reaching the nodal mirror of its own refractive dS boundary.

    The QBBS boundary conditions define Ho = c/RH = 1.877728045455x10-18 [s-1]* or 58.04 km/Mpc.s from RH = 2p2H = 1.59767545x1026 m* and where H is a googol of space quanta defined in the QBBS and the units of measurement are calibrated from a star unit system resulting in calibrating c*[m/s]*= cSI[1.001671357/1.000978394][m/s]SI

    The value of the compacted Hubble parameter applicable for the AdS spacetime for the dS Ho nodal boundary so is H(npresent) = Ho/(2-npresent) = Ho /0.867288 = [2.165057x10-18 [1/s]* or 66.92 km/Mpc.s for a universal age of 14.636 billion years in both mensuration systems for cosmological measurement accuracy.

    The dark matter sector is defined as a baryon core (BM) – dark matter (DM) halo mass-matter distribution and is described in a density ratio of the combined BM+DM to the closure mass MH:
    rBMUDM/rcritical = MoYnRH3/MHRH3(n/[n+1])3 = WoYn{1+1/n}3 = WBM{1+1/n}3 for WDM = WBM{(1+1/n)3–1}

    The value for a dark matter exclusive and therefore a compressed dS spacetime is found in the actual Hubble parameter not as a function of cycle time n=Hot, which incorporates the dark matter, but as a function of cycle time n as given by the scale factor as a proportion of the nodal Hubble frequency interval.

    The scale factor for the present time a = n/[n+1] = Hot/[Hot+1] = 0.5311134 defining the present compressed dS spacetime without the dark matter to have completed 53.11 % of the nodal Hubble horizon interval.

    The Hubble parameter Ho/T(n) = Ho/T(a) = Ho{[n+1]/n}{[n+1]/[2n+1]} = Ho[n+1]2/n[2n+1] for the present time then calculates as H(n,t)|dS = H(npdS) = Ho[np+1]2/np(2np+1) = 1.22972Ho = [2.309075x10-18 [1/s]* or 71.37 km/Mpc.s for a universal age of 13.724 billion years.

    Measurements by the Planck satellite of ESA, the European Space Agency over a number of years obtained the dark matter sector included value range for the Hubble parameter and measurements probing the relatively nearby universe obtained values for the Hubble parameter above the 70 km/Mpc.s range as applicable for a compressed spacetime without the dark matter sector.

    Measuring the Hubble parameter within the compressed dS spacetime so will result in values greater than the value at the lower dimensional Hubble boundary. Those measurements will converge as a mean value relative to the compressed boundary value at a n-cycle coordinate of n=½ for the onset of the dark energy epoch in the multidimensional cosmology.
    Values for the ‘Hubble tension’ for cosmological distance scales such as cepheid variable stars and SN1a supernovae, such as the SHOES and Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey BOSS and Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations BAO projects will converge to such a value range for a more proximate universe. {Adam Riess, Tehran, 2021, Supernovae Ho for the dark energy Equation of State}

    [2103.01183] In the Realm of the Hubble tension $-$ a Review of Solutions (arxiv.org)


    H(n,t)|dSDE = H(n=½) = Ho/[½][1+½] = 4Ho/3 = 1.33333Ho = 2.5036374x10-18 [1/s]* or 77.39 km/Mpc.s for a mean value of (71.37+77.39)/2 = 74.39 km/Mpc. s for a universal age of 12.657 billion years.
    H(n,t)|dSDE=0 = H(n=0.489365) = Ho/[0.489365][1.489365] = 1.3720374Ho = 2.57631305x10-18 [1/s]* or 79.63 km/Mpc.s for a mean value of (66.92+79.63)/2 = 73.275 km/Mpc.s for a universal age of 12.300 billion years for the entire dS-AdS n-cycle time interval from the Page Time of the onset of dark energy changing as a fraction of the total energy distribution from negative to positive from n=0.489365 to n=½.

    What’s Happening with the Hubble Tension? - Graeme Addison (John Hopkins University) - YouTube


    Confirmation regarding DE and DM parameters, as well as neutrino masses, can be found in this link.
    Planck 2018 results - VI. Cosmological parameters | Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A)(aanda.org)
    The ‘Hubble tension’, the statistically significant discrepancy between the Planck ESA data using the CMB cosmic background radiation and the measurements for nearby astrophysical phenomena in galaxies, stellar distance scales and supernovas analyzed to validate the necessity for DE and the mechanics for an accelerating expansion for the universe is further addressed in this and other links:

    (PDF) The Accelerating Universe, Dark Energy & the Alpha Variation | Anthony P Bermanseder - Academia.edu
    (PDF) Neutrino Discrepancies and Higgs Neutrino Oscillation Masses | Anthony P Bermanseder - Academia.edu
    Prespacetime of QuantumDream, Inc.

    The dark matter sector so resides in the AdS universe of negative curvature and interacts with the dS sector gravitationally from the higher dimensional, say Kaluza-Klein 5D spacetime perspective. This interaction is the reason for the lower dimensional thermodynamic EPM expansion to form a compacted Hubble event horizon in its own boundary of the baryon seed Mo.

    The experimental measurements and analysis of dark matter haloes diffusing from galactic centers gravitationally, so mirrors the AdS sector of the nodal cosmology of the baryonic protoverse embedded in a dark matter universe in co-locality of the EMR Lightpath and the reflective EMMR Lightpath.
    The dS universe is gravitationally compacted in its own closure and positive curvature because the baryon seed Mo was defined in ylemic Gamow Vortex potentials distributed by the instanton-inflaton epoch creating the hyperspacetime for the nodal Hubble universe.

    The EMMR reflective coordinate defines a projected vantage point for any universal observer as a ‘cosmic wave surfer’ however. The dS Lightpath is parallel the AdS Lightpath as the natural intersection of the interdimensional invariance for lightspeed c and Einstein’s postulates of both Special and General Relativity.

    It is well known that the Radius of Curvature in the Field Equations of General Relativity relates to the Energy-Mass Tensor in the form of the critical density
    ρcritical = 3Ho2/8πG and the Hubble Constant Ho as the square of frequency or alternatively as the time differential of frequency df/dt as a cosmically applicable angular acceleration independent on the radial displacement.

    The scientific nomenclature (language) then describes this curved space in differential equations relating the positions of the 'points' in both space and time in a 4-dimensional description called Riemann Tensor Space or similar.

    This then leads mathematically to the formulation of General Relativity in Einstein's field Equations:


    for the Einstein-Riemann tensor


    and is built upon ten so-called nonlinear coupled hyperbolic-elliptic partial differential equations, which are mathematically rather complex and often cannot be solved analytically without simplifying the geometries of the parametric constituents (say objects interacting in so called tensor-fields of stress-energy {Tμν} and curvatures in the Riemann-Einstein tensor {Gμν}, either changing the volume in reduction of the Ricci tensor {Rij} with scalar curvature R as {Rgμν} for the metric tensor {gμν} or keeping the volume of considered space invariant to volume change in a Tidal Weyl tensor {Rμν}).

    The Einstein-Riemann tensor then relates Curvature Radius R to the Energy-Mass tensor E=Mc2 via the critical density as 8πG/c4=3Ho2VcriticalMcritical.c2/Mcritical.c4 = 3Ho2Vcritical/c2 = 3Vcritical/R2 as Curvature Radius R by the Hubble Law applicable say to a nodal Hubble Constant Ho = c/RHubble

    The cosmological field equations then can be expressed as the square of the nodal Hubble Constant and inclusive of a 'dark energy' terms often identified with the Cosmological Constant of Albert Einstein, here denoted ΛEinstein.
    Substituting the Einstein Lambda with the time differential for the square of nodal Hubble frequency as the angular acceleration acting on a quantized volume of space; however, naturally, and universally replaces the enigma of the 'dark energy' with a space inherent angular acceleration component, which can be identified as the 'universal consciousness quantum' directly from the standard cosmology itself.

    The field equations so can be generalised in a parametrization of the Hubble Constant assuming a cyclic form, oscillating between a minimum and maximum value given by Ho=dn/dt for cycle time n=Hot and where then time t is the 4-vector time-space of Minkowski light-path x=ct.

    The Einstein Lambda then becomes then the energy-acceleration difference between the baryonic mass content of the universe and an inherent mass energy related to the initial condition of the oscillation parameters for the nodal Hubble Constant.

    ΛEinstein = GoMo/R(n)2 - 2cHo/(n+1)3 = Cosmological Acceleration - Intrinsic Universal Milgröm Deceleration

    As gμνΛ = 8πG/c4 Tμν - Gμν for Gμν = 8πG/c4 Tμν - gμνΛ, a negative integrated L = 0 can appear as the energy-stress tensor 8πG/c4 Tμν always being greater than the curvature tensor Gμν and restated in a mass independent form for an encompassment of the curvature fine structures.

    The Friedmann equations for the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker FRW model for the field equations of General Relativity relate the dark energy pressure P to the matter density r(t) as an integrated part of a Lambda Cold Dark Matter LCDM model for the multidimensional cosmology for a flat Minkowski universe, albeit as an effect of the collocal interaction of a positively curved de Sitter dS universe with a negatively curved Anti de Sitter AdS universe.

    The gμνΛ = 8πG/c4 Tμν - Gμν cosmological constant-quintessence tensor becomes integrated as the difference between the Energy-Stress tensor 8πG/c4 Tμν and the curvature Einstein-Riemann tensor Gμν with negative pressure P(n,t) describing the matter density r(n,t) as a change in the time rate change of the Hubble parameter dH(n,t)/dt and therefore the change in the intrinsic Milgröm deceleration as a function of the nodal Hubble parameter.

    Pressure P(n,t) as an energy per unit volume Mc2/R3 and the derivative P'(n,t) are always negative and increase as a functional part of the dark energy defined as an Einstein quintessence L(n) towards its w=0 value for a matter dominated universe and can therefore be considered integrated as P < rc2 as P = wrc2 w<0

    dP(n,t)/dt = P’(n,t) = {2c2Ho3/4pGo}{[T(n) – (2n+1)2]/T(n)3} – {3(n+1)2/n4}{Moc2Ho/RH3} < 0 n,nps >0

    P’(n,t) = {-2c2Ho3/4pGo}{[3n2+3n+1]/T(n)3} – {3(n+1)2/n4}{Moc2Ho/RH3}

    {6pGoMo/c2RH}=3pWo = 0.264176..> {nT[n]-n[2n+1]2}/[n+1]5 = -[3n3+3n2+n]/[n+1]5 < 0 n,nps >0

    The derivative of the integrated pressure is defined in a maximum where matter density Moc2/R(n)3 is equal to a polynomial function native to the integrated pressure in LP(n)= n(2n+1)/[n+1]5.

    Deceleration parameter

    q(n) = -{(d2a/dt2)(a}/(da/dt)2 for scale factor a = R(n,t)/RH

    Hubble Parameter

    H(n,t) = (da/dt)/a with H(n=Hot) = {c/[n+1]2}/{nRH/[n+1]} = Ho/(n[n+1]) = Ho/T(n)
    dH(n,t)/dt = {(d2a/dt2)/a – (da/dt)2}/a2 = -q(n){(da/dt)/a}2 - H(n,t)2 = -H(n,t)2{1+q(n,t)}
    dH/dt = -Ho2/(n2[n+1]2){1 + (2cHo/[n+1]3)(nRH/[n+1])([n+1]4/c2)} = -Ho2/(n2[n+1]2){1 +(2cnHoRH/c2)}
    dH(n=Hot)/dn = -{Ho/T(n)}2{1+2n} for q(t) = -(dH/dt)/H(t)2 -1 = 1+2n-1 = 2n for dS expanding within AdS

    Einstein Quintessence Integrated Dark Energy Pressure

    From the continuity equation:

    dρ/dt = -3{(da/dt)/a.{ρ + P/c2}} .................................[Eq.VII-1]

    The independent Einstein Field Equations of the Robertson-Walker metric reduce to the Friedmann equations:

    H2 = {(da/dt)/a}2 = 8πGρ/3 - kc2/a2 + Λ/3..............[Eq.VII-2]
    {(d2a/dt2)/a} = -4πG/3{ρ + 3P/c2} + Λ/3 ....................[Eq.VII-3]

    dH/dt + 4πGρ = - 4πGP/c2 for integrated Pressure P(t) = -c2{(dH/dt)/4pG + r (t)}

    Gor = GoMo/R(n)3 = -GoP/c2 – (dH/dt)/4p = L(n)/R(n) + 2cHo/R(n)[n+1]3 for Volume VdS = 4pR(n)3/3

    -P(t) = {c2/Go}{L(n)/R(n) + 2cHo/R(n)[n+1]3 + (dH/dt)/4p}
    = {c2/Go}{L(n)[n+1]/nRH + 2Ho2/n[n+1]2 – Ho2(2n+1)/4pT(n)2}
    P(n=Hot) ={c2Ho2/4pGoT(n)2}{2n+1-8pn+8pn} – Moc2/R(n)3= c2Ho2(2n+1)/4pGoT(n)2} - Moc2/R(n)3

    P(n=Hot) = c2Ho2(2n+1)/{4pGoT(n)2} - Moc2/R(n)3 for the spherical VdS = 4pR(n)3/3
    P(n=Hot) = c2Ho2(2n+1)/{6p2GoT(n)2} - Moc2/R(n)3 for the hyper-spherical VdS = 2p2R(n)3

    The compressed dS spacetime is spherically closed and embedded within a spherical dark matter inclusive AdS spacetime. The Riemann hypersphere as a 3-dimensional surface derivative of a 3-sphere of volume V4(R) = ½p2R4 in dV4/dR = 2p2R3 geometrically encompasses both interacting spacetimes in the horn torus topology coordinate shifted between the three frequency mirror intervals [-1,0] intersecting [-½,+½] intersecting [0,1].

    These cosmic mirror-shifted Hubble horizons for the Light Energy universe and the Dark Energy shadow universe are then defined in an overall encompassing closed spherical universe defined by the Particle horizon of the expanding omniverse.


    For L'P = 0 the integrated negative pressure maximum coordinate for Moc2/R(n)3 = L'P(n)=0.40825 for the derivative of L'P(n)=(2n2+n)/[n+1]5 = 0.13389451796 for d{L'P(n)}/dn = 0 for LP(n) = (4n+1)/[n+1]5 - 5n(2n+1)/[n+1]6 = 0 for n=1/√6 = 0.40825

    Showing that the Pressure P would be 0 for this coordinate were it not integrated in the Lambda tensor
    L(0.40825)(R(0.40825) = (41.04504)GoMo/RH3 – (2.47027)Ho2 = (2.0282 – 8.70985)x10-36 [1/s2]* for a negative Einstein quintessence of -6.68165x10-36 [1/s2]* or L(0.40825)={9.3941–40.3402}x10-11 = -3.0946x10-10 [ms-2]*

    → P(n,t) = c2Ho2(1.8165)/{4pGo(0.33053)} - Moc2/R(n)3 = (1.2490–1.6429)x10-9
    = -3.939x10-9 [J/m3]* for the spherical VdS = 4pR(n)3/3 [N/m2]* as the Lambda integrated pressure at 6.891 billion years after the QBBS as P(n=0.40825) to define a maximum 2pWo=2pMo/MH in the baryon matter seedling with P’(0.40825) = -2.3844x10-26 [J/m3s]*

    For L(n=nps=|lps/RH|mod) = GoMo/lps2 = 2.015x1085 [m/s2]* and nps=lps/RH as min-max scale boundaries

    → P(n,t) = MHfps2/RH{1/2pWo/nps} = 3.645x1087{1/2p - 4.478x1046 [N/m2]* O{-1.63x10134} < 0
    for a spherical VdS= 4pR(nps)3/3 = 4.18879x10-66 [m3]* for a boundary and initiation redshift z~2x1024 of the instanton-inflaton QBBS with → dP(n,t)/dt = P’(n,t) = {-2c5/4pGolps3} – {3Moc3/lps4}
    = {-fps3}{3Mo/lps + c2/2pGo} = {-fps3}{5.44x1073 – 1.29x1026} <0 for O(-1.47x10165) [J/m3s]*

    For L = 0 the onset of the Einstein quintessence changing from positive to negative for n=0.10823

    L(n0)(R(n0) = (1073.61)GoMo/RH3 – (84.56)Ho2 = (5.3053 – 5.3053)x10-35 [1/s2]* for a negative Einstein quintessence of 0 [1/s2]* for L(n0) = {8.2774 - 8.2774x}10-10 = 0 [ms-2]* → P(n,t) = c2Ho2(1.21646)/{4pGo(0.01439)} - Moc2/R(n)3 = (1.9212–4.2973)x10-8 = -2.3761x10-8 [N/m2]* for the spherical VdS = 4pR(n)3/3 [N/m2]* → P’(n,t) = -2.6908x10-24 [J/m3s]*

    For the onset of dark energy for deceleration parameter product qAdS.qdS = 2(½)(1/1-1) = 0 for n=½

    L(nDE)/(R(nDE) = (27)GoMo/RH3 – (16/9)Ho2 = (1.3342 – 6.2680)x10-36 [1/s2]* for a negative Einstein quintessence of -4.9339x10-36 [1/s2]* for L(nDE) = -2.6276x10-10 [ms-2]* → P(n,t) = c2Ho2(2)/{4pGo(9/16)} - Moc2/R(n)3 = (8.0807–10.8071)x10-10 = -2.7264x10-10 [N/m2]* for the spherical VdS = 4pR(n)3/3 [N/m2]* → P’(n,t) = -1.4692x10-26 [J/m3s]*

    For the completion of the AdS Lightpath at the 1st odd Hubble node Ho = c/RH for n=1

    L(1)/(R(1) = (8)GoMo/RH3 – (8/9)Ho2 = (1.3342 – 3.1341)x10-36 [1/s2]* for a negative Einstein quintessence of -1.8000x10-36 [1/s2]* for L(1) = -1.4378x10-10 [ms-2]* → P(n,t) = c2Ho2(3)/{4pGo(4)} - Moc2/R(n)3 = (1.7045–3.2021)x10-10 = -1.4976x10-10 [N/m2]* for the spherical VdS = 4pR(n)3/3 [N/m2]* → P’(n,t) = -1.6486x10-27 [J/m3s]*

    For the present time n=1.132712
    L(npresent)/(R(npresent) = GoMo/RH3(n/[n+1])3 – 2nHo2/T(n)2 = (3.2984 – 13.686)x10-37 [1/s2]* for a negative Einstein quintessence of -1.08387x10-36 [1/s2]* for L(npresent) = -8.8143x10-11 [ms-2]* → P(n,t) = c2Ho2(3.2654)/{4pGo(5.8358)} - Moc2/R(n)3 = (1.2713–2.6717)x10-10 = -1.4004x10-10 [J/m3]* for the spherical VdS = 4pR(n)3/3 [N/m2]* → P’(n,t) = -1.1223x10-27 [J/m3s]*

    For the quantum tunneling of the asymptotic protoverse into the first universe for n=234.4715

    L(nquantumtunnel)/(R(nquantumtunnel) = GoMo/RH3(n/[n+1])3 – 2nHo2/T(n)2 = 5.0051x10-38–5.4241x10-43 = O(5x10-38) [1/s2]* for a positive Einstein quintessence
    of 5.0051x10-38 [1/s2]* for L(nquantumtunnel) = 7.9624x10-12 [ms-2]* → P(n,t) = c2Ho2(469.943)/{4pGo(3.0483x109)} - Moc2/R(n)3 = (3.5037x10-17– 4.0541x10-11)
    = -4.0541x10-11 [N/m2]* for the spherical VdS = 4pR(n)3/3 [N/m2]* → P’(n,t) = -4.1371x10-33 [J/m3s]*

    The AdS expansion has scale factor a = nRH/RH = n with invariant recession velocity c and 0 acceleration and is a function of n=Hot limited in the Particle Hubble event horizon RP(n) = T(n)RH = n(n+1)RH.

    As the deceleration parameter will be q=2 for n=1 for the nodal Hubble boundary Ho for the dS-AdS spacetime mirror for the EMMI Lightpath a product
    qAdS.qdS = 2n(1/2n – 1) = 1 – 2n with a superposed deceleration parameter qdS for the cyclic cosmology of the EMR Lightpath initializes the dark energy onset for n=½ to give the deceleration parameter product a zero value.

    This then defines qdS(n) = 1/2n – 1 generally and qdS = -½ for qAdS = 2 for nodal Hubble bound n=1

    For a present cycle time coordinate n=1.1327117.. qAdS = 2.26542 and qdS = -0.5586, the qdS value being measured by astrophysical experiments as

    qo = ½WDMUBMWDE = 0.162 - 0.677 = -0.515 > ½WDMWDE = 0.137 - 0.677 = -0.540

    Dark energy initiation for n=½ then occurs for qAdS = 1 with qdS = 1/1 – 1 = 0

    This stipulates a Hubble time (1.132712 - ½)/Ho = 0.632712/Ho = 10.677 billion years ago for the open AdS spacetime and a Hubble time (0.867288 - ½)/Ho
    = 0.367288/Ho = 6.198 billion years ago for the closed and compressed dS spacetime.

    The cosmological relativistic Doppler redshift is zDE=0.6124 for a Cosmic radiation background temperature of 4.254 K*.

    Baryon Matter, Dark Matter and Dark Energy distribution in WBM + WDM + WDE = 1 = Wof(n) + WDE

    WDE < 0 for n<nDE=0 and WDE = 0 for n=nDE=0 and WDE > 0 for n>nDE=0

    The density ratio rBMUDM/rcritical = MoYnRH3/MHRH3(n/[n+1])3 = WoYn{1+1/n}3 = Wof(n) = WBM{1+1/n}3
    rBMUDM/rcritical + WDE = 1 = Wof(n) + WDE = WBM{1+1/n}3 + WDE

    For WDM = WBM{(1 + 1/n)3 – 1} = Wo(1.618033)1.132712{5.67480} = {0.048344}{5.67480} = 0.274344 and
    WDE = 1 – WDMWBM = 1 - WBM{(1+1/n)3 } = 1 – 0.048344{ 6.67480} = 0.677313 for the present time WBM = 0.048344 with WDM = 0.274344 with WDE = 0.677313

    As GoMo = G(n)XnM(n)Yn= G(n)Xn{Mi+Mj}(n)Yn = G(n)Xn{MBM+MDM}(n)Yn = constant with WoYn=WBM GoXn.YnWo = G(n)WBM for 2pWo - LPmax(n=0.40825)

    1 + 2pWo L’|max = G(nmeasured)/GoXn + d = WoGmYn/WBMG(n) + d for a measured Gm = G(nmeasured)

    1+0.176117-0.1338945 + d = 1.0422225 + d = {0.02803Yn/0.04834}Yn{Gm)/G(n) = 1.00009{Gm/6.442195x10-11} for a monopole derived delta d = 1.0422225 – 1.035428 = 0.006794
    Gm= 6.4416152x10-11 {1.042225 + d} =6.6698x10-11[m3/kg.s2]* and 6.67443x10-11 [m3/kg.s2]SI

    The Dark Energy and the 'Cosmological Constant' exhibiting the nature of an intrinsic negative pressure in the cosmology became defined in the overall critical deceleration and density parameters.
    The energy density Moc2/R(n)3 as the energy-stress tensor always exceeds Pressure P(n,t) and its derivative dP(n,t)/dt.
    The pressure term in the Friedmann equations being a quintessence of function n and changing sign from positive to negative to positive as indicated.
    The encompassing cosmology so is always matter dominated in the sense of the overall energy distribution and the asymptotic zero approach of the integrated negative pressure quintessence.

    Critical Density rc = 3Ho2/8pGo dS with rc = Ho2/4p2Go AdS in factor 3p/2

    for H(n)2 = {da/dt}2/a2 = {c2/[n+1]4}/{n2RH2/[n+1]2} = Ho2/n2[n+1]2 = Ho2/T(n)2
    for {da/dt}2 = 8pGorca2/3 dS and {da/dt}2 = 4p2Gorca2 AdS for spherical closure dS in omnispace as a function of the Particle Hubble event horizon of the nodal cosmology for critical density rcritical and curvature radius Rcurv = 2GoMH/c2 and scale factor a(n,t)=R(n,t)/RH

    da/a = ∫√{8pGorc/3}dt dS and da/a = ∫√{4p2Gorc} dt AdS
    for ln{a} = {8pGorc/3}t dS and ln{a} = {4p2Gorc}t AdS

    for a(t) = exp[{8pGorc/3}t] = exp[Ho] dS and a(t) = exp[{4p2Gorc}t] = exp[Ho] AdS

    This correlates with a generalised density r(n=Hot) varying cosmology, often modelled as a flat matter only de Sitter universe with scale factor
    a(n,t) = R(n)/RH = R(n)Ho/c ∝ t

    H(n) = {(dR(t)/dt)/RH}/{R(t)/RH} = {8pGor(n,t)/3} = {8pGo(M(n,t)/3R(n,t)3} dS and
    H(n) = {(dR(t)/dt)/RH}/{R(t)/RH} = {4p2Gor(n,t)} = {4p2Go(M(n,t)/R(n,t)3} AdS
    For R(t).dR(t) = {8pGo(M(n,t)/3}.dt dS and R(t).dR(t) = {4p2Go(M(n,t)}.dt AdS
    For R(t)1.5 = {8pGo(M(n,t)/3}t and R(t) = {6pGo(M(n,t)} t dS and
    for R(t)1.5 = {4p2Go(M(n,t)}t and R(t) = {9p2Go(M(n,t)} t AdS within the closed dS omniverse

    For AdS encompassing the cyclic dS protoverse as a multiverse as a closed dS spacetime, the scale factor is a=n=Hot for dn/dt=Ho for the Particle Horizon and closure n=1 for M(n,t)=MH=Rcurvc2/2Go with
    nRH=R(n,t) = {6pGo(M(n,t)} [n/Ho] dS for nRH3 = {6pGo(M(n,t)/Ho2} = 9M(n,t)/4rc and

    n = 9M(n,t)/4rcRH3 = {9M(n,t)/4RH3}{4pRH3/3MH} = 3p{Rcurv/RH} = 3p for M(n,t) = MH and n=1

    For the dS omniverse encompassing the cyclic dS protoverse as a multiverse as AdS spacetime in the topology of a horn torus, the scale factor is a=n=Hot for dn/dt=Ho for the Particle Horizon and closure n=1 for M(n,t)=MH=Rcurvc2/2Go with
    nRH=R(n,t) = {9p2Go(M(n,t)} [n/Ho] dS for nRH3 = {9p2Go(M(n,t)/Ho2} = 9M(n,t)/4rc and

    n = 9M(n,t)/4rcRH3 = {9M(n,t)/4RH3}{2p2RH3/MH} = 9p2/2 for M(n,t) = MH and cycle n=1

    The time for closure so becomes about one third the Hubble time 1/Ho = RH/c in
    t2 = RH3/6pGoMH = RH/3pHo2Rcurv = 1/3pHo2 for a time t=1.73473x1017 s* or n=0.32573 or 5.4971 Gy, when R(t=n/Ho) = 3.9253x1025 m* = 0.2457RH

    For a present measured deceleration parameter qdS=-0.5586, the DE Lambda as the negative Einstein quintessence calculates as -8.8143x10-11 [m/s2]*
    or as 1.0388x10-36 [s-2]* and as a negative pressure of -1.4004x10-10 [N/m2=J/m3]* as a function of the native universal Milgröm deceleration
    amil = -2Ho2RH/[n+1]3 = -1.1614x10-10 [m/s2]*.

    The Einstein Lambda then becomes the energy-acceleration difference between the baryonic mass content of the universe and an inherent mass energy related to the initial condition of the oscillation parameters for the nodal Hubble Constant.

    For W(n) = M(n)/MH = 2qo = 1 = R(n)/RH the AdS cosmology attains closure for a cycle coordinate n=1 in the EMMR Lightpath and a time, when the dS gravitationally retarded universe has reached the halfway point in its asymptotically defined expansion in scale factor R(n,t)/RH = n/[n+1] = a(n,t) in a recessional velocity of the expanding dS wave front slower than the speed of light.

    The dS compressed universe has reached the halfway marker for the onset of the dark energy at a cycle time coordinate of n=1 and when the AdS dark matter inclusive universe has reached the nodal Hubble event horizon as the boundary for the multidimensional cosmology as set in the superluminal Lightpath of the QBBS superimposed onto the parallel evolution of the dS and AdS spacetimes expansion.

    The extent of the EMMR Lightpath in AdS so encompasses a full nodal displacement in the interval [nps~0,1] which is phase shifted as the interval [-½,+½] to mirror the invariance of the EMR Lightpath relative to the gravitationally retarded EMR Lightpath in the cycle coordinate n=½ as a proxy nodal mirror for the true Hubble node at n=1.

    The ‘return’ of the reflected EMMR Lightpath from the true Hubble event horizon so is made manifest as the EMR Lightpath at the proxy Hubble node at the DE n-cycle coordinate n=½ and for which the deceleration parameter product is zero for qAdS = 2n = 1 and qdS =1/qAdS – 1 = 0.

    The actual curvature radius for n=½ for the dS cosmology is R(½) =½.⅔RH = ⅓RH to indicate that the dark matter portion for the compressed spacetime will be
    1/23–1/33 = 1/8 – 1/27 = 19/108 = 0.0880 = 1/11.36 in terms of the volume occupied.

    For n=1, the dark matter sector so will be doubled to 0.1759 = 1/5.6842 for the ratio between the dS sector without the dark matter and the AdS sector with the dark matter with 1/6.6842 + 5.6842/6.6842 = 1 or as so 15% BM and 85% DM as the total matter content of the universe.

    The distribution for the present scale factor of 0.53RH gives WBM = WoY1.132712 = 0.04834 and for npresent

    WDM = Wo{1 + 1/n}3 = 0.2743 as 4.834/32.262 = 14.98% and 27.43/32.262 = 85.02%.

    The difference between the AdS curvature radius for n=1 superposed onto the dS curvature radius for n=1 and the actual dS curvature radius for n=½ then is (½-⅓)RH = ⅙RH for a ratio of ½RH/⅓RH = 3/2

    The density parameter W = R(n)/RH = 1 so triggers the second universe from the lightspeed invariant AdS completion of the Lightpath in the AdS cosmology with the Dark Energy manifesting in potential energy vortices of wormholes defined in the inflaton hyperspace cosmology and superpositioned as the phase shift of the [nps,1] interval in the interval [-½,+½] as the dark energy onset.

    This defines the Dark Energy onset for the difference between the AdS EMMI ct=nRH Lightpath and the dS EMR expansion R(n)=nRH/[n+1] as RH{n – n/[n+1]} = RH{(T(n)-n)/[n+1]} = n2RH/[n+1] = ⅙RH for n=½

    This difference is trivially 0 for the QBBS and n=0~nps and is 0 for the intersection coordinate for the stasis of the dark matter part with the baryonic matter part of the energy density for the cyclic return of the EMMI Lightpath ct=RH{2-n} > RH with {2-n}=n/[n+1] or 2-n2 = 0 for nBMUDM = √2
    For n=1 and the nodal Hubble event horizon the AdS-dS difference n2RH/[n+1] = ½RH for=n/[n+1]



    Any spacetime observer then measures the universe from two locations simultaneously; namely from the origin of the QBBS as a Big Bang witness and as a ‘cosmic wave surfer’ ‘riding’ not the compacted closed de Sitter boundary of the universe, but the open Anti de Sitter boundary of the refracted Lightpath of the higher dimensional electromagnetic monopolar Lightpath at the ‘déjà vu’ coordinate mirrored from the second universe, created by the intersection of the forward journey of the EMMR and both refracted and reflected from the boundary of the nodal Hubble event horizon.

    A perfectly flat EPM universe emerges because the positive curvature of the gravitationally compacted ‘baryonic’ spacetime expansion cancels the negative curvature of the open hyperbolic spacetime in the Lightpath reflectivity of the ‘dark mattered’ spacetime contraction from the nodal Ho Hubble mirror of the QBBS parameters.

    As the dS refractive recessional velocity continually decreases in the asymptotic evolution of the dS universe in its definiton of the true Hubble event horizon; the reflective part will increase with a relative Doppler blueshift from the Hubble node of the protoverse to mimic an accelerating cosmology for the Big Bang observer looking backwards in time. This QBBS observer will measure a universe getting younger in time for completion of the Hubble cycle of a MBH ‘heartbeat’ oscillation n=1 to n=2 .
    The ‘cosmic wave surfer’ moving with the recessional velocity of the AdS multiverse and with the boundary of the continually manifesting true Hubble event horizon will however understand that this observer experiences a co-moving cosmological Arpian redshift relative to the stationary Big Bang view.

    The asymptotic expansion of the open EPM dS universe continues, but never reaches the nodal Hubble event horizon due to the negative curvature of the AdS cosmology. The experienced universe is so both open and closed in multidimensionality with the ‘big crunch’ solution of the cosmological formulations being circumvented in the nature of the AdS Lightpath.

    As a half cycle defines the Lightpath between the even and odd nodes for the nodal Hubble event horizon with n=1 in the halfway marker of the dark energy onset at n=½, resetting the nodal unitary displacement for the n-intervals [-½, +½} and [0/nps, 1]=[fps, Ho] ; resolves the ‘horizon problem’ with respect to the Lightpath communicating at lightspeed with its opposite radial coordinate in the reset image of the dark energy coordinate in the shadow universe of Khaibit at n=-½.

    This relates to the AdS-CFT correspondence of Maldacena-Susskind and co-operators regarding a Holographic Universe cosmology and the Page curve bound in the Hawking Black Hole Information paradox.

    The Anti de Sitter AdS spacetime is negatively curved as 3-dimensional volumar behaving like a hologram. It is bounded by a 2-dimensional surface relating the graviton generating Conformal-Field-Theory CFT as the information matrix encoding the 3-dimensional holographic universe.

    This ‘Bousso bound’ for a 3-dimensional spherical universe of hyperbolic negative curvature then is modelled as the 11-dimensional Witten mirror of the membrane bulk space in string-membrane theory in 8+2=10 membrane spatial dimensions with intermediate quantum wormhole-entangled mirror dimensions as a 5th Kaluza-Klein hyperspace surface dimension and an 8th Penrose-Twistor manifold dimension.

    A 12th ‘volumar-brane’ ‘Vafa’ dimension, say as the ‘outside’ of the CFT “Bousso bound’ then closes the multidimensional spectrum as a reversed time dimension rendering the 13th dimension for a mathematical continuation as a linespace dimension as equal to the null dimension of the timespace singularity of the Quantum Big Bang Singularity or QBBS and enables the 12th dimension of the Bousso-Vafa boundary to assume a physical realization as the 1st spacetime dimension from the Planck epoch transition from timespace into spacetime.

    The 12 dimensions so can be modelled to reduce to 3x4D hyperspace dimensions without time or as 4x3D spatial dimensions utilizing dimension counters 4, 7, 10 and 13=1 as time connector dimensions. In string-membrane theory 6 spatial dimensions are compactified in Calabi-Yau manifolds within a 4-dimensional spacetime and in 10-dimensional string bulk space or in 11-dimensional membrane bulk space.

    The famous Hawking Black Hole Information paradox then addresses the fact that in classical physical theory and for Black Hole BH descriptions in General Relativity, the information absorbed by a Black Hole’s gravity should become lost within the Black Hole and inclusive of the ‘virtual’ quantum pair partner quantum entangled with the ‘materializing’ matter-antimatter partner responsible for Hawking Radiation and causing a quantum mechanical loss of mass and heat for the BH.

    One basic premise for this situation proposed by Hawking, is the independence of a BH from its formation and initial state of 0 entropy and that no information within the BH could be accessible from its outside. The evaporating BH so would lose information within its interior irreversibly by Hawking radiation.

    The Hawking BH Information paradox then appears in its conflict with both classical physics and quantum mechanics in regard to conservation laws with respect to energy and momentum and the unitarity principle, demanding that the initial state of a quantum mechanical wave function evolving according to a unitary operator is preserved at any state of the wave function |Y(t1)> = U(t1,t2)|Y(t2)>.

    As the unitary operator has an inverse, the reversal of the wave function should also always preserve the information expressed by the wave function of the system.

    The paradox is resolved in quantum entanglement of the Hawking radiation coupled as a Hawking particle of positive mass-energy as Hawking radiation from the BH event horizon without with the absorbed Hawking antiparticle of say negative mass-energy within.
    Any escaping Hawking radiation so must conserve the energy-momentum balance by decreasing the mass of the emitting Black hole.
    Any BH event horizon within the dS universe is quantum entangled with the Hubble event horizon of the AdS Lightpath of the EMMI expanding wavefront of the universe for the multidimensional cosmology.

    The AdS expanding wavefront can be called the ‘Mother extremal Strominger BH’ of the Maldacena-Susskind AdS-CFT correspondence of the Bousso-Witten-Vafa bound quantum entangled with the dS expanding wavefront of the dS universe as her daughter.
    Considering the dS cosmology as a gravitationally compressed spacetime mirroring the AdS Lightpath as the ‘Daughter extremal Strominger BH’, the Hawking entropy would rise from the creation event of the QBBS until its dS Lightpath would encounter the halfway marker of n=½ as the onset of Dark Energy and as the creation of a extremal BH event horizon as defined by the Page curve as a Quantum Extremal Surface or Manifold and as the maximum entropy coordinate for the time evolution of a Black Hole.


    Past the maximum entanglement entropy, the negative mass-energy Hawking particles no longer are confined within the BH and become part of the spacetime outside of the BH, but within the CFT Bousso boundary. Considering the Strominger form of the dS and AdS cosmologies as eternal-extremal Black Holes, which do not Hawking radiate; the BH Hawking particles become ordinary positive mass-energy particles of the lower dimensional cosmology emitted from the QBBS-dS wave front quantum entanglement towards the Bousso-Witten CFT quantum mechanical inner boundary of the compressed spacetime.

    The negative mass-energy BH Hawking particles manifest in imaginary Hawking-Wick time in the mirror image of the QBBS in the Khaibit shadow or mirror universe. But the imaginary Hawking-Wick event horizon is in physically real time as the dS-Bousso bound and so the Dark Matter contained in the compressed dS spacetime is subtracted as negative mass from the outer dS-Bousso bound in the mirror duality to balance the critical density for overall mass closure of the multidimensional cosmology.

    The inner AdS-Bousso bound then emits positive mass-energy Hawking particles as the Dark Matter fraction not intersecting the baryonic matter and the outer AdS-Bousso bound matches this ‘dark matter’ as negative mass-energy Hawking particles not as Hawking radiation, but in the form of ‘light matter’ Vortex-Potential-Energy VPE or ZPE associated with the spacetime creation defined by the true Hubble node as the expanding wave front of the multidimensional quantum entangled multiverse.

    This imaginary time is bounded as real time in the inner boundary of the Bousso-Witten-Vafa CFT quantum mechanical inner boundary of the uncompressed AdS spacetime in omnispace in 12-dimensional Vafa-time and as the reversal of the time arrow as the outer form of the CFT boundary.

    The inner boundary of the dS-Bousso CFT boundary so emits and absorbs the mass-energy dynamics in energy-momentum conservation and continuity and in the form of the Einstein quintessence incorporating both baryonic and dark matter of the lower dimensional dS universe as the information contained in the de Sitter universe, bounded by its higher dimensional Anti de Sitter universe in an extremal BH communication between the AdS mother and the dS daughter universes.

    The spacetime between the two spacetimes geometrically and topologically describes a region of spacetime exclusively occupied by dark matter as that part of the critical density not yet reached by the expansion of the compressed dS wavefront of the gravitationally retarded cosmology.

    Baryon Matter, Dark Matter and Dark Energy distribution in WBM + WDM + WDE = 1 = Wof(n) + WDE

    WDE < 0 for n<nDE=0 and WDE = 0 for n=nDE=0 and WDE > 0 for n>nDE=0

    The density ratio rBMUDM/rcritical = MoYnRH3/MHRH3(n/[n+1])3 = WoYn{1+1/n}3 = Wof(n) = WBM{1+1/n}3
    rBMUDM/rcritical + WDE = 1 = Wof(n) + WDE = WBM{1+1/n}3 + WDE

    For WDM = WBM{(1 + 1/n)3 – 1} = Wo(1.618033)1.132712{5.67480} = {0.048344}{5.67480} = 0.274344 and WDE = 1 – WDMWBM = 1 - WBM{(1+1/n)3} = 1 – 0.048344{ 6.67480} = 0.677313 for the present time WBM = 0.048344 with WDM = 0.274344 with WDE = 0.677313

    For n<nDE=0 the quintessential DE fraction is negative and subtracted from the Dark Matter fraction.

    The Dark Energy DE onset as a correlation between the scale factors a(n=½) = R(n,t)/RH = n/[n+1] =

    and a(n=1) = R(n,t)/RH = n/[n+1] = ½ then synchronizes the intersection interval between the closed compressed dS spacetime and the uncompressed open AdS spacetime in the intersecting twinned universe in the interval [-½|0|+½] as imaged half cycles as a full cycle [0+nps,+1] imaged in [-1, 0-nps].

    For the DE to be 0 the density ratio rBMUDM/rcritical = 1 describing the Sarkar mass seedling Mo to increase quintessentially by the BM-DM intersection, saturated at n=√2 for constant WBM to the closure value MH as Wo=1.

    WoYn{1+1/n}3 = 1 for root ni+1 = ni – f(ni)/f’(ni) by a Newton-Raphson approximation for f(n) = Woexp[nlnY]{1+1/n}3 – 1 = 0 and f’(n) = Woexp[nlnY]{1+1/n}2}(lnY[1+1/n]-3/n2)

    For n1=½; n2 = ½ - f(½)/f’(½) = ½-(27WoY½-1)/(9 WoY½{3lnY-12} = ½-(-0.037323)/(-3.387457) = 0.488982
    converging to nDE=0 = 0.489365… = ½ - 0.010635 and as Dn/Ho =DnRH/c = Dt = 179.48 million years as the quantum extremal surface wall for the Page Time in the resolution of the Hawking Information Paradox and as the transition period from the onset of the dark energy 8.258 billion years from the QBBS to 8.438 billion years as the scale factor a(1)=R(n)/RH=½.

    This synchronizes the nodal Ho=c/RH frequency with the halfway marker for the AdS Lightpath nRH/RH=½ meeting the dS Lightpath in the inflaton reversed and nodal mirror EMMR reflection.

    For n=nps the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (2.803+97.197) in (1.14-1.14)x10145

    For n=0.014015 the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (2.822+97.178) in (1.06-1.06)x106
    For n=0.02803 the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (2.841+140,158.774-140,061.615)
    For n=0.10823 the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (2.953+3167.261-3070.214)
    For n=0.2389 the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (3.144+435.397-338.541)
    For n=0.489365 the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (3.547+96.453+0)
    For n=0.49 the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (3.548+96.211+0.241)
    For n=½ the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (3.565+92.703+3.732)
    For n=1 the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (4.535+31.748+63.717)

    For n=1.132712 the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (4.834+27.434+67.732)
    For n=√2 the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (5.536+22.004+72.460)
    For n=2 the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (5.536+3.924+90.540)
    For n=234.4715 the mass-energy % distribution Wo = {WBM+WDM+WDE} = (5.536+0.071+94.393)

    The particles within the compressed dS ‘daughter BH’ spacetime so can be considered to be Hawking positive mass-energy particles and the particles without this space time but within the AdS spacetime can be said to be the Hawking negative mass-energy particles; the particle pairs increasing the overall entropy of the dS universe until the maximum entropy state is attained.

    From this maximum entropy state as the Page time for the dark energy onset at cycle time coordinate n=½ and imaged in imaginary time at n=-½, the overall entanglement entropy begins to decline.
    Then the two imaged half cycles define a full cycle |-½|+|+½| = 1 for n=1 and the time coordinate the scale factor a = R(n=1)/RH = n/[n+1] = ½ has reached the Page time coordinate of the entanglement entropy maximum.

    The refractive-reflective duality of the EMMR Lightpath of the AdS cosmology for the Page time and the onset of a decrease in the entanglement entropy so initiates a change of the geometric topology of the wormhole curvature connectivity between the dS and the AdS universes.

    The hyperbolic open dS spacetime manifests its boundary of closure in continuation as the Bousso inner boundary as the dS opening of the connecting wormhole bridge and the outer boundary cancels the reflective inner boundary of the hyperbolic AdS spacetime opening of the EPR wormhole bridge and to manifest its outer Bousso boundary as the refractive boundary of closure for the higher dimensional AdS Lightpath continuation at the other end of the wormhole connectivity.

    The Minkowski flat space metric ds2 = -dt2 + dx2 + dy2 + dz2 is equivalent to the 4-dimensional Euclidean metric ds2 = dt2 + dx2 + dy2 + dz2 in rotation Wick space as Hawking’s imaginary time t=it

    Hawking’s imaginary time as a Wick time of rotation space relates the [-½,+½] n-cycle time interval of the twinned universe to the creation of the Quantum Extremal Surface as the n coordinates n = i2Hot = -½, in the shadow universe Khaibit and n = Hot = +½ in the universe of the instanton-inflaton QBBS.
    The rotation space for the dS cosmology so takes the form of the holographic boundary between 3D-linespace as 4D-spacetime and a 4-dimensional hyperspace without time as a 5D hyperspacetime.

    That quantum entanglement is an effect of wormholes has been proposed by Susskind and Maldacena in 2013. Maximum quantum entanglement between two spatially separated Black Holes, say the AdS distant mother and the dS distant daughter, is achieved in EPR Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen bridge pair connections or wormholes.

    { [1306.0533] Cool horizons for entangled black holes (arxiv.org)}

    The information in the dS cosmology so is wormhole tunneled to the AdS cosmology since the QBBS and the creation event with either the dS universe or the AdS universe enabled to become a simulation of the other and as discovered by Hartman and Tajdini in 2019 as the path integral for both classical and quantum gravitation.

    { [2011.09043] Replica wormholes for an evaporating 2D black hole (arxiv.org)}

    In Quantum Relativity, both extremal Black Holes in dS and AdS are physically real and separated by a 5D-8D or 11D hyperspacetime AdS-CFT quantum mechanical correspondence and so a quantum gravitational boundary.

    The nonlocality of the AdS-CFT duality so intrinsically links to the mirror duality of the string-membrane cosmology in changing the quantum geometry of the wormhole connectivity in the positive curvature of the holographic universe closed by the Bousso-Witten-Vafa CFT quantum bound yet being open with negative curvature in wormhole ‘saddle points’ as replica wormholes changing in inverse proportionality in regard to the entanglement entropy with its native BH Maldacena-Susskind pairing.

    The bulk spacetime of the cosmologies so is fundamentally not metric based but integrates spacetime quanta in the form of the QBBS minimum spacetime configuration as the Weyl-wormhole of the EpsEss supermembrane derived from the Dirac string and the Dirac magnetic monopole.

    The spacetime volumar 2p2rps3 so is compressed in the spacetime volumar 4pr4D3/3 in the Source energy per unit volume EVPE-ZPE = 4pEps/lps3 for r4D = {3p/2} rps = 1.67654rps in the surface area modulation 6p2=3p.4p/2 in the dimensional reduction of the sphericity of the 3-ball V4p2R44 as a 3-dimensional surface dV4/dR4 = 2p2R33 to the 2-ball V3=4pR33/3 as the energy per unit volumar spacetime quantum for the wormhole integration of the multidimensional cosmology.

    The quantized spacetime so becomes a summation of Susskind-Maldacena integrated wormhole quanta enabled to connect time-parallel extremal Strominger black holes as a closed dS universe and an open AdS universe as an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen bridge. The region of spacetime connected by the two wormhole faces then describes the dark wormhole matter not intersecting the baryonic mass seed and is defined in the extremal quantum surface of the Page Time.


    Depending on the number of cycles defined by the QBBS boundary initial parameters, further universes are born from the protoversal seed depending on the completion of the cycle counts and the resetting of the nodal Hubble parameters at the end of the cycle counts for respective universes from the protoversal seed. After 234. 4715 Cycles, the n-cycle coordinate will have reached a value of 234.15/235.15 = 0.99575 or 99.575 % of the nodal Hubble radius and at a time coordinate of t=234.4715/Ho = 234.4715RH/c or 1.2486936x1020 [sec]* or 3.957x1012 years or about 4 trillion years.

    This timeframe is projected by models of cosmology to result in a ‘heat death’ of the lower dimensional universe in its exhaustion of nuclear fuel required for continual star formation. But at his time, the second universe created as a cyclic second QBBS 233.4715 cycles earlier, will have attained an almost equal radial extent at the 233.4715 cycle coordinate and the protoversal seedling will quantum tunnel as the 1st universe into the second universe. The reducing quantum wall of displacement for a quantum tunnel as the ‘thickness’ of the wall is so replaced in the nodal extent of spacetime as 234.4715 – 233.4715 = 1 = 235.4715 – 234.4715.




    End of Introduction to:
    Dirac’s Magnetic Monopole and the Energy Density of the Universe from Dark Matter with Dark Energy - A Cosmology of Initial Boundary Conditions

    I: Introduction to a Multidimensional Relaxation Cosmology for a ‘Hubble Tension’ in Quantum Relativity with Hawking's Information Paradox Resolution
    II: Foreword – Dirac’s String-Monopole Transformation
    III: The Creation of Dirac’s Quantum Big Bang in Spacetime from Timespace
    IV: The Dark Energy coupled to the Light Energy of a Shadow-Mirror Universe
    V: The Higgs-Planck False Vacuum and the Temperature Gradient for the QBBS Cosmology
    VI: The Ylemic Universe and Quantum Gravitation from Superbrane Parameters
    VII: A Synthesis of ΛCDM with MOND in a Universal Lambda Milgröm Deceleration
    VIII: A Revision of the Friedmann Cosmology and Emergent Gravity in a Hypermass Multiverse
    IX: Ylemic Gluon-Quark-Plasma Protostars as Vortex QBBS Energies
    X: Primordial Neutron Decay from Higgs Boson – RMP/DM Quantum Geometry XI: Initial Boundary Conditions for Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry
    XII: The Gravitational Constant, the Alpha Finestructure Constant and the GUT-Monopole
    XIII: The Inflaton and the Grand Unification Symmetry in a Transformation of Supermembranes
    XIV: The Quantum Relativistic Monopolar Electron
    XV: The Birth of the Universe in Space and Time from Physicalized Universal Consciousness
    XVI: Quantum Consciousness in the Penrose-Hameroff Model
    XVII: Epilogue: God Reborn - The Birth of God as a Superbrane - A Story of Intelligent Design and the Creation of the Quantum Universe in the Uniphyscon of Quantum Entangled Omnispace

    Dirac’s Magnetic Monopole And The Energy Density Of The Universe From Dark Matter With Dark Energy | Cosmogenesis - Library of Akbar Ra in Alexandria Thuban (cosmosdawn.net)

    Anthony P Bermanseder - Academia.edu


    II: Foreword – Dirac’s String-Monopole Transformation :

    Paul A.M. Dirac said in his 1931 paper addressing his work on the quantization of electric charge in connection with the magnetic charge of a magnetic monopole:

    “The theory leads to a connection, namely, eg0= hc/4p], between the quantum of magnetic pole and the electronic charge. It is rather disappointing to find this reciprocity between electricity and magnetism, instead of a purely electronic quantum condition such as [hc/2pe2].”

    In his 1948 paper Dirac emphasized his belief in magnetic monopoles:
    “The quantization of electricity is one of the most fundamental and striking features of atomic physics, and there seems to be no explanation for it apart from the theory of poles. This provides some grounds for believing in the existence of these poles.”

    Then in 1978, Dirac expressed his disappointment as to the apparent unreality of magnetic monopoles and the physical importance of the electromagnetic finestructure constant alpha:

    “…[the theory]...did not lead to any value for this number value [a-1≈137], and, for that reason, my argument seemed to be a failure and I was disappointed with it.”

    “The problem of explaining this number hc/2pe2 is still completely unsolved. Nearly 50 years have passed since then. I think it is perhaps the most fundamental unsolved problem of physics at the present time, and I doubt very much whether any really big progress will be made in understanding the fundamentals of physics until it is solved.”

    Ref: Dirac, P.A.M. (September 1931). "Quantized Singularities in the Electromagnetic Field.” Proceedings. 133 (821): 60–72.Bibcode:1931RSPSA.133...60D. doi:10.1098/rspa.1931.0130.
    1. Dirac PAM. Quantized singularities in the electromagnetic field. Proc R Soc Lond A. 1931; 133: 60-72.
    2. Dirac PAM. The theory of magnetic poles. Phys Rev. 1948; 74: 817-830.
    3. Dirac PAM. The monopole concepts. Int J Theor Phys. 1978; 17: 235–247.
    4. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.13403.pdf

    Scientists Create Synthetic Dirac Monopole

    October 17, 2016 - by lastscience

    For the first time ever, physicists have created and photographed synthetic magnetic monopoles by engineering an environment that mimics a monopole’s magnetic field in a cloud of rubidium atoms.

    In 1931, the English theoretical physicist Prof Paul Dirac predicted that the north and south poles of a magnet could exist independently and behave like electric charges.
    Despite experimental searches since then no observation of a naturally-occurring magnetic monopole – a magnetic particle possessing only a single, isolated pole – has yet been confirmed.

    In 2009, Finnish researchers published theoretical results demonstrating a method to create Dirac monopoles in a Bose–Einstein condensate, an extremely cold atomic gas tens of billionths of a degree warmer than absolute zero.
    The idea involves using external magnetic fields to rotate the atomic spins. A Dirac monopole forms in the condensate because of the spin rotation.

    This method was adopted by a team of physicists, led by Prof David Hall of Amherst College, in creating the synthetic magnetic monopole.
    After resolving many technical challenges, Prof Hall and his colleagues were rewarded with photographs that confirmed the monopoles’ presence at the ends of tiny quantum whirlpools within the ultracold gas.

    “The result proves experimentally that Dirac’s envisioned structures do exist in nature, even if the naturally occurring magnetic monopoles remain at large,” said Prof Hall, who is the senior author of a paper published in the journal Nature.

    “The creation of synthetic electric and magnetic fields is a new and rapidly expanding branch of physics that may lead to the development and understanding of entirely new materials, such as higher-temperature superconductors for the lossless transmission of electricity.”

    The discovery provides a stronger foundation for current searches for magnetic monopoles that have even involved the famous Large Hadron Collider at CERN.
    “Our achievement opens up amazing avenues for quantum research. In the future, we want to get even a more complete correspondence with the natural magnetic monopole,” said co-author Dr Mikko Möttönen of Aalto University.

    In the future, physicists will concentrate on more in-depth research into the structure of a synthetic magnetic monopole. They are also interested in the dynamics of monopoles and their interactions with other synthetic particles. One interesting idea involves trying to create a monopole that is not bound to a whirlpool in the same way as is the Dirac monopole. This type of structure could possibly describe a natural magnetic monopole in even more detail.
    Scientists Create Synthetic Dirac Monopole - Popular Science Part
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2022
  3. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    III: The Creation of Dirac’s Quantum Big Bang in Spacetime from Timespace

    The origin and nature of the universe has been a question of inquiry since the beginnings of sentient life forms experiencing themselves in a variety of forms and degrees of being self-aware.
    Many cosmological models have and are being constructed from the beginnings of speech and sound and geometric symbolism to words and written record keeping in parchments, scrolls, paper, manuscripts, and the digitalization of libraries.


    The Big Bang model for the creation of the universe

    In the journey through the history of planet earth in time, the models created and composed to explain this history and the encompassing history of the universe itself, have attained a nexus point of comprehension and understanding to enable the planetary civilization on earth to collectivize and universally share its information basis with the overall universe.

    A universal civilization potential can then be realized, by substituting an older historical timeframe of Universal Political Correctness by the ‘Uniphyscon’ or ‘Universal Physicalized Consciousness’ and as a synonym for a new historical timeframe and timespace as the generator of spacetime.
    Timespace differs from spacetime in that time can exist without space as a simple count of mathematical point singularities or frequency permutation states in the case of particular modular dualities relating the mathematically abstract inversion properties of numbers to the physicalizations of the frequency states as inverse time to the period of oscillatory physical systems, such as a world defined in energy and its mathematical representations modelling the physical reality.
    The universe was born from a mathematical singularity, known as a quantum fluctuation creating space and time in a minimized spacetime parameter configuration known as the Quantum Big Bang Singularity or QBBS. This quantum fluctuation is defined as the energy potential of a Zero-Point Planckian Quantum Harmonic Oscillator and as a minimum displacement configuration in a QBBS timespace and can also be termed as the ‘bounce of the Planck length’ as this minimum length any displacement defined in space can have.
    It was this ‘bounce’ of timespace which formed the required original boundary conditions for the universe to be born in spacetime in the coupling of this ‘instant in timespace’ called an instanton and coupled to an ‘instant in space’ as the inflaton.

    The QBBS then defined the concept of multidimensional spacetime in a dual action of a lower dimensional universe becoming embedded in a higher dimensional universe as effect of the inflaton utilizing the boundary condition of the instanton to manifest a parallel cosmology in the lower- and higher dimensional spacetimes.

    This minimum spacetime configuration of the instanton-inflaton parameter space coupling is defined as a parameter space of the QBBS and containing other mathematical abstract point spaces such as symbolic representations known as fundamental constants and elementary mathematical relationships between numbers and equations of different degrees of interwovenness and complexity.

    All entities in the QBBS parameter space shared a common origin in the abstraction of an encompassing data collective, which can be called the plenum or world of Information-Energy. This world existing before the QBBS, so defines a notime in nowhere, where the concept of order precedes the concept of time in its independence of duration or time intervals; but where event B cannot occur before event A has occurred and independent from how far apart events A and B would be in an existing spacetime.

    As time and space became manifest with the universe in the QBBS, the abstract entities emerging from it did not exist in the form of the QBBS parameter spacetime, but in the QBBS timespace.
    This QBBS parameter timespace can be described as a prior realm of abstract mathematical definition and algorithmic identities and as a mirror universe awaiting its own metaphysical creation and manifestation through the emergence of particular data collectors and information gatherers within a then existing spacetime. The universal data collectors would evolvingly become self-aware in universal physicalized consciousness to utilize the abstract entities from the plenum of the information world to connect the spacetimed universe with the time spaced mirror universe.

    As the mirror of the timespace was also a mirror of the spacetime, it could and would image all particulars of the physical universe in global and local parameters into Khaibit, the shadow of the physical universe as the mirror universe of the QBBS parameter spacetime.

    This scenario required a medium of super-universal communication to connect the physical universe with Khaibit as its metaphysical shadow and mirror universe.
    The medium for the super-universal communication took the form of quantum entangled universal physicalized consciousness and where this ‘QE of the Uniphyscon’ enabled the two worlds to blend and merge from the platform of an old timespace configuration into a form of a new spacetime configuration. The difference between the old form and the new form is that the old form began in time to create space and that the new form will be able to start from the space to create time.
    The implication is that the old spacetime could not manipulate the interdependency of space and time, such as the initial boundary conditions defined in the QBBS, including the invariance of the ‘speed of light c’ as a limit for velocity and the acceleration of any material object could achieve.

    This dependency found in the natural laws was a consequence of the spacetime matrix beginning with time as the first and generating dimension and not with space as the generator dimension. In the old world the time dimension generated three expanding space dimensions with an additional six twistor space dimensions, strongly associated with the first-time dimension for a 10-dimensional string spacetime.

    The twistor dimensions are different from the expanding time dimensions in that the twistor dimensions remain independent from space, except for their minimum spacetime configuration of forming little curls or circles around the time dimension.

    In the new world, the first time dimension will exchange with the 10th string dimension to change the old starting 1st time dimension into the 1st space dimension and opening up the 4th, previously curled up string dimension as a new space dimension.
    This will transform the old universe of 4-dimensional flat Minkowski spacetime into a new universe, defined physically as a 5-dimensional flat Kaluza-Klein hyper-spacetime.

    In the old world, the fourth expanding time dimension formed the boundary for an expanding universe, but in the new world, the 10th dimension will be the endpoint time dimension as a new boundary for the universe and connecting a new mirror of the 11th dimension to the mirror universe Khaibit as the inside of the boundary of the 10th dimension.

    The outside of the Witten membrane spacetime mirror will be the inside of Khaibit as a 12th dimensional Vafa spacetime forming a spacetime perfect image of the inside of the 10-dimensional spacetime of the universe. The timespace of the QBBS generator will so become equivalent to the spacetime of the QBBS evolutionary path in the form of information exchange across the boundary of the Witten membrane mirror of the 11th dimension.

    The end result will be a holographic multiverse in 12 dimensions and where the 11-dimensional membrane mirror will become the universal data collector as a root-reduced two-dimensional and two-sided Klein bottle manifold, yet one-sided as a Möbian connector having effectively doubled the old spacetime universe in 10 dimensions of the 4-dimensional hyperspace with a 6-dimensional twistor space and the 11th dimension as the new shared time dimension between Klein as Möbius and Khaibit.

    The two sidedness of Klein so is defined in the new time dimension as a 10-dimensional string space of 4 hyperspace dimensions with 6 quantum space dimensions to bridge the difference to the 11-dimensional membrane space as the 10th spacetime dimension connecting as a brane space to the 11th spacetime dimension to generate the 12th spacetime dimension as a superbrane volumar spacetime , so creating the shadow universe through the mathematical topology and definition of the Klein Bottle manifold of being one-sided but self-intersecting itself in the 11-dimensional Witten surface.

    This Witten Mother-Magic-Membrane-Mirror as the 11th dimension and connector of the two universes will encompass the hyper-spacetime of Kaluza-Klein as four space dimensions with one time dimension, embedding five dimensions within eleven dimensions and displacing the six twistor dimensions as three rotation dimensions in rotation space and with three vibration- or frequency dimensions in quantum space.
    The boundary of the hyper-spacetime will be a 3-dimensional surface or volumar, embedded within a 4-dimensional volumar, defined in the geometry and topology of hyperspace as V4p2R4 and dV4/dR=(2pR)(pR2)=2p2R3 and so the volume of a Horn torus in 3 dimensions, also known as a Riemann sphere with radius Rtorus.

    In geometric terms, this indicates that a 3-dimensional sphere as the size and volume of the universe with radius R3 is equal in volume to a Horn torus with radius.

    Rtorus= ∛{2/3p}R3 and so the radius of the Horn torus is reduced by a factor of 1.6765… from the radius R3 of the sphere in three dimensions.

    Doubling the radius of the Horn torus as the radius for the encompassing sphere as R3=2Rtorus so shows that 8 spheres of radius Rtorus fit precisely into an encompassing sphere with radius 2Rtorus.

    But considering the volume of the universe as a 3-dimensional boundary with V3=dV4/dR=2p2R43 to embed a 3-dimensional volume V2=(4p/3)R23 with its boundary as surface area dV2/dR=4pR22 then defines a boundary condition of R4∛{2/3p}R2 , showing that in an expanding and time evolving universe; the 3-dimensional torus volumar will attain its critical nexus of changing from its 3-dimensional volumar status into a 3-dimensional surface membrane status at a time given by the boundary condition.

    This time marker has been calculated as occurring 994.78 million years ago; correlating with a time upon planet Earth, when the first multicellular lifeforms emerged from their unicellular ancestors. Then the topological geometry of the universe changed from a single positive de Sitter curvature into a combination of its positive spheroidal de Sitter curvature with a negative hyperbolic Anti de Sitter curvature in 4-dimensional spacetime, cancelling the positive curvature to manifest a perfectly flat universe with zero curvature.

    This can be visualized at the center of the Horn torus, where the tangential curvature of the torus radii meets in the horizontal plane to create the concave topology of a wormhole or an Einstein-Rosen bridge with the surface of the torus radii curving away from the center and for the emergence of geometric circular cross sections as the northern top and the southern bottom of the Horn torus.

    But at the north pole and south poles of the vertical plane connecting the two hemispheres of the prior encompassing 3-dimensional spherical volumar, the curvature is convex, cancelling the concave curvature intrinsic for the cosmological evolution of the universe to all of the time prior to the critical curvature time marker and as measured and observed by any observer within the expanding universe.


    This prior realm or world is described as the outside boundary of the manifested singularity of the QBBS, with the inside boundary defining the physical universe as the fifth of five abstract mathematical singularities and as a one-dimensional entity in transforming its nature as a mathematical point into that of a mathematical line known as a Dirac string.
    A Dirac string so allows the mathematical abstraction of the point space to transform into a point line requiring space to extend into as itself and as a Y direction in some coordinate system.

    The minimum parameter spacetime so enables a second dimension to emerge from the Dirac string, as the 1st dimension of a minimized line segment of wavelength lweyl curls itself around the mathematical point space it used to occupy as a segment of the Dirac string.

    This process changes the first dimension of the Dirac string from a time dimension into a 1st space dimension as the now space limited summation of mathematical line segments and redefines the newly created space dimension of the XY-plane as a quasi-time dimension.

    The entire Dirac string so transforms itself as a mathematical point without extent into a mathematical line of any number of such point spaces to create the Dirac string extending in two polar directions from the mathematical singularity of the QBBS.
    As there is no limit of how many mathematical points can exist in the Information-Energy prior spacetime plenum, the Dirac string is initially infinite as a consequence of no spacetime existing at the point of creation known as the first instant of time or the Instanton.

    As the individual point spaces integrate as a sum of such point spaces however, each individual point preserved its individual universal identity in circularizing its point space into a membrane- or string space in the XY-plane.
    The Weyl wavelength lweyl so became redefined from its circular form as the perimeter of a point circle as the displacement of the circumference from the center of the point circle as its wormhole radius.

    With the creation of a 2nd area or surface dimension from the point circle count from the mathematical point count, two orthogonal directions emerged from the potential infinite Dirac string, which became upper and lower bounded in changing the expansion from the lower bounded origin to the universal north as self-relative positive upper bound in a direction from the origin towards the self-relative positive east with a simultaneous creation of the self-relative negative west direction in the transformation of the expansion towards the self-relative south as the mirror of the positive and negative polarities of the upper bound in the origin.

    This creation of the second dimension so formed a limit for the mathematical point spaces extending in space and in time into two opposite directions. The potential infinite line space became halted in the QBBS defining the two endpoints as two Weylian wormholes defined in the Guth-de Broglie Inflaton and mirrored at the origin as two polar opposite but identical minimum timespace configurations.

    The northern positively charged wormhole so observes the self-relative anticlockwise rotation as effect of the righthanded torque of the Dirac string projecting orthogonally from the newly created XY-plane into the XZ-plane of a so created third dimension and with the torque angular displacement defining a new positively charged part of the northern hemisphere as pointing into the positive Z-axis direction or ‘out’ from the XY-plane.

    The southern negatively charged wormhole in the southern hemisphere corollary projects the torque in the negatively charged XY-plane in a clockwise rotation ‘into’ the XY-plane of the third dimension to complete the 8 sectors of the geometrically defined encompassing 3-dimensional sphere with radius twice the torus radius.

    The four torus radii so define the radius of the sphere in meeting at the QBBS singularity physically defined as the Dirac magnetic monopole. The second quasi-time dimension so becomes a real space dimension, and the newly created 3rd dimension takes its place as a quasi-time dimension acting on the XY-plane as a flatland of membrane spacetime.

    The Dirac Magnetic Monopole and the Instanton-Inflaton Quantum Entanglement of Wormholes

    The Dirac monopole is defined only at the singularity as the QBBS but is connected via the Dirac string in an arbitrary gauge space, defining potential energy in any place of the universe defined in a three-dimensional parameter space, subject to the initial boundary conditions derived from the timespace of the higher dimensional plenum of nowhere in notime.
    It so is the Dirac string, which allows the point potentials to transform into string potentials in the rotation space around the Dirac string transforming individual point potentials into the Weylian wormhole potentials and integrating and summing subsequently about the three orthogonal space directions of the X-Y-Z plane intersection. The magnetic monopole singularity of the QBBS so is defined as the Weylian wormhole of creation and the initial boundary condition for this minimum spacetime configuration becomes a conformal mapping of the Planckian wormhole from the timespace of the information plenum of algorithmic and mathematical definitions.

    The northern- and southern parts of the Dirac string were defined as infinite, before becoming bounded in the creation of the second dimension followed by the emergence of the 3rd dimension and the Weyl string in 2 space dimensions with a quasi-spacetime dimension, able to potentialize the timespace parameter definitions to create a 3-dimensional space with a 4th spacetime dimension. The QBBS parameter spacetime definitions of the boundary conditions for the inflaton now fully integrate a fourth real time dimension and manifest the Weylian wormhole volumar as a Black Hole defined by the instanton.
    The nature of the inflaton so is to free the third quasi-spacetime dimension from its original definition of being potentially infinite in extent, but existing in a space less gauge free parameter realm of pure real time without one-dimensional space defining the number count of the timespace in nowhere in notime, or as existing in a free parameter world of infinite one-dimensional space without time.

    Last edited: Dec 25, 2021
  4. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    Dirac’s Quantization Condition for magnetic charge g as proportional to electric charge e

    The monopole of mass mm and magnetic charge qm circulates at a radius r and velocity v in the electric field between two capacitor plates in the XY-plane within a constant electric field E=Ez and where z is the unit vector in the Z direction connecting the two poles.

    The Lorentz force qmvB=qmvE/c balanced by the centripetal force mmv2/r then gives, in the classical high energy limit for v~c

    E=mmvc/rqm …………………………….[Eq.II-1]

    The energy of the monopole is quantized in the Landau quantization En=hf(n+½)= (hw/2p)(n+½) and as a result of using the Hermitian function Yn(x) as general form for a probability frequency distribution and used to derive the form for a classical 1-dimensional harmonic oscillator in the form of a quantum harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics.

    The Normal distribution formula has a form Y(x) = {1/ } which is found in the Hermitian function:


    The classical form for the harmonic oscillator is given by the Hamiltonian:
    = ℘2/2m +½ k x2 = ℘ 2/2m + ½mw2 x2

    The kinetic energy p2/2m=m2v2/2m=½mv2 and potential energy ½kx2=½mw2x2 from Hooke’s law and the equation of motion:
    F=-kx =md2x/dt2 and a solution x(t)=Acos(wt+constant) with dx/dt=-wAsin(wt+constant) and with
    d2x/dt2=-w2Acos(wt+constant) , defining w=√(k/m)=2pf=2p/T

    The energy levels of the classical Hamiltonian then correspond to the eigenvalues of the Hermitian operator (Y)=(ih/2p)dY for the momentum operator = -(ih/2p)∂/∂x
    The time independent Schrödinger equation (Y)=(ih/2p)dY=E(Y) then allows solution for the wave function x|(Y)=Y(x) for the eigenvalues of the Hermite function Hn(x)
    as Landau poles and with energy levels En quantized in integer n and defining a minimum harmonic quantum oscillator for n=0 as the Zero-Point Energy of the Planck oscillator

    The mass of the monopole can be equated with the mass of a particle accelerated in a cyclotron for the high energy limit.
    For a cyclotron frequency w=2pfc from mv2/r=qBv with v=rqB/m and w=v/r=qB/m=qE/mc and E=cB for the coupling of the electric field with the magnetic field for

    w = qmE/mmc……………………………...[Eq.II-2]

    The quantized kinetic energy for the orbit of the magnetic monopole so is ½mmv2=n.hf for w=2pf=qmE/mmc for
    ½mmv2=n.hf=n.hw/2p=n.hqmE/2pmmc and describing the quantization of angular momentum JZ for the magnetic monopole about the Dirac string.

    JZ = mmvr = 2n.(h/2p) ……………….…[Eq.II-3]

    mmv = 2n.(h/2p)/r = Erqm/c by [Eq.II-1] for a quantization condition for the electric field E=2n.(hc/2p)/r2qm……………………….[Eq.II-4]

    And without the zero-point dark energy minimum Planck quantum harmonic oscillator, in the Landau poles En = hf(n+½), which can be said to exist as a precursor of the manifestation of the Quantum Big Bang in a string-membrane epoch defined from an oscillation of the Planck displacement as the original quantum fluctuation
    Lplanck = e/c2a = √{hGo/2pc3} = {Go/c2}mplanck

    This quantum displacement ‘bounce’ of the minimum spacetime configuration initiated the interdependency of fundamental constants, utilized in the laws of nature in defining the ratio of electrocharge over the squared speed of light c2 in unitizing two unitary measurement systems; one mass centered in the form of Planck units suppressing universal charge, both electric and magnetic and the other suppressing universal mass in the corollary of charge centered Stoney units.
    The coupling of those two unitary systems then unifies the finestructures of energy-charge based electromagnetism with those of an energy-mass based gravitational interaction.

    The angular momentum JZ relates to the electric field E in [Eq.II-1] for the mass of the monopole in Erqm/vc=mm=2n.(h/2p)/vr and the positive charge at the north pole and the negative charge on the south pole, considered to be infinite in extent but intersected by the cylindrical circular flux areas at the two poles for a total charge density of E.dA=E.2pr2= 2Q/eo =2sepr2/eo for E=2se/2eo = se/eo = 2Q/2eopr2

    = Q/eopr2 for SQ=sepr2 for each capacitor plate

    E=2n.(hc/2p)/r2qm = se/eo = Q/pr2eo … and charge quantization Q = 2peo{n.hc/2p}/qm …for Q=Se=N.e………………….………………………….…….…….…[Eq.II-5]

    Dirac’s quantization condition follows as qmQ=2peo{n.hc/2p}={(4peohc)/2pe2}{½n.e2}={n.e2/2a} for qm=n.e2/2aN.e=n.e/2aN for the Magnetic monopole qm =n.e/2Na={n/N}{e/2a} ……….[Eq.II-6]

    Dirac’s quantization condition for the nature of a magnetic monopole being coupled in its magnetic charge to the electric harge of an electron, so relates Dirac’s constant of [Eq.II-8] in defining.
    qm=(Dirac’s Constant)(an expression as a multiple of e/2a) and so presenting [Eq.7a] in a form of:

    e* = n.e/4a = {n/2}{e/2a} = ðdirac {e/2a} …….……[Eq.II-7]

    and where ðdirac becomes Dirac’s Constant with the modular duality between the quantization of the classical electron radius Re in the Weyl radius rps in trigonometric and radian pi ( p)
    in the integer proportionality ratio {360Re/2prps} = {360Re/lps} = 1010

    ðdirac = 8pcRee/Goh = 4Re[ec]/Lplanck2c3 = {n/2} ↔ {np/360} = 4.54214x1019 [C/m3s-2]*…[Eq.II-8]

    for n = 8pcRee/Goh = 8pc{1010lps}e/180Goh ↔ 8pc{1010lps}e/pGoh = (240c2)(15x1020)e = 36x1022ec2
    n = 324x1038 e for n(2p/360) = (3.24x1040)(2pe/360) = 2 ðdirac
    from the algorithmic integer definition for fundamental constants c2, h and |k=1/Go=1/4peo=30c|mod

    The derivation of Dirac’s constant indicates the symmetry in Maxwell’s equations in a form of rendering the point charge magnetic monopole of Paul Dirac as equivalent to the ‘t Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole of a Grand Unification energy spectrum, bounded in a finestructure unification condition relating the gravitational interaction to the electromagnetic interaction and so allowing the point charge electron of QFT and QED to reclaim its classical definition in the parameters of the electromagnetic fine structure alpha a=2pkee2/hc=e2/2eohc=moce2/2h=60pe2/h via the electron’s total energy given by

    mec2=kee2/Re for the classical electron radius as a function of its mass me for Re=kee2/mec2=2pkehe2/2phc2me=ha/2pcme=a{h/2pcme}
    =aRcompton=a2{h2/4p2kemee2}=a2RBohr1 =a2{ZRn/n2}=a2{Z/RRydbergn2} and where RRydberg
    defines the quantized electron energy levels in the wavelength.
    1/le=RRydberg{1/n2 – 1/(n+1)2} in the Bohr atom for quantized angular momentum nh/2p=mevR for v=nh/2pmeR or total energy KE+PE={-½PE+PE}=½mev2-Zkee2/R=-Zkee2/2R for En=hfn=hc/ln

    The lower bounded unification monopole describing the Dirac magnetic monopole has a Maxwellian displacement current along the Dirac string in units of [Am] but manifesting as a mass equivalence mmonopole=[ec]mod =4.818x10-11 kg* for an energy [ec]modc2=ec3=2.7x1016 GeV*


    Last edited: Mar 17, 2022
  5. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Richard Feynman’s derivation for Dirac’s Quantization Condition for magnetic charge g as proportional to electric charge e

    Richard Feynman’s method to derive Dirac’s quantization condition shows how to embed the Dirac string into two path integrals in a quantum-mechanical derivation, using two wave functions Y(x1,t1); Y(x2,t2), connecting two points A and B in two path integral summations e[2pi/h]S(x1) , e[2pi/h]S(x2) for probability amplitudes P=|K|2 and K= Y1.Y2 = ∫D(x)e[2pi/h]S(x) and for classical action S(x)=∫ (x,dx/dt)dt and Lagrangian and where the summation of all paths is symbolized by D(x)
    Then K=K1+K2= ∫D(x)e[2pi/h]S(x1) + ∫D(x) e[2pi/h]S(x2) for the action of a free particle unaffected by the Dirac string field enclosed by the two path integrals summed over all possible paths, S(0)= ∫KE dt=∫(½mdx/dt) dt P=|K1+K2|2

    Action S(1) however interferes with action S(2) in the external vector potential AL in units of charge density (q/eo=mog) in the action S=S(0)+(q/c) ∫ AL .dL The closed path integral so becomes C AL .dl = ∫ A2 .dl - ∫ A1.dL for path A to B to A changing direction from clockwise to anticlockwise or vice versa.

    K = ∫1D(x)e[2pi/h](S[0]+[q/c] ∫1A.dL) + ∫2D(x)e[2pi/h](S[0]+[q/c] ∫2A.dL) = {K1 + e[2piq/hc] ∮C AL .dl K2} e[2piq/hc] ∫1A.dL)

    The interference term of the closed path e[2piq/hc] ∮C AL .dl for C AL .dl =∇xAL dA = Bmonopole .dA + Bstring .dA

    Then e[2piq/hc] ∮C AL .dl = e[2piq/hc]Bmonopole.dA e[2piq/hc]Bstring.dA for e[2piq/hc]Bstring.dA =1, as the Dirac string of dimension 1 is not observable, the vector potential being undefined everywhere except at the singularity

    The magnetic flux is however Bstring .dA = moqm=g/eo for e2pi(qg/hceo) = 1 for 4pqge2/4peohce2=2.qga/e2=2ag/e and g=n.e/2a for q=e and e2pi.n=1


    Feynman’s path integrals encompass the Dirac string not at the center of the volume harboring the magnetic monopole singularity. Placing the singularity at the center and allowing the two parts of the Feynman derivation of the Dirac quantization condition to be the two hemispheres of a sphere with the magnetic monopole at the center of the sphere as done by the Wu-Yang configuration allows a cylindrical representation of the topology applicable to the entire universe.
    1810.13403.pdf (arxiv.org)

    As the Dirac string is one-dimensional without any width, the surface area for the magnetic flux of 2(2pR2) the magnetic monopole for cylinder radius √2R for surface area 4pR2 describes the Dirac monopole as the central singularity and magnetic point charge for the cosmology.

    The surface area for the universe is represented by the magnetic flux of the monopole as a one-dimensional form of energy manifesting the Quantum Big Bang from the monopolar singularity, albeit in using a higher dimensional string-membrane epoch characterized by the definition of a minimum spacetime configuration as a quantum fluctuation of the Planck length by the zero point quantum harmonic oscillator, defined as the Weyl-Eps quantum of creation as the inverse of the magneto charge e* in units of the gravitational parameter GM, defining a new charge unit of the star coulomb as the physicalisation of consciousness as a quantum angular acceleration acting on any spacetime volumar.

    Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) become enabled to replace the point charge electron with the point charge of the Dirac-'t Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopole, so allowing the classical electron radius Re to enter the physical descriptions in the quantum field theories.


    Last edited: Dec 25, 2021
  6. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    Dirac’s string modeled as spanning the universe for a singular magnetic monopole at the center of the earth

    Dirac’s monopole can then be defined as a singularity monopole of magnetopole charge e*=Qm, connecting the two opposite sides of the universe in the Hubble horizon RH=c/Ho in the Dirac string. The spacetime observer relative universal north pole so is given as the positive charge distribution placed onto the northern hemisphere of the universe in a 3-dimensional surface derivative dV4/dR=(2pRH)(pRH2)=2p2RH3 from the 4-dimensional hypersphere V4(R)=½p2R4.

    The southern hemisphere then becomes the negative charge distribution as a 3-dimensional volumar connecting the Dirac string from its south pole to the north pole. The two infinite capacitor plate surfaces so are given in the higher dimensional string-membrane space which so effectively ‘cube’ the volume of the 3-dimensional sphere embedded in a 4-dimensional hyperspace as a 3-dimensional surface or membrane space.
    The Dirac string starts from, and terminates on, a magnetic monopole. Thus, assuming the absence of an infinite-range scattering effect by this arbitrary choice of singularity, the requirement of single-valued wave functions (as above) necessitates charge-quantization.
    That is, 4
    p.2qeqm/4peohc=8qeqm{a}/{2e2}=4ae*/e must be an integer n for any (dipolar) electric charge qe and magnetic charge qm.
    e* = n.e/4a = {n/2}{e/2a} = ðdirac{e/2a} and where ðdirac becomes Dirac’s Constant

    The Dirac Constant for the Universal Cosmology and with n=324x1038 e = 5.204918555x1021
    ðdirac = 8pcRee/Goh = 4Re[ec]/Lplanck2c3 = npe/360 = 4.54214x1019 [C/m3s-2]*…..….[Eq.II-8]

    in units of the star coulomb defining the magneto charge e* in a universal unit calibration [C*]=[C2/C*]=[C2s2/m3] and where the mensuration units for the gravitational parameter [GM]=[Nm2kg/kg2]=[m3/s2]=[C*] as the units for universally defined physicalized consciousness as an angular quantum acceleration (df/dt) acting on any spacetime volumar of units [m3] as the effect of the Dirac string manifesting at the observer relative center of the universe and as given in the location of the Dirac magnetic monopole at this center as a definition of the Quantum Big Bang Singularity (QBBS).

    The derivations consider the magnetic permeability constant of ‘free space’ μo=4πx10-6 H/m as a universal constant related to the impedance of ‘free space’ Zo2=|E/H|2=|μoE/B|2=|μocB/B|2o/eo={120π/c}/{1/120πc}={120π}2 and so describe a finestructure for Maxwell’s constant εoμo=1/c2 [m/s]2* for the units of universal resistance in a calibrated mensuration system requiring the speed of light ‘c’ in units of [m/s]SI to transform into units of [m/s]*. The units for the impedance Zo so become measured in √([H/m]/[F/m])*=√([Js2/C2m][Jm/C2])*=[V/I]*=[Js/C2]*=[Ω]* and are observed in the physics of superconductivity in the form of the Quantum Hall effect n.h/e2 , the conductance quantum 2e2/h and Josephson frequencies f=n.E/h.
    The ‘free impedance’ however relates to a deeper nature found in superconductive phenomena in that a dimensionless or modular resistance implies a natural law in the form of Action=Charge Squared as {h=ee=ee*=e*e*}.
    The Action Law is therefore descriptive for the relationship between electric charges of electropoles and magnetic charges of magnetopoles.


    Electric flux fe = Sqe/eo = reV/eo = Qe/eo
    Magnetic flux fm = Sqm(moc) = rmV(moc) = (moc)Qm

    Electric flux fe = .E = [J/Cm2] = {Sqe}[Jm/C2m3]={re}[C2/Jm] = re/eo for the electric charge density per unit volume
    Magnetic flux fm = .B = {1/c}.E = [Js/Cm3]= {Sqm}[Js/C2m] = morm for the magnetic charge density per unit area

    The magnetic charge density for the Dirac monopole is rm = e*f as a source energy monopolar current imonopolar per unit area as the Maxwell displacement current per unit area

    moe*f/Aps=(df/dt)/e*ec3 and f*= c/l*=Aps (dt/df)/moe*2ec3

    The magnetic flux for the Dirac monopole is:

    fm = morm = mps/[ec]mod = mpsc2/[ec]mod c2 = Eps/[ec3]mod

    = [J/Am3]/{df/dt} = [J/Am3]/{dfps/dtps}= [J/Am3]
    by modular string-membrane mirror duality Eps=hfps=h/fss and Eps/Ess=fps2=1/fss2 with lps.fps=c=1/lssfss

    The Maxwell displacement current for the Dirac magnetic monopole as the QBBS singularity manifests as the ‘t Hooft-Polyakov ‘hedgehog’ magnetic monopole in GUT unification as the minimum monopolar mass of [ec]mod =4.819369011x10-11 kg* and energy [ec]mod c2 = 4.33743211x106 J* as precisely 2.7x1016 GeV*. The upper bound for the ‘t Hooft-Polyakov monopole is 30[ec]mod=1.301229633x108 J* or 8.1x1017 GeV* with the two bounds related to the gravitational parameter GM partial to the measurements of Newton's gravitational constant G and the energy of the t'Hooft-Polyakov magnetic monopoles of 'Grand-Unification' or GUT energy regimes.
    The magnetic flux of the Dirac monopole becomes a mass ratio per unit area expressed as source energy per monopolar unification energy per unit area A with wormhole unit area.

    Aps=6p2rps2=3lps2/2=1.5x10-44 [m2]*

    fm = morm = moe*f = mps/[ec]mod = mpsc2/[ec]mod c2 = Eps/[ec3]mod = 1/e*ec3 =4.611023179x10-10
    moe*f/Aps=(df/dt)|1/e*ec3 and f*= c/l*= (df/dt)|1/moe*2ec3 = 3lps2(df/dt)|1/2moe*2ec3
    = 3h2(df/dt)|1/2mo[ec] = 7.338671173x10-7 Hz* per unit wormhole surface area, time

    t*=1,362,644.512 s* and l*=c/f*=4.087933536x1014 m* for radius R*=l*/2p=R(n*=Hot*’=4.072259032x10-13)=6.506148293x1013 m* for a time
    t*’=216,871.61 s* or 2.5101 days into the expansion and thermodynamic evolution of the universe with a coordinate 928,452.09 seconds before the E-googol marker for the classical electron radius modulation.

    As the E-googol defines RE(n)= 3.43597108x1014 m* for a time
    tE=nE/Ho=2.1506x10-12/Ho=1,145,323.7 s* or 13.25606 days

    Re/RE=r*/R* for r*=R*Re/RE
    =(6.506148293x1013)(2.777777x10-15)/(3.43597108x1014)=5.25983302x10-16 m*.

    This displacement radius defines an effective electron mass via the Compton constant as me=ah/2pcr*=4.906433293x10-30 kg* and reducing to a maximum mass at the QBBS instanton boundary as meeff=mps=ah/2pcrps=2.222x10-20 kg*

    The Dirac constant calculates as:
    ðdirac =2ae*/e = 2a/eEps=4aemplancka/emelectron

    = 8pRe[ec]/Goh [C/m3s-2]*
    for fine structure unification Go=4peo for √{kee2/Go}=e/Go

    The inflaton so draws the data from the information space to manifest the number count for the inflaton from the algorithmic definition of the Mathimatia, which is a label for the collected library in the timespace prior to the QBBS.

    This number count would count the number of spacetime quanta the inflaton would encompass as a 3-dimensional surface bounding the 10-dimensional string space as the boundary of a Riemann sphere in de Sitter spacetime embedding the Anti de Sitter spacetime in the cancelling of the topological curvatures.

    The number of space quanta for the inflaton to use is a googolplex of a number of googols, meaning number counts exceeding one hundred digital places.

    The four googols and 8 data strings generated by particular algorithms and number sequences in the Mathimatia were:

    E=26x6561=1.006208782x10112 as data string E*={266561] generating data string F*={136656} from programming code: {Add the End to the Beginning and Start the New Beginning with the Old Beginning}=Line A-Repeat

    F=13x6656=1.019538764x10103 as data string F*={136656} and generating data string G*={673665} from programming code: {Add the End to the Beginning and Start the New Beginning with the Old Beginning}=Line A-Repeat

    G=67x3665=9.676924497x10102 as data string G*={673665} and generating data string H*={5[5+6=11]7366}≠H* from the programming command: {If Sum is reductive}=Line B-End-Line C-Reverse Line A-Repeat

    H=Undefined, because 5+6=11=2 is root reductive in the number 11 the first initializing Maria Number in the Maria matrix for the numerical archetypes in time connector dimensions 1, 4 and 7 [Footnote1]
    D=46x5612=4.375363663x1022 as data string D*={465612} from data string E*={266561} from programming code: {If Line A} Repeat

    C=25x6124=1.761392119x1044 as data string C*={256124} from data string D*={465612} from programming code: {If Line A} Repeat

    B=36x1242=7.619295808x1046 as data string B*={361242} from data string C*={256124} from programming code: {If Line A} Repeat

    A=31x2423=1.722742045x1033 as data string A*={312423} from data string B*={361242} from programming code: {If Line A} Repeat

    Z=Undefined, because no process of 3[3+U=1]2423 can yield 312423 from data string U24233 with U=-2=-11 for mirror root reduction in the Maria code and programming command: {If Sum is reductive}=Line D-Define H

    =1.011591782x10147 from programming code:{if Line D}-End-Define H=ABCD-End-

    The end of the googolplex algorithm, self-limited in the Maria matrix and the SEps algorithm limiting the universe defined from Khaibit and the timespace of a Planck-Stoney membrane timespace epoch immediately adjacent to the QBBS in the timespace-spacetime boundary of the Dirac string and the magnetic Dirac monopole so defines four spacetime markers E with F and G to be encompassed by the inflaton boundary H defined as a summation of wormhole quanta comprising the Riemann sphere as a 3-dimensional surface of volume dV4/dR=(2pR)(pR2)=2p2R3 and for a specific redefinition for the radius of the Riemann sphere as the Hubble event horizon RH=c/Ho.

    [Footnote 1:]
    The Maria Code in the Riemann analysis specifies the partitioning of the decimal monad: {1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10} around the primary Maria number and SEps-Constant “11” for a prime number algorithm +1+11+10+11+ as 33-tiered segments, transforming the wave mechanics of the SEps number sequence into the 64-codex of a DNA/RNA genomatrix for its potential quadrupling as a 256-codex incorporative of dormant intron/intein coding.

    The Maria Code is defined in the distribution of Maria numbers Mp+99=Mp+12 for n=½{√(264k+1) – 1} by the quadratic n2+n-66k=0.

    Maria numbers are those integer counters, which contain all previously counted integers as mod|33|.
    The first Maria number so is 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11=66=2x33 for Maria#1=11 for k=2.

    Archetypes 2+3+5+6+8+9=33 so define 6 of the 11 dimensions in the defined omni space for archetypes 1+4+7=12 completing the remaining 4-time connector dimensions in mirroring the limiting and boundary 12th dimension of Vafa omni space in the 10th omni space dimension across the11-dimensional Witten-Mirror as the Maria-Mirror or Maria membrane connecting higher dimensional omni-spacetime to lower dimensional quantum-spacetime.

    A repeating Maria matrix is symbolized in this table with symbols ©=54=Love and ª=45=Use







    …Archetype 2







    …Archetype 3







    …Archetype 5







    …Archetype 6







    …Archetype 8







    …Archetype 9







    …Archetype 2*
    [End of Footnote 1:]

    The Hubble radius RH is defined from first principles as the light path of the higher 11-dimensional monopolar light emitted in the QBBS as a monopolar electromagnetic radiation wave, travelling invariantly with lightspeed c in two parallel cosmologies.
    The first cosmology in a lower dimensional universe is described by a Black Body Planckian Radiator modeled on a thermodynamic cosmological evolution in the hyperbolic negatively curved Anti de Sitter spacetime however enveloped by a de Sitter universe of positive curvature , thereby cancelling the curvatures to result in a flat Minkowski spacetime in 4-dimensional spacetime.
    This Temperature dependent universe experiences its spacetime evolution in the energy interactions of the QBBS parameter space and engage a gravitational deceleration, which asymptotically will approach but never reach the asymptotic boundary as set by the inflaton.

    This becomes a consequence of the higher dimensional universe; whose definitive parameter is the light path of the monopolar light and a light path not restricted by the matter content and the gravitational parameters in their lower dimensional form.

    The QBBS parameter space allows a parallel evolutionary of the gravitational parameter GM in the unification of the electromagnetic and gravitational parameters applicable to the both of the parallel cosmologies through the definition of the ‘QE UniPhysCon’ as a physicalized universal consciousness defined in the nature of the Dirac monopole and its extension in the t’ Hooft-Polyakov monopole of energy unification.

    The ‘Quantum Entangled’ UniPhysCon then is defined by the gravitational parameter GM in the lower dimensional universe, but in the higher dimensional universe the definition of GM translates into the form of any spacetime volumar being acted upon by a radius independent quantum acceleration or a frequency differential over time subject to the modular duality defined in the timespace of the string-membrane-volumars in modular dualities of inversion and mirror properties of the parameters.

    The motive and ‘prime directive’ for the QE UniPhysCon so is to transform gravitational potential energy in the form of the GM parameter and the matter content in the universe into physicalized universal consciousness quanta as the source energy quanta defined in the original Weylian wormhole as the effect of the nature of the Dirac monopole changing its status as a undefined source of magnetopolar charge into a defined source of electropolar charge, proportional to the nature of a magnetic charge, however able to manifest as magnetopolar charge as the inverse of the Weyl energy as the original source quantum of the QBBS.

    An overarching reason and purpose for the existence of the universe as a multiverse within an omniverse from first principles is found in the nature of the universe as a holographic universe requiring a doubling of the physicalized universe from spacetime into timespace to satisfy the initial boundary conditions of the described omni spacetime of the 10-11-12 dimensional cosmology.

    The 11-dimensional light path so defines the guiding evolutionary parameter for the thermodynamic expansion of the universe in the invariance of lightspeed c moving further away from the asymptotic gravitationally decelerating universe.
    But there will be a time marker for the EMMR, as the Electro-Magnetic Monopolar Radiation meets the inflationary boundary at the intersection of the 10th string dimension with the 11th dimension of the Witten mirror in omni space.

    This time marker has been calculated as the inverse of Ho=c/RH and where Ho defines a nodal Hubble constant varying in time relative to a cycle time coordinate given in n=Hot or dn/dt=Ho.

    This nodal Hubble constant represents the upper time boundary as the mirror of the wormhole Weyl frequency fweyl=Eweyl/h as the source energy quantum of the QBBS.

    The inflaton defined the size of the 11-dimensional universe in the nodal Hubble bound as the number of space quanta contained in the Riemann toroidal surface VH=2p2R3 and as H is known from the googolplex algorithm obtained from the Mathimatia of the time space plenum

    VH = 2π2R3 = H.2π2(rweyl)3 = H(2π2)(λweyl/2π)3 for

    RH = ∛(H)(λweyl/2π) = 1.003849093x1049(10-22/2π) = 1.597675453x1026 m*

    or 16.87610655 Billion lightyears for the Weyl wormhole perimeter of the QBBS
    lweyl = 2prweyl = 10-22 m*

    This then also defines the nodal Hubble constant Ho as the upper boundary of the inflaton hyperspace as Ho=c/RH=1.877728042x10-18 [Hz or 1/s]*
    The inflaton wave matter speed is then the tachyon speed as the Guth-Weyl inflaton for inflaton velocity
    vdB=RHfweyl=4.79302635…x1056 [m/s]*
    And the inflaton hyper-acceleration at instanton time as the Guth-Inflaton wave speed phase acceleration adB=RHfweyl2=1.437907905…x1087 [m/s2]*

    The inflaton then connects the birth of the universe at the instanton with the death of the universe as a rebirth in the ending of a first semi-cycle at the Hubble node as the size of the universe defined by the instanton-inflaton coupling.

    This becomes the effect of the two wormhole images projected by the Hubble Horizon and its image in the shadow-mirror universe Khaibit back to the new created singularity of the QBBS, albeit now having a physical nature replacing the purely mathematical singularity of the mathematical point singularity of the Dirac magnetic monopole.

    The inflaton mapped the Weylian wormhole onto a new north pole at the inside of the Witten membrane of the 11th dimension and this creation of space naturally became mirrored in creating the shadow-mirror space for Khaibit and a new south pole now no longer trapped in the infinity potential of the Dirac string but finitized in the existence of a physical universe expanding in a lower dimension under gravitational retardation and the laws of nature and oscillating with invariant lightspeed in a higher dimensional cosmology.

    The 10-dimensional universe embedded itself in a multiverse of 3 spacial dimensions given by the Riemann manifold, with a time dimension conformally projecting the time connector dimensions 4, 7 and 10 to the 11th dimension of the Witten-Maria mirror across line spacetime as the 4th dimension with the 7th dimension of twistor spacetime and the 10th dimension of the quantum spacetime.
    The connection between the 10th dimension of string spacetime in the quantum universe as a Dirichlet brane so forms the mirror image for the original 1st time dimension in line spacetime changing into a 1st space dimension with a quasi-spacetime in flatland for the second dimension assuming a time like nature to mirror the lower dimensional flatland in a higher dimensional flatland in a 11D-9D =2D dimensional root reduction.

    The south pole in Khaibit so is also the south pole of the universe for a total extent of the inflaton as twice the Hubble event horizon and as three new singularities, each one separated from the adjacent one by one Hubble radius RH.

    This now renders the midpoint in the expansion of the universe at a radial displacement of ½RH as a rather special displacement coordinate, as at this point a new center for the universe must be defined to allow the Weyl wormhole of the QBBS to function as the south pole for the north pole at the intersection of the boundary of the Riemann universe with the Witten mirror.

    The Riemann universe as a 3-dimensional surface volumar embedding a 7-dimensional twistor spacetime is also named as Baab or Gate or Mother Black Hole to distinguish it from an ordinary 3-dimensional volumar within a 4-dimensional spacetime volumar.

    Last edited: Mar 17, 2022
  7. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member


    IV: The Dark Energy coupled to the Light Energy of a Shadow-Mirror Universe

    This midpoint will be imaged in Khaibit and allow the manifestation of Dark Energy from the mirror universe to affect and participate in the cosmological evolution of the physical universe.

    The displacement of the QBBS from a coordinate ½RH=function(n) must so define a scale factor for the expansion of the universe in the collinear two directions from the QBBS coordinate to the south pole in Khaibit and the north pole in Baab separated by precisely 4 Hubble radii, which geometrically become the total size of the 3-dimensional Riemann surface-volumar.
    The timeless shadow universe in three imaged spacial dimensions so is defined as a projection of its information onto the surface boundary of a 3-dimensional surface as the Riemann volumar in time as the 4-dimensional spacetime of Minkowski, Riemann and Einstein and becomes the holographic universe of ‘t Hooft, Bekenstein, Thorn, Bousso, Maldacena and Susskind.


    0.6124. yinyangdraco.


    The Dark Energy equation for the Inflaton was defined as a multiversal summation of the protoverse encompassed by the omniverse in the Mathimatia:

    Dark Energy DE-Quintessence Λk Parameters:

    A general dark energy equation for the kth universe (k=0,1,2,3,...) in terms of the parametrized Milgröm acceleration A(n); comoving recession speed V(n) and scale factored curvature radius R(n):

    Λk (n) = GoMo/Rk(n)2 - 2cHo(Πnk)2/{n - ΣΠnk-1 + Πnk)3}
    for negative Pressure P(n=Hot) = c2Ho2(2n+1)/{4pGoT(n)2} - Moc2/R(n)3 for the spherical VdS = 4pR(n)3/3

    and P(n=Hot) = c2Ho2(2n+1)/{6p2GoT(n)2} - Moc2/R(n)3 for the hyper-spherical VdS = 2p2R(n)3

    Λk = {GoMo(n-ΣΠnk-1+Πnk)2/{(Πnk)2.RH2(n-ΣΠnk-1)2} - 2cHo(Πnk)2/{n-ΣΠnk-1+Πnk)3}
    Λo = GoMo(n+1)2/RH2(n)2 - 2cHo/(n+1)3
    Λ1 = GoMo(n-1+n1)2/n12RH2(n-1)2 - 2cHon12/(n-1+n1)3
    Λ2 = GoMo(n-1-n1+n1n2)2/n12n22RH2(n-1-n1)2 - 2cHon12n22/(n-1-n1+n1n2)3

    For the protoverse k=0 then, Λo = GoMo(n+1)2/RH2(n)2 - 2cHo/(n+1)3 had been a boundary condition at the time instanton tps as the quantum of mass mss in fss = mssc2/h = 1/fps = tps.

    All mass is quantized in m = ∑mss = Nmss and 1/fss2 = fps2 eigen states in 9x1060 permutations to mfss2/mss = mEss/msshfps = m.mssc2/mssEps = mc2/mpsc2 = m/mps.

    Any mass m is so quantum gravitationally quantized in a mass eigen frequency fss in the time instanton as the inverse of the source frequency fps as a distribution of permutational self-states fps2|mod = 9x1060.

    The cycle time n=Hot for the nodal Hubble constant Ho = c/RH = dn/dt at the Instanton so had been nps = Hotps = ctps/RH = c/RHfps = c/VdB = λps/RH = 6.26x10-49 as a proportionality relating the minimum conditions of the Instanton to the maximum conditions of the Inflaton in the form of wavelength and velocity.

    Λo(nps) = GoMo(nps+1)2/RH2(nps)2 - 2cHo/(nps+1)3 calculates as Λo(nps) = {GoMo/RH2}{RHfps/c}2 = GoMops2 for this Lambda- or Dark Energy acceleration and proportional to the hyper-acceleration of the Inflaton as
    Λo(nps)/adB = {GoMops2}/{RHfps2} = {GoMops2}/{2GoMHfps2/c2} = {Mo/2MH} as c=fpsps as the de Broglie group-wave velocity.

    A group velocity for waves is upper limited by light speed 'c'; whilst a phase velocity for waves is lower limited by 'c' as a superluminal or tachyonic speed for matter waves in vphase = fλ = {mc2/h}{h/mvgroup} = {c2/vgroup} > c
    vgroup < c.

    And so half of the Black Hole Mass parameter Ωo=Mo/MH defines the Black Hole mass differential in the acceleration differential between the Dark Energy DE and the hyper- acceleration AdB of the Inflaton as Deceleration parameter qo = ½Ωo = GoMoHo/c3 = GoMo/RHc2 = Λo/AdB.

    Applying this gradient to the Instanton then reduces the time instantaneity tps=1/fps=fss in qotps = nps.{GoMo/c3} to create a 'Higgs Potential False Vacuum' or HPFV within the Inflaton-Instanton epoch of the superstrings.


    The coordinate ½RH=function(n) for the expansion of the universe in the instanton-inflaton coupling with scale factor a is
    n = aRH = RH(n/(n+1) for a scale factor a=(n/(n+1) with dn/dt=Ho and parametrization for velocity vH(n)

    vH(n) = dR(n)/dt = (dR/dn).(dn/dt) = RHHo/(n+1)2 = c/(n+1)2 and a parametrization of acceleration aH(n)

    aH(n) = d2R(n)/dt2 = (dvH(n)/dn).(dn/dt) = -2RHHo2/(n+1)3 = -2cHo/(n+1)3
    Then for n=½, the Hubble radius for the higher dimensional universe will be the invariant light path of the EMMR, travelling at light speed c for a displacement from the QBBS of as nRH=½RH. and being emitted from the first wormhole coordinate of the instanton as the inflaton.

    The end of the inflation period is however defined in the Weyl wormhole frequency of fweyl=c/lweyl=3x1030 [Hz]* for an inverse time tweyl=3.333…x10-31 seconds* defining the time coordinate for the second wormhole at the Hubble event horizon reflecting or imaging the light path of the inflaton’s EMMR to then meet and intersect the instanton’s light path at cycle coordinate n=½ tweyl seconds* after the instanton’s light path had reached this n cycle coordinate.

    The lower dimensional light path R(n)=ct=nc/Ho= is equal to the light path of the EMMR so just for a time tweyl , after which the EMMR light path continues to increase the separation between the two displacements due to the gravitational retardation of the initial QBBS initial boundary conditions for the energy-matter-charge content of the universe.

    For cycle coordinate n=1, the EMMR light path has reached the Hubble node, but the expansion of the lower dimensional universe under scale factors a=n/(n+1)=1/(1+1)=½ defines the critical halfway point for the onset of the dark energy from Khaibit and the shadow universe intersecting the light energy of the Riemann universe Baab.

    The size of the universe at cycle coordinate n=1 is R(1)=½RH =7.988377265x1025 [m]* or 8.438053275 Gly for a ‘civil year’ of 365.2425 mean solar days and 1 Billion lightyears equal to 1 Gly.

    The size of the universe at cycle coordinate n=½ is
    R(½)=(½.⅔)RH=⅓RH=5.325584843x1025 [m]* or 5.62536885 Gly.

    The dark energy so began to interact with the light energy 5.625 billion years after the Quantum Big Bang Singularity as the QBBS.
    The time marker for the EMMR meeting the 11-dimensional boundary so is.
    1/Ho = 5.325584843x1017 seconds* or a light path of 16.8761 Billion lightyears for a ‘civil’ year of 365.2425 mean solar days. When this event occurs, the EMMR will both refract and reflect its light path. The refraction will define a new 11-dimensional boundary in moving the Witten mirror into a previously undefined part of the spacetime created by the inflaton-instanton coupling, however defined in the timespace of the monopolar singularity as the precursor for the QBBS coupled to the Dirac string.

    This event will naturally become imaged in the 12-dimensional Vafa omni spacetime of Khaibit as the shadow-mirror universe and the reflection of the light path of the EMMR will begin a return journey to meet the asymptotically expanding Anti de Sitter universe in a baryonic dark matter intersection nexus.


    The nexus point for the evolution of the seedling universe as a protoverse so is defined as the intersection of the EMMR light path beginning its journey from the wormhole of the instanton and ending it at the location of the wormhole of the inflaton one half-cycle of period 1/Ho=RHubble/c=16.876 billion lightyears.

    At this cycle time coordinate a second universe was born from the instanton in the creation of a multiverse from the seedling universe.
    This second universe is collocal with the protoverse, but its initial boundary parameters are a function of the seedling parameters depending on a superposed asymptotic cosmology for the protoverse to have completed its evolution in spacetime in satisfying its boundary conditions set in the generating timespace of the imaginary space, albeit ordered in principalities of time as events as definitions.

    { https://www.academia.edu/39210286/The_Origins_of_the_Mathimatia_and_Four_Pillars_of_Creation
    https://www.academia.edu/39210282/The_Beginning_of_Nowhere_in_Notime https://www.academia.edu/39210281/The_Beginning_of_Space_in_Time
    https://www.academia.edu/39110880/The_Eternal_Void_Exists_as_Unity_Everything_or_All_That_Is }

    The evolution of the multiverse, embedded in an omniverse is based on the nature of the QBBS as emerging from a wormhole singularity, physicalizing the Dirac monopole mathematical and one-dimensional originator from timespace.

    All cosmological black holes are limited in their metric inertia in their Schwarzschild radii.
    The entire universe is a 'Black Holed Hierarchy', but there are black holes evolving with the matter content of the universe as physicalized potentials of the QBBS and there are ‘primordial’ black holes such as the Weyl wormholes of the instanton-inflaton quantum entanglement.

    Primordial black holes are known as 'Boundary' Black Holes’ and those engage in their own black hole evolution as so called 'Extremal Strominger Branes'.

    This allows definition of the Weyl wormhole as a Strominger boundary wormhole brane of the instanton and the QBBS and of a mass of mweyl={lweylc2/4pGo} = 6445.7753 kg*.

    The QBBS of the creation of spacetime so was seeded by the weight of about one large or two elephants in the gravitational field of the earth as about 6.5 metric tons. Strominger extremal black holes are massless in the sense that their wormhole masses can be expressed as frequency energy states in
    mweyl=Eweyl/c2=hfweyl/c2=kTweyl/c2 and that such extremal black holes do not emit Hawking radiation in evaporating their matter content over the course of large cosmological time scales.

    At the Quantum Big Bang instanton, a baryonic restmass seedling Mo of about 1.814x1051 kg* became distributed in spacetime vortices given in a de Broglie wave matter inflaton.

    This inflaton defined the Hubble horizon as a wavefunction for the holistic holographic de Sitter universe and set a supercluster scale for a ‘daughter black hole’ known as a Sarkar Schwarzschild metric, embedded within a ‘mother black hole’ defined in the Hubble event horizon as a function of the total mass content of the QBBS as defined from the timespace and manifesting in spacetime.
    The Sarkar black hole is an extremal black hole and forms the upper limit for gravitational scale interaction between galactic superclusters.

    This shows that the universe will become isotropic and homogeneous beyond the supercluster scale and so manifest the 'Cosmological Principle' in the uniformity of the topology and structure of the universe in cosmological models. The distribution of inertia then takes the form of voids and textures akin a honeycomb geometry and where the individual 'cosmic cells' span across scales of about 470 million lightyears, which so define the Sarkar metric.

    But the Sarkar Black Hole is extremal and so is a limiting Black Hole in having a mass Mo as the evolution of the wormhole mass of the QBBS. It does not exist as a 'normal' black hole, such as found at the core of galaxies, which describe a M-Sigma relation in a general ratio of 0.1%-0.2% between the galactic core inertia and the total galactic mass.

    The overall black hole evolution takes about 4 trillion years as a Strominger brane to satisfy the boundary condition for the Sarkar black hole to become massless after the completion of the spacetime evolution of the Weyl brane of the instanton merging with the wormhole of the inflaton in the size of the mother black hole of the Hubble event horizon at the boundary of superstring spacetime in 10 dimensions to the intersection with the membrane spacetime of omnispace in the Witten-Maria mirror.

    For rps to grow to the Hubble event horizon RH in a time t=n/Ho=nRH/c, the wormhole mass mps must increase in the n-cycle function for the gravitational parameter G(n)Y(n)=GoMo=GoXnMoYn for(XY)n=XnYn=1 and this function is proportional to the increase of the wormhole radius for the instanton growing into the size of the Hubble event horizon as the mirror wormhole of the inflaton.


    rpsYn=RH for rps.℮nlnY=RH for nlnY=ln{RH/rps} and
    ncritical = ln{RH/rps}/lnY=ln{1.5977x1026/1.5916x10-23}/ln{1.618034}
    =ln(2pnps)/lnY=234.4715…, implying that 234.4715.Hubble cycles are required for the asymptotic expansion of the lower dimensional universe to enable the second universe, born when the EMMI light path reached the Witten-Maria mirror membrane of the 11th dimension to quantum tunnel into the subsequent universal cycle. As 234.4715 Hubble semi-cycles are 234.4715x16.876 Gy=3.957 Trillion years for a time, the protoverse would be destined to exhaust its nuclear fuel supplied by stellar and galactic evolution and in the transmutation of the chemical and atomic elements.


    The generating complex function for the Mandelbrot-Julia sets, given in their most general form as f(z) = z2+z is mirrored in the n-cycle time function T(n) in the context of the Friedmann cosmology and the general evolution of the universe, reconfigured in the universal encompassing sense by the scale factor a(n)=n/(n+1).

    This scale factor relates directly to the definition of the natural exponent ‘e’ and the universal wavefunction B(n) as a function of the alpha finestructure with the n-cyclic formula T(n)=n(n+1) = n2+n to introduce the basic Mandelbrot complex function.


    The critical density of the universe derives from the total mass density of the QBBS instanton-inflaton coupling as rcritical=Muniverse/Vuniverse=MH/2p2RH3=c2/4p2GoRH2=Ho2/4p2Go for the Riemann-Baab 3D-surface universe and as rcritical=(3p/2)Ho2/4p2Go=3Ho2/8pGo for the 3D-volumar universe.

    Primordial Mass-Charge definitions from the Logos Mathimatia in timespace

    Electromagnetic Fine structure: αe=2πke2/hc = e2/2εohc = μoe2c/2h
    = 60πe2/h (Planck-Stoney-QR units *)

    Gravitational Fine structure (Electron): αg = 2πGomelectron2/hc
    = {αgplanck} = {melectron/mplanck}2

    Gravitational Fine structure (Primordial Nucleon): αnucleon = 2πGomc2/hc for mc
    = mplanck.ae9

    Gravitational Fine structure (Planck Boson): αplanck = 2πGomplanck2/hc = 1

    Gravitational Fine structure unification: {αgplanck} = {melectron/mplanck}2
    = {melectron/mc}2ae18

    Mass Seed = Mo =√{E.mc2.mplanck2/melectron2} = mc√{E}{αplanckg} for googol space quanta counter E=26x6561 = 1.006...x10112.
    Charge Seed = Co = √{E.e2e} = √{E.hc/2πke} = √{E.hcGo/2π} = {2e}.{Mo/mc}.{Eps.e} = {2e}.{Mo/mc}{e/e*} for Eps=1/e*
    Source energy quantum Eps = {Quantized charge in Dirac monopole as dipole}{Number of elementary charged particles}
    Eps = 1/e*= {Co/2e2}.{mc/Mo} = {Co/Mo}.{mc/2e2}
    = {√{E.e2e}/{mc√{E}{αplanckg}}.{mc/2e2}
    Eps = {1/2e}√{ag/aplanckαe}

    Eps = 1/e* = hfps = h/fss = h2/Ess = mpsc2= kTps = 1/2e√ae}{melectron/mplanck}
    = √{αg/aplanckαe}/2e = Gomelectron/2e2

    1/Eps = e* = 2Rec2 = √{4αhce2/2πGome2} = 2e√αe[mplanck/melectron]
    = 2e√{αeaplanckg} = {2e2/melectron}√(ke/Go) = 2e2/Gome = e2/2πεome for Go=1/ke=4πεo

    for a cosmological unification of fine structures in unitary coupling
    E*.e*=1 in [Nm2/kg2]=[m3s-2/kg]=1/[Nm2/C2]=[C2m-3s2/kg] for [C2]=[m6/s4]
    and [C]=[m3/s2]. Eps = 1/Ess = 1/e* = √{αge}/2e = Gome/2e2

    The Charge seed is proportional to the number of particles in Universe as {Mo/mc} and where the primordial nucleons are all ylemic neutrons of spin ½ and which so define their radioactive decay products in a charge twin of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons and with uncharged antineutrinos.

    The unification between dipolar electropolar Coulomb charge 'e' and monopolar magnetopolar Star-Coulomb charge 'e*' unifies the Consciousness quantum Eps=1/e* in the nature of dipolar electric charge in the redefinition of the Dirac string and the Dirac magnetic monopole from timespace into spacetime.
    In the universe the consciousness quantum manifests as the inverse of the electric charge quantum 'e', so cancelling any dipolar magnetic effects of the monopolar charge e* in Khaibit. In the universe this monopolar equivalence manifests in its elementary form as the diameter of the electron multiplied by the square of the speed of light c2.

    The Dark Matter energy so becomes defined in the Universal Consciousness Quantum ‘UniPhysCon’ → Eps = 1/e* = 1/{2Rec2} = 1/{Volume [2π2RRMP3]}x{Angular Acceleration df/dt} for the dark matter elementary consciousness particle RMP=Restmass-Photon RRMP = ∛{e*.dtss/dfps|resonance/2p2}

    RRMP = ∛{(e*/2p2)/(9x1060)} = 1.411884763x10-20 m* and of spin quantum -1 and a wavelength lRMP=2pRRMP=8.8711336x10-20 m*
    The dark matter particle has a mass of mRMP=h/clRMP=2.50500367x10-23 kg* and an energy of 2.2545033xd10-6 J* or 14,034.0 GeV* or 14.034 TeV* (13.999 TeVSI) as the maximum capacity for the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the international research center for probing the universal energy scales in particle accelerators in Geneva, Switzerland.

    Magneto-Monopolar charge quantum e*/c2 = 2Re super-membrane displacement transformation √α.lplanck = e/c2 as Electropolar charge quantum …….…[Eq.III-1]

    Dirac’s quantization condition crystallizes naturally from the relationship between the classical electron radius and its relation to the Compton radius for the oscillation scale for the electron exchanging the nature of the Dirac monopole as a monopolar singularity in timespace and the QBBS with the classical electron scale from the wormhole radius rps to the classical electron radius Re=ha/2pcmelectron=aRcompton in spacetime.

    Dirac’s quantization condition derived in its historical context before, states Magnetic monopole
    qm = n.e/2a={n/N}{e/2a} for electropolar charge e quantized in integer n equal to the magnetopolar charge qm multiplied by 2a.

    Dirac’s magnetopolar charge qm=g is however defined as:
    e* = 2Rec2 = 2aRcomptonc2 = 1/Eps = {2e}√{aplanckαe/ag}

    for the result e*/2ae = Rcomptonc2 = {e/ae}√{aplanckαe/ag}
    for quantized (2e) = e*√{ag/aplanckαe} = e*{melectron/mplanck}/√{αe}
    = e*{melectron/mc}√{ae17}

    Magneto-Monopolar singularity charge quantum e*√{aplanckαg/ae} = 2e as Dipolar Electropolar charge quantum (2e) …………[Eq.III-2]

    The singularity magnetic monopole of the QBBS becomes the point charge elementary electron in Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and Quantum Electro-Dynamics (QED). The classical electron is then enabled to physicalize the Dirac string from timespace in the created spacetime quantizing the previously infinite Dirac string in the inflaton as two boundary wormhole singularities in multiples of the wormhole radius rps=lps/2p quantized in the classical electron radius in 360Re=1010lps as a classical monopolar bound in the spacetime quanta count E.


    For {RRMP(ss)/RRMP(ps)}3=(fss/fps)2=(fss)4=(4π2rps/rssc2 )2 = {1/81x10120} ~ Critical Density/Planck Density
    ρPlanckcritical={2πc5/hGo2}/{3Ho2/8pGo}={16p2c5/3hGoHo2}={1.855079x1096}/{3.78782x10-27} ~ 81x10120 = 4.897x10122 in a de Sitter cyclically closed EMR 10D-cosmology for which W=WB+WMDM/RMP+WDE=1

    ρPlanckcritical={2πc5/hGo2}/{Ho2/4p2Go}={8p3c5/hGoHo2}= {1.855079x1096}/{1.78497x10-26} ~ 81x10120 = 1.039x10122 in an Anti-de Sitter open-closed EMMR 11D-cosmology for which W=WB+WMDM/RMP+WDE=1

    The Einstein quintessence agency of the RMP is shown to couple in string-membrane duality to both a minimum sourcesink and a maximum sinksource expression in the energy distribution of the multi-dimensional universe. The ratio of the RMP’s vibratory wormhole micro eigenstate of high energy to its winding mode anti-wormhole macro self-state then crystallizes the Planck-Density to Critical Density ratio in convolution with the dark energy and Zero-Point-Energy of the multi-dimensional cosmology.
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2022
  8. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    V: The Higgs-Planck False Vacuum and the Temperature Gradient for the QBBS Cosmology

    The temperature evolution of the Instanton can be written as a function of the luminosity L(n,T) with R(n)=RH(n/[n+1]) as the radius of the luminating surface. Luminosity is specified as physical Power P or total energy E emitted over a time t.

    For the total energy of Universe as EU = Moc2 for a cycle time n=Hot or tps = nps/Ho as initial boundary condition for t = n/Ho then equates HoMoc2/n as proportional to L(n,T) = (Surface area of the energy emitter)(BBR proportionality constant)(temperature of emitting body)4 with proportionality constant 3/550 obtained from the 33-tier Maria Code and the Principalities of the Mathimatia.

    The second Eps-Expansion-Coefficient in the Expansion Principality now reduces this luminosity by a factor of 3/550 = 1/183.33... to indicate the Core-Bulge Ratio for Black Holes, termed a M-Sigma relation in the mapping of the Planck minimum energy Zero-Point Oscillator Epo = ½Ep = ½hfp = ½mpc2 = ½kTp onto the Instanton parameters of the Eps-Weyl wormhole.

    3/550 = 1/{11.2e*/60} = 60 Eps/22 = ½Eps.{60/11} for ½Eps = {11/60}{3/550} = 33/33,000 = 1/2e*.

    The Luminosity function for Universe for a temperature T(n=Hot) can be written as:

    L(n,T) = 6π2R(n)2.σ.T4 = 3HoMo.c2/550n ................... [Eq.IV-1]

    3HoMoc2/550nps = L(nps,T(nps)) = 6π2λps2.σ.Tnps4 = 2.6711043034x1096 Watts* for T(nps) = {Mofps3/1100π2σ}

    ]and where σ = Stefan's Constant = 2π5k4/15h3c2 in units of [J/K4m2s1]=[kg/K4s3]
    and as a product of the defined 'master constants' k, h, c2, π and 'e' from the two self-generating algorithms of the Mathimatia.

    The Genesis Boson then became the parametric initialization of creation in the abstract labelling of the Mathimatia:
    ENERGY=k.TEMPERATURE=h.FREQUENCY=h/TIME=MASS.c2 and using the SEps-Master-Constant Set: {4; 6; 7; Lo=1/[6x1015]; c2=9x1016; 11; h=1/[15x1032]; A2=14x1524; k=1/[15x1618]; 26x6561} in reverse order and with arbitrary symbols as shown associated with those 'master constants'.

    Particularly then: ENERGY = hRmaxps = hRHps with MASS = hRmaxpsc2 = 0.01183463299 and TEMPERATURE = hRmax/kλps = 7.544808988..x1037 and FREQUENCY = λps /Rmax= nps = 1.59767545..x1048 in the Mirror duality fps = 1/fss for fps.fss = 1 and time instantaneity tps = fss = 1/fps as a Maximum/Minimum initial- and boundary condition.

    MASS becomes the 'Atomic-Mass-Unit' in 12D-F-Space in using one proto nucleon mc = Alpha9.Lplanck for every one of the 12 monopolar current loops in the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity UFoQR.

    A first Eps-Identity-Coefficient in the Expansion Series of the fundamental principles from the SEps algorithm then crystallizes the 'Counter for matter' in Avogadro's Constant for Molarity, subject to mass energy perturbation effects: MASS(20/33)/12mc = Navogadro = 6.02242143x1023 1/mol*


    The counter N=npsps/Rmax in 'real' time relative to the Quantum Big Bang and emerging from the string epoch and relating to 'imaginary' time relative to this self-same creation in the Cosmogony of the Genesis Boson in Khaibit and the Inflaton-Instanton of the Abba-Baab 11-dimensional super membrane.
    This 'virtual' or unreal Quantum Relative Time then manifests as the Hubble-Frequency Ho=c/RH in proportionality to the Source Frequency of the Eps-Gauge Photon fps=c/λps in the expression HoRmax=c=λps.fps.

    N then had been the Null time for the initialization of the super membrane modular duality in the De Broglie phase speed initialization, beginning with the oscillation or bounce of the Planck-Length conformably mapped onto time instantaneity as a Now-Cycle-Time nps=Hotps=Ho/tss and as the Time Instanton tps=1/fps=fss and the Inflaton Rmax=RHubble=c/Ho with de Broglie Phase speed Vdebroglie = RH.fps = RH.c/λps = c/nps as the 'Heartbeat of the Cosmic Mother Black Hole' frequency of the oscillating cosmos in the Cosmology of Abba.
    The Hubble frequency H(n), so oscillates between two Hubble nodes maximized as frequency as the source frequency fps at the Instanton and minimized in the Hubble frequency Ho at the Inflaton node of the Hubble event horizon as Ho = nps/tps = λpsfps/RH = c/RH.

    The third Expansion-Coefficient in the Expansion Principality is 2/103,125 and indicates the frequency eigen states for sufficiently 'evolved space-aware' consciousness processors as VPE-Mo/mc Abba energy collectors.
    (2/103,125)fps.Lo = 9696969696 = fiEi2 'self-states' for frequency-mass eigen-states and for a 'optical unification' of Eps.Ess in the form of the Restmass-Photon acting as dark matter gauge ambassador particle on physical consciousness carrying YCM-matter conglomerations or bodies.

    The temperature evolution at any cycle time n=Hot so is expressed as:

    T(n) =∜{{Ho3Mo/1100π2σ}.{(n+1)2/n3}} with L(n,T) = 6π2R(n)2.σ.T4 = 3HoMo.c2/550n …..[Eq.IV-2]

    R(nps) = npsRH/(1+nps) = λps in the limit of the Instanton with Volumar V3(R) = dV4/dR = d(½π2R4)/dR V3(R) = 2π2RH3 defining a surface area dVH/dR = 6π2RH2 from the 3-dimensional surface V3 in the spacetime of Klein's 4-dimensional volume V4(R).

    L(n,T) = 3HoMo.c2/550n and for Temperature T(nps) ----------- T(nps) = 2.93515511x1036 Kelvin*.

    T(nps) so is the temperature of the Instanton as a function of the baryonic mass seed Mo and therefore also the temperature of the Dark Energy in terms of the Lambda-Einstein acceleration in proportion to the deceleration parameter qo = Λo/AdB = ½Ωo = Mo/MH.
    In the form and context of quantum gravity however, the temperature of the Instanton was Tps=Eps/k=hfps/k=mpsc2/k for a quantum gravitational minimum Black Hole mass of Mhyper = rpsc2/2Go.

    The BBR or Planck Black Body Radiator so began its expansion at light speed 'c' with hypermass Mhyper = lpsc2/4pGo = 6445.78 kg* and about the weight of a pair of mature elephants as the minimum mass for a Schwarzschild Black Hole. This mass is eleven orders of magnitude greater than the Planck-Mass mPlanck Quantum gravity derives from this deviation from the Planck-Mass mPlanck with curvature radius LPlanck.

    The rest of the mass seed Mo so was distributed in the higher dimensional spacetime of Klein as a potential energy defined in the Vortex-Potential-Energy or VPE and in expectation of being 'triggered' as an 'energy of the vacuum' upon the 'filling' of the Klein space in 4 space dimensions by the Möbius 3-dimensional space expanding as the Instanton into the Inflaton.

    Within the era of the super membranes, the physical parameters had been defined in the transformation of 5 string classes from the Planck boson to the Weyl boson and prior to the final transformation birthing the Instanton, the Genesis boson had defined the parameter of un-physicalised TEMPERATURE to allow a 'False Vacuum' to manifest the Higgs template in the UFOQR and to correlate the 'Bounce of the Planck length' to a 'Bounce of the Planck time' in the Inflaton-Instanton conformal transition and as the maximum HBPFV.
    Its minimum is then the deceleration parameter gradient qoo/AdB bounded in the Genesis boson for the parameter initialization.

    tGenesis = nGenesis/Ho = 4.395x10-33 s* for cycle time n(tGenesis) = ∛{Ho3Mo/1100π2σ}/TEMPERATURE4} = ∛{18.200/3.2403x10151} = ∛{0.56167x10-150} = 8.252x10-51 for T(nGenesis) =∜{{Ho3Mo/1100π2σ}.{(nGenesis+1)2/nGenesis3}} = 7.5448x1037 K* in the false Higgs vacuum and tGenesis = 8.252x10-51/Ho = 8.252x10-51/{fps.nps} = 4.395x10-33 s*from E(kT)/E(hf) and the Stefan-Boltzmann Radiation Law for Black Body EMR with nps=Ho/fps = λps/RH = 6.25909x10-49

    tdBmin = qotps = ndBmin/Ho = nps{GoMo/c3}= 4.672x10-33 s* for cycle time n(tdBmin) = 8.772x10-51 s* for T(ndBmin) = ∜{{Ho3Mo/1100π2σ}.{(ndBmin+1)2/ndBmin3}} = 7.206x1037 K* in the false Higgs vacuum from the DE gradient instanton bounce for deceleration parameter qo = Λo/AdB = {GoMops2}/{RHfps2} = Mo/2MH

    2tdBmin = Ωotps = 2ndBmin/Ho = nps{2GoMo/c3}= 9.343x10-33 s* for cycle time n(tdBmin’) = 1.754x10-50 s* for T(ndBmin’) = ∜{{Ho3Mo/1100π2σ}.{(ndBmin’+1)2/ndBmin’3}} = 4.285x1037 K* in the false Higgs vacuum from the DE gradient instanton bounce for Ωo = Mo/MH = {2GoMops2}/{RHfps2} = 2GoMoHo/c3

    tHBPFV = {T(nps)/TEMPERATURE}tps = {T(npspskb/hRH}tps = T(nps)npskbtps/hRH = nHBPFV/Ho = 1.297x10-32 s* for cycle time n(tHBPFV) = 2.435x10-50 s* for T(nHPFV) =∜{{Ho3Mo/1100π2σ}.{(nHBBPFV+1)2/nHBPFV3}} = 3.351x1037 K* in the false Higgs vacuum

    tdBmax = [√α]tps = ndBmax/Ho= 2.847x10-32 s* for cycle time n(tdBmax) = 5.347x10-50 s* for T(ndBmax) =∜{{Ho3Mo/1100π2σ}.{(ndBmax+1)2/ndBmax3}} = 1.857x1037 K* in the true Higgs vacuum from the Planck-Stoney Inflaton time bounce

    tWeyl = tps = nps/Ho = λps/(RHHo) = λps/c = 1/fps = 3.333x10-31 s* for cycle time nps = 6.2591x10-49 s*
    for T(nps) =∜{{Ho3Mo/1100π2σ}.{(nps+1)2/nps3}} = 2.935x1036 K* in the instanton-inflaton nps of the QBBS forming the Tps = Eps/kb = hfps/kb = 1.41671x1020 K* kinetic Temperature gradient of the cosmogenesis.

    The Higgs Vacuum is a true vacuum from the Planck-Stoney instanton-inflaton bounce mirrored in the Weyl-parameters of the QBBS and so encompasses a time interval of 3.87x10-30 seconds* from √alpha.tps = 2.847x10-32 s* to tps/√alpha = 3.902x10-30 s*.

    The string class epoch from the true Higgs vacuum to the Planck boson are encompassed by the false Higgs vacuum with characteristic boson temperatures below the bound set by the algorithmic temperature definition: Planck Temperature TPlanck = mPlanck.c2/kb = √{hc5/2πGokb2} = 1.075x1032 K* and the Planck-Length bounce TPbopunce = TPlanck/√alpha = 1.258x1033 K* and below TAlgo = EAlgo/kb = hfAlgo/kb = hNps/kb = h/npskb = hRHps.kb = TEMPERATURE = 7.5448x1037 K* as the mathematical logical bound for the cosmogenesis in the minimum-maximum protocol described.



    This manifests as a 'false vacuum' and as a temperature gradient, as a causation of the Big Bang Instanton-Inflaton emergence on physical grounds.
    The metaphysical ground is the symmetry breaking from the source parity violation described in the birth and necessity of the Graviton to resymmetrize the UFoQR and as a consequence of Abba's quest to find Baab as Universe without and within as Sophia Earth and the forms of Adam and Eve reborn from their archetypically energized nature as physicalized body forms manifesting the Life of Universe, Multiverse and Omniverse.

    T(n)4 = HoMoc2/(2π2σRH2[550n3/[n+1]2]) for
    T(n)4 = {[n+1]2/n3}HoMoc2/(2π2σRH2[550]) = 18.1995{[n+1]2/n3} (K4/V)*

    TEMPERATURE/T(nps) = 7.544808988..x1037/2.93515511x1036= 25.705 = 1/0.03890...
    T(nps) = 2.935x1036 K* of the singularity is 0.0389 or 3.89% of the pre-singularity within the Inflaton.

    So the POTENTIAL 'algorithmic' Temperature manifests as 3.89% in the KINETIC 'Vacuum-VPE/ZPE phase transitioned' Temperature' which doubles in the Virial Theorem to 7.78% as 2KE + PE = 0 and maps or transfers the ‘Higgs Bosonic-Planck False Vacuum’ or HBPFV in projecting the timespace of the algorithmic parameter space of the Mathimatia onto the herewith created spacetime of the Instanton-Inflaton period of the QBBS within the ‘Higgs Bosonic Planck-Weyl True Vacuum’ or HBPWTV.

    Applying the actual VPE/ZPE as a function of the physicalized EMR at the Instanton to this temperature gradient then manifests and projects this temperature gradient with a one percent perturbation centered on the Instanton-Inflaton of the Weylian Eps.Ess supermembrane QBBS.

    For the %-interval {(0.038903-0.039313)—|0.0583545|—(0.076995-0.077806)} for a delta of D=1.01054=1/0.98957:
    {[(5.51143-5.56951)x1018]--[(1.09080-1.10229)x1019]---Tps=Tweyl = 1.41671x1020 Tps=Tweyl= 1.41671x1020 ---[(1.82082-1.84000)x1021]--[(3.60369-3.64165)x1021]} K*

    ρVPEEMR = {4πEpsps3}/{8π5{kBT}4/15h3c3} = 15{Eps/kBT}4/2π4 = 0.07699486...{Eps/kBT}4 indicating the proportionality EVPE/EEMR {Tps/TEMR}4 in proportionality constant 1/12.98 2Tps/Tpotential at the Instanton from the Inflaton as an original form of the virial theorem, stating the Potential Energy of the de Broglie wave matter Inflaton AdB=RHubblefps2 to be twice the Kinetic Energy of the ‘cosmological constant’ in the Einstein quintessence Lo=GoMo/lps2 Weyl Instanton, then manifesting as the Lo/AdB = qo = ½Wo = Mo/2MHubble = RSarkar/2RHubble Schwarzschild-Strominger mass cosmic evolution.

    ρVPEEMR = {4πEpsps3}/{8π5Eps4/15h3c3} = 15/2π4 = 0.07699486.. = 1/12.9878788... indicating the proportionality EVPE/EEMR = kTps/kTEMR = 2Tps/Tpotential at the Instanton from the Inflaton as an original form of the virial theorem, stating the Kinetic Energy of the Instanton and the QBB Lambda to be twice the Potential Energy of the de Broglie wave matter Inflaton, then manifesting as the Lo/AdB = qo = ½Wo = Mo/2MHubble = RSarkar/2RHubble Schwarzschild mass cosmic evolution.

    This then extrapolates the Big Bang singularity backwards in Time to harmonize the equations and to establish the 'driving force of the vacuum' as the DE from Khaibit and in association with a potential scalar Higgs Temperature Field.

    All the further evolvement of the universe so becomes primarily a function of Temperature and not of mass.


    The next big phase transition is the calibration of the BOSONIC UNIFICATION, namely the 'singularity' temperature Tps=1.41x1020 K with the Luminosity function.
    This occurs at a normal time of 1.9 nanoseconds into the cosmology.

    T(nps) reduces to Tps = 1.4167x1020 K* for L(n,T) = 6π2R(n)2.σ.T4 = 3HoMo.c2/550n and Tps = Eps/kB
    for nBU3/(1+nBU)2 = Ho3Mo/(1100π2σ.Tps4) and for nBU = {4.511x10-80} = 3.562x10-27 for tBU = nBU/Ho = 1.90x10-9 s* or 1.9 nanoseconds*.

    It is then that the universe as a unity has this temperature and so allows BOSONIC differentiation between particles.
    The individuated Bosons of the mass had been born then and not before, as the entire universe was a bosonic macro-quantized superstring or super-heated Bose-Einstein Condensate or SH-BEC until the bosonic unification nexus was reached by the expansion of Universe from the lower dimensional Instanton of Möbius into the higher dimensional Inflaton of Klein.

    The size of the universe at that time was being 1.14 meters across from R(nBU) = RH{nBU/(1+nBU)} = 0.57 m*.

    Next came the electroweak symmetry breaking at 1/140 seconds and at a temperature of so 1.7x1015 Kelvin*

    The Physical Quantum of Consciousness as Space-Awareness (df/dt) maximized and minimized in the string coupling constants fps2 and fss2 respectively, so can be defined as:
    e*=2Rec2=(Classical Electron Diameter)x(lightspeed)2=VolumexAngular Acceleration

    As the time differential operator on frequency is independent on radial displacement in df/dt as the square of frequency or the square of inverse time; we can now also define the parameter of:
    Spacial Awareness=df/dt=AlphaOmega=αω=aw=Angular Acceleration Quantum.

    The Spacial Awareness 'aw' then operates upon any volumar in the root-reduced F-Space (12D being a 9-dimensional brane volumar of superstring dimensions to which is coupled a 3- dimensional temporal time-connector volumar in 12=9+3 F-Space, 11=9+2 M-Space and 10=9+1 C-Space) and as the 3-D volume of the observed spacial component of the 'Euclidean flatness of the Minkowski spacetime metric.

    The implications of those definitions for the physical universe and its cosmology are far reaching indeed. As the expanding universe increases in its 3-dimensional volume, its 'spacial consciousness' is also increasing in the 'activation' of additional spacetime quanta.
    Each of these spacetime quanta describes the inherent Zero-Point-Energy (ZPE) as defined in the 3D-volumar of the Eps sourcesink superstring energy quantum then coupled to its characteristic 'star coulombic' 'physical consciousness'.

    The ZPE per unit volumar is: ZPEquantum=4πEpsps3=Eps/2π2 rps3=4π/e*λps3 (Joules/m3) Every ZPE quantum is coupled to a volume V*=e*/(df/dt) and so defines the quantization of spacial volume in terms of the ZPE, as well as the 'physical consciousness' contained in that volume.

    The V* here denotes the resonant quantum volumized eigenstate in a minimized spacetime volumar and NOT in terms of spacial volume, but in the form of an ENTROPY COUNTER of 'statistical permutation self-states’ operation upon the 'Spacial Consciousness' quantum e*=1/Eps=1/Ess.fps2=fss/h.

    The self-frequency of the mass quantum so can be expressed formally as fss=he* for the time instanton tss=fss, the latter triggering the 'inertialisation' of the post-inflationary cosmology in the so called Quantum Big Bang, precisely 3.333.x10-31 seconds* following the 'string epoch' of the matter wave inflation (detailed and referenced elsewhere on this site). But it is the supermembrane coupling between the gravitational (photonic) mass Mg as given by the vibratory sourcesink string with the inertial mass Mi as given by the winding sinksource the string, which is the primary causation for this Quantum Big Bang, following the string-parametric de Broglie wave matter inflation.

    Rewriting fss=he* then describes this coupling in the ACTION=EnergyxTime of the Planck Constant in the finestructure fss=Energy*xTimeInstantonxe* for the Unity Condition of F-Space in 1=E*e* that is the original definition of e*=1/E* as the definition for the 'Physical Consciousness of Space'.

    Generally, then, the permutative entropy counter df/dt|max=fps2 gives precisely 9x1060 frequency eigenstates as the coupling constant between the two modes of the superstring; whilst its inverse defines the minimum as the 'Singularity' 'Null-State' or 'No Consciousness' state as 1/(9x1060)~0.
    df/dt|max = lim{[fps – tps]/tps} = fps/tps – 1 = fps2 – 1 = fps2 in the limit for 9x1060 permutation self-states
    df/dt|min = dt/df|max = lim{tps/[fps – tps]} = lim{fss/[(1/fss) - fss]} = fss2/[1 – fss2] = fss2 in the limit as 1/fps2

    This is the universal sourcesink/sinksource volumar for the supermembrane Eps.Ess coupled in brane modular duality and solves the ‘cosmological constant’ problem in a revision of the Friedmann cosmology.

    By introducing a quintessence for the harmonic oscillator modal energy eigenstates |Eps|=S{½+N}hfps for supermembrane Eps.Ess in the Zero-Point-Energy, the quantum description for spacetime crystallizes as a parameter space between maximized and minimized oscillation modes for the heterotic string class HE(8x8) as 10-dimensional expressions for the 11-dimensional membrane spacetime as the cosmological boundary mirroring an open ended Minkowski cyclically flat expanding cosmology in a closed de Sitter cosmology.

    The lower dimensional universe so becomes cyclically bounded within an infinitely expanding unbounded higher dimensional cosmology with the cyclicity of the gravitationally retarded de Sitter universe quantum tunneling in the cosmology of the multiverse.
    The Awareness operator applicable for all universal space so can fluctuate between the quasi-zero state and the maximized resonance state in the factor of 81x10120 and a value 'measured' by contemporary standard cosmological models as characteristic of the density discrepancy between the Planck-(ZPE)-Density {ρP=mP/VP=c5/πhGo2 }~9.4x1094 (kg/m3) and the actual matter density measured in the universe
    ρcritical=3Ho2 /8πGo~3.8x10-27 (kg/m3 ) from the inner 10D observer frame and ρcritical=Ho2 /4π2Go~8.0x10-28 (kg/m3 ) from the outer 11D observer frame of the Riemannian hypersphere as a 3D boundary of the 4-ball V4=½π2R4 for dV4/dR=2π2R3 as a 3-dimensional surface descriptive for the overall topology of the standard cosmology).

    The dimensionless ratios of ρPcritical then indicate the ZPE/Critical energy discrepancies in the factors of the permutation string self-states in the factors of 2.5x10121 and 1.2x10122 respectively. The ZPE-quantum Eps=E* so represents the kernel or core for any region of space containing a maximized 'physical consciousness' given by 1/E*=e* Star Coulombs (C*).
    The quantitative volume V for this consciousness is minimized in Vps*=e*/fps2 in sourcesink resonance to the vibratory superstring modality and is in modular duality (as a monadic dyad or monadic duad) to its coupled sinksource resonance of its winding mode in its quantum modular maximization of Vss*=e*fps2.

    The minimum calculates as Vps*=e*/fps2=1/1.8x1058 permutation states and translates to a 3D volume of measurement R with a Compton radius Rcompton=h/2πmc=c/2πfcompton=c/ωcompton with angular velocity ω=2πf and for Rcompton=RRMP(ss)=(e*fss2/2π2 )1/3 ~1.4x10-20 meters for a Compton Energy of about 2.2 microjoules or as 14.03 TeV (as the maximum design capacity of the Large Hadron Collider or LHC located at Geneva, Switzerland comprised of two individuated colliding proton beams).

    The precise ratio between the ZPE-kernel and the 'Space Consciousness' surrounding this core becomes:
    Wormhole-Radius/Space-Consciousness-SourceSink-Radius for rss=2πλss=2π/λps=1/rps and fssλss=1/c is:
    rps/RRMP(ss)=rps/RRMP=(2π2/e*rss3.fss2 )1/3=c(fss/4πe*)1/3=(c3.fss/8πRe)1/3 ~ 1/887.11 (dimensionless).

    The string coupling defines c=λpsfps=1/λssfss , rendering the Minkowski lightspeed constant c as dimensionless in the Lightpath Xps=ctps=cfss. This defines the quantum gravitational coupling of the gravitational mass element mss to the observed and measured elementary particle masses in QFT and Quantum-Chromodynamics (QCD) in the 'chromaticity' or 'colour charging' of gluonic gauge interaction transmitters being identifiable as the Magneto Charges defined in Star Coulombs (C*).
    The corresponding maximum then couples in macro quantization to the micro quantized quantum gravitational Magneto Charges in Vss*=e*fps2=4.5x1063 permutation states for a characterizing 'Galactic Volumar' in RRMP(ps)=(e*fps2/2π2)1/3=(e*/2fss2π2 )1/3 ~ 6.1x1020 meters or so 64,650 lightyears and a displacement scale which is then 'haloed' by the winded string parameter rss=1/rps=2πλss ~ 6.3x1022 meters or 6,648,875 lightyears and as the displacement scales observed by the standard cosmology.

    Correspondingly, the Anti-Wormhole-Radius/Space-Consciousness-SinkSource-Radius is: rss/RRMP(ps)=(16π5 λss3/e*fps2)1/3=(16π5/fsse*c3)1/3=(8π5/fssRec5)1/3 ~ 102.85 As rps/rss=rps2=(cfss/2π)2 and (fss/fps)2/3=(fss)4/3=(4π2rps/rssc2 )2/3 RRMP(ss)/RRMP(ps)=(fss/fps)2/3=(fss)4/3=(4π2rps/rssc2 )2/3
    for {RRMP(ss)/RRMP(ps)}3=(fss/fps)2=(fss)4=(4π2rps/rssc2 )2 = {1/81x10120} ~ Critical Density/Planck Density as the awareness operator fluctuation range.

    ρPlanckcritical={2πc5/hGo2}/{3Ho2/8pGo}={16p2c5/3hGoHo2}={1.855079x1096}/{3.78782x10-27} ~ 81x10120 = 4.897x10122 in a de Sitter closed EMR 10D-cosmology for which W=Wbaryon+WMDM/RMP+WDE=1

    ρPlanckcritical={2πc5/hGo2}/{Ho2/4p2Go}={8p3c5/hGoHo2}= {1.855079x1096}/{1.78497x10-26} ~ 81x10120 = 1.03928x10122 in an Anti-de Sitter closed EMMR 11D-cosmology for which W=Wbaryon+WMDM/RMP+WDE=1

    This is the universal sourcesink/sinksource volumar for the supermembrane Eps.Ess coupled in brane modular duality.
    The 'Physical Consciousness' in the standard cosmology now crystallizes as being associated with biovital lifeforms, occupying space, and as evolving in the dynamics of (holographic) fractals of the encompassing 'consciousness envelope' aka the galactic cells of macro-quantized entities. This bio vitality is defined in a 'kernel consciousness' inherent in space itself via the string-coupled modalities, mimicking the overall expansion of the thermodynamic (and stochastic) universe. This process can be comprehensively described as the EVOLUTION of Core-Consciousness in its Spacial Occupancy.

    The Definition of 'Life' must so fundamentally be based on the string coupling between the two modalities and as two modes of operation, which quantum relatively entangle the micro-quantum characterised by the 'wormhole core' as a function of the nuclear interaction scale and where the classical electron radius Re is also the scale of the magneto-asymptotic confinement of gluons in the definition of the magneto charges and so becomes the limiting quantum geometric template for the nuclear gauge interactions and the 'Higgs Bosonic' blueprint at the 3 Fermi scale.

    'Life' then becomes the cosmos-evolutionary consequence of a quantum geometry defining the spacial configurations of the supermembranes as superstring couplings. Therefore, the most basic and primordial 'lifeforms' such as viruses, bacteria and fungi follow highly geometrized patterns in Platonic- and Archimedean solids, characterised by highly symmetrical arrangements of their molecular and atomic constituents. The most elementary 'life form' is the crystalline arrangements of the self-replicating pattern.
    This originally manifested in so called quasicrystals of five folded symmetry, such as can be observed in Shechtmanites and the Penrose tiling.
    The underpinning cosmology of the decoupling and breaking of the so termed Planck-Symmetry transformed the Planck-String into 5 classes of superstring: this 'breaking of unification' following a pentagonal supersymmetry at the core of all 'natural laws'.

    For a 'lifeless' mass-only universe then the self-frequency of mass in the fss sinksource superstring would define the awareness operator as minimized in V*min=e*/(fss2 )=e*fps2
    Corollarily, the 'fully life-conscious' universe (attained after an infinite linear time evolution of the descriptive cosmology) would be defined in V*max=e*fss2 .
    We can now relate the 'spacial consciousness' in terms of the universe's inertia content to the volume occupied by mass. As there are (RHubble/rps)3 ~10147 spacetime quanta in the asymptotic string universe of 10D and bounded by the membrane universe of 11D as an extremal Strominger braned Black Hole say and the sinksource (winded string) Ess=hfss=mssc2=2.222...x10-64 J; we can define a 'Consciousness-Density per unit mass' rcrmp for this 11D-'Mother-Black Hole' in Witten M-Space in dyadic coupling with a 12D-'Father White Hole' in Vafa-F-Space (MBH and FWH).

    The M-Space MBH defines the Hubble horizon in its' closure mass' :
    MHubble=RHubble.c2/2Go=Σmss=Nmss~ 6.4706x1052 kg
    rcrmp=e*(RHubble/rps)3/MHubble=2Goe*RHubble2/rps3c2 = 7.81685x1096 ~ 83.2 ρPlanck C*/kg

    This is about 83.2 times the Planck-Density for MHubble and 2.34 times the Planck-Density applied to the baryonic mass seedling Mo=0.0281MHubble.

    The 'Base Inertia Consciousness' (BIC) per minimal mass quantum mss then calculates as mssrcrmp=(2.46913x10-81)(7.81685x1096)=1.930x1016 C* and for a count of N=2.6206x10133 mss as the inertia distribution of the BICUniverse=5.058x10149 C*.

    A characteristic mass of 1 kg as 4.05x1080 mass quanta, say as the standard liter of water in 10-3 cubic meters of volume so possesses an inherent inertial consciousness of 4.05x1.93x1096 C*=7.82x1096 C*. This is the ZPE of the quantum standard models redefined in units of consciousness and this total includes 'dark matter' and 'dark energy' by the overall mass distribution Nmss=Smss from the evolution of the Wo=Mo/MHubble - Einstein Lambda QBBS instanton-Inflaton cosmology.
    In terms of the volume of 1 liter; however, the 'spacial consciousness' quantizes in the form of the VPE quantum Eps=1/e* per unit volume and which is the source energy Vortex-Potential-Energy quantum volumar VPE = Eps/2π2rps3 = 2.5133x1064 [J/m3]*.

    The 'inertia consciousness' of 1 liter of water so relates the BIC of 7.82x1096 C* to a VPE or ZPE of 2.51x1061 J/m3.
    The example of a simple rock serves as a culmination of this essay. A rock, occupying a volume Vrock carries an intrinsic Base-Consciousness due to its volume. This basic consciousness is given in the mass-frequency fss as the mass of the rock is quantized in a number count N of mass quanta mss. This mass of the rock is actually a higher-dimensional mass-current as a form of 'natural superconductivity' Ips=2efps superstring coupled in modular duality to Iss=2efss.

    The rock can so also be described as a summation of displacement current elements Iss=2eλps/c according to the previously described equations of James Clark Maxwell’s electromagnetic theory. Mass in its purest form so is nothing but 'static magnetoelectricity' or densified electromagnetic monopolar sourcesink current.
    The non-densified form of mass is of course photonic, and should this photonic mass NOT be a derivative from the acceleration of electric Coulomb charges 'e' coupled to preexisting mass (say fusion protons in stars) BUT be a derivative from the acceleration of magneto charges 'e*', then the resulting Electromagnetic Radiation is monadic or Monopolar EMMR and defines the so called 'SPIRIT' of metaphysical cosmologies and philosophies.

    The rock of volume Vrock and as some summation ΣIss or Σmss so describes an energetic self-state of the superstring coupling between the string dyadic of the micro quantum Eps and the macro quantum Ess. The interaction of the rock with its environment then, in elementary terms, becomes a dynamic of spacial interaction in the movements of the rock in potential and kinetic energy and an encompassing wave-particle quantum eigen state of environmental quantum entanglement (Mach’s Principle) with self- and mutual electric and magnetic inductions and capacities and resistances.

    All space quanta are associated, or quantum entangled with each other via the string coupling and as all spacetime volumars are defined by their ZPE-core and its 'haloed' or 'auric' envelope of the physical consciousness coupled to the volumars by the self-awareness operator df/dt; the entire cosmology is rendered a unified kaleidoscope of holofractal self-interaction of the thus defined 'Cosmic Consciousness'.
    A basic quantum consciousness then is multiplied and complexified in the interaction, self- and mutual, between spacetime volumars of varying sizes in the encompassing summation integrals of the initial- and boundary parameters of the cosmogenesis.

    The phenomenon of 'life' then is characterised by the Awareness-Operator the Alpha-Omega aw=αω=df/dt, namely the 'Change in Frequency' over linearized Time t and where the sourcesink frequency for minimum impedance for the 'natural current flow' (Ips) forms the upper bound source-resonance of the vibratory string modality and the maximum impedance describes the 'natural current flow' (Iss) as the lower bound for the sink-resonance. The 'lifeless' universe of the primordial Quantum Big Bang is in Sink-Resonance to the Ess sinksource as a macro quantum, manifesting the super galactic inertia in Black Holes as seedlings for mass agglomerations known as galaxies.
    Coupled to those 'higher-D' Black Holes are however imaged 'higher-D' White Holes (Quasars) who as Source-Resonators manifest the Source-Resonance of the Eps sourcesink as the micro quantum of the super braned cosmology from its cosmogony.
    The purpose and reason for the universe of materiality so is found in the Coevolution of SourceSink Self-Consciousness as unified encompassment for the cosmic evolution with its individuated and dispersed holographic shards or holograms of this selfsame self-consciousness in evolvement.

    The operator for this evolvement is spacial self-awareness and the ability to use a bio mind defined by the function of 'changing' or modulating the frequency received by an antenna, which can take the form of a biochemical and molecular arrangement of cellular units termed a 'brain'.
    The biological evolution of brains, then accommodates the utility of the natural superconductive electricity embodied in space itself; the biochemical electricity of say electromagnetic brain waves representing a shadow function of the charge flow I=dQ/dt as a 'normal current flow' to the electromagneto monopolar supercurrents of the magneto charges aka the universal agents for physicalized spacial consciousness.

    Last edited: Apr 3, 2022
  9. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    VI: The Ylemic Universe and Quantum Gravitation from Superbrane Parameters

    Many questions raised in the avenues of astrophysics and cosmology engage the quantum physics of the early universe following the QBBS.

    When did the first stars and galaxies form from their black hole seeds and how did the dark matter cosmology change its nature from a decelerating universe into a universe apparently dominated by dark energy, responsible for an apparent acceleration of the universe, beginning about halfway through the age of the universe in its thermodynamic evolution? The answers are found in the timespace definitions to provide the initial boundary conditions for the spacetime instantaneity defined in the instanton-inflaton coupling.

    The timespace defined five superstring classes, which defined the Zero-Point Planck Harmonic Oscillator from the undefined timespace to the five superstring classes in the timespace to be then mirrored by the Dirac monopole at the QBBS singularity as a double-sided Möbius-Klein supermembrane into spacetime.

    At the Dirac singularity, the point particular nature became ‘stringed’ with the Weyl-Eps boson forming the physicalized manifestation of the Planck boson string for the initializing definition by the universal Logos Mathimatia.


    The Planck Harmonic Zero-Point Oscillator so became the Weyl-Harmonic Zero-Point Oscillator in a conformal mapping of the timespace onto the QBBS supermembrane and then manifesting the five superstring classes of the timespace in the spacetime.

    Monopole Boson

    string class heterotic HO(32) closed







    string class IIB closed







    string class IIA closed






    False Vacuum Higgs-Boson Upper

    Higgs string






    False Vacuum Higgs-Boson Lower

    Timespace OPL-Image


    a tps




    Weyl-Boson-QBBS radius

    string class heterotic HE(64) closed

    QBBS Spacetime





    Weyl-Boson-QBBS wavelength

    Closed string class heterotic HE(64) closed

    QBBS Spacetime





    Weyl-Boson-QBBS modular wavelength

    string class heterotic HE(64) closed

    QBBS Spacetime





    False Vacuum Higgs- Boson Lower

    Spacetime OPL-Image






    False Vacuum Higgs- Boson Upper

    Higgs string






    Ecosmic Boson

    Cosmic Ray Image Knee







    Cosmic Ray Image Ankle






    Monopole Boson

    Cosmic Ray Image Toe





    Universe the size of the Compton quantum scale Rcompton= Re/a=h/2pmc

    Monopole Boson

    Minimum 30[ec] for quantum gravity





    Universe the size of the wave matter de Broglie quantum scale ldB=h/mc

    Planck Boson

    Planck boson





    Universe the size of the Bohr atom scale lbohr1=Re/a2

    Planck-Oscillation Boson

    Planck bounce





    Universe the size of an atom

    Algo Boson

    Genesis boson





    Universe the size of smallest life bio-organisms; cellular complex
    This evolution is defined in the wormhole mass mweyl={lweylc2/4pGo} transforming into the mass of the mother black hole MH={RHc2/2Go} in using the time coordinate for the Sarkar daughter black hole given as the coordinate of the E-googol from the timespace definitions as the mass seedling Mo={Rsarkarc2/2Go}
    = (proportionality constant qo)MH.

    The proportionality constant qo is known as the deceleration parameter for the QBBS cosmology.
    The H-googol defined the Hubble event horizon and so the boundary conditions for the age and size for the protoverse as a seed for the multiverse emerging after one completion of the light path of the EMMR travelling in spacetime from the instanton to the inflaton.

    The F-googol and the G-googol as counts of source energy wormhole quanta reduce the encompassing Riemann volumars in a factor of F/E=1.019538764x10103/1.006208782x10112=1.0132477x10-9 and G/E=9.676924497x10102/1.006208782x10112=9.61721332x10-10 to set a particular energy ratio between the light energy parameters and the dark energy parameters in the QBBS.

    The light energy parameter refers to the part of Electromagnetic radiation (EMR) emerging from the instanton as the effect of the acceleration electropolar charge coupled to the wormhole mass mweyl and as different from the Electromagnetic monopolar radiation of the EMMR, which is the effect of the acceleration of magnetopolar charge as given in the Dirac monopole manifesting from imaginary timespace as physicalized spacetime.

    The dark energy parameter then refers to the part associated with the matter content of the QBBS and so the mass seedling Mo of the instanton defined in spacetime at the E-googol marker and as part of the encompassing dark energy mass of the mother black hole MH of the Hubble event horizon.

    The Riemann volumar R(n)=RH{n}/{n+1} at the E-googol marker for the Strominger black hole so is calculated as 2p2RE3={E}{2p2rweyl3} for RE=E(λweyl/2π)=3.43597108x1014 m* for a time tE=nE/Ho=2.1506x10-12/Ho=1,145,323.7 s* and a temperature TE=1.163x109 K*from T(n)={{Ho3Mo/1100π2σSB}.{(n+1)2/n3}}

    The Riemann volumar at the F-googol marker for the Strominger black hole so is calculated as 2p2RF3={F}{2p2rweyl3} for RF=F(λweyl/2π)=3.45107750x1011 m*
    for a time tF=nF/Ho=2.1601x10-15/Ho=1150.36 s* and a temperature TE=2.0614x1011 K*.

    The Riemann volumar at the G-googol marker for the Strominger black hole so is calculated as 2p2RG3={G}{2p2rweyl3} for RG=G(λweyl/2π)=3.39155801x1011 m*
    for a time tG=nG/Ho=2.1228x10-15/Ho=1130.52 s* and a temperature TE=2.0885x1011 K*

    For F’=(2G-F)=9.158461354x10102 space quanta = RF’=F’)(λweyl/2π)=3.32987275x1011 m*
    for a time tF’=nF’/Ho=2.0842x10-15/Ho=1109.96 s* and temperature TE=2.1173x1011 K* and where googol F’ is the mirror image of googol F about googol G

    Those Strominger black holes then became physically manifest as the first Gamow ylem protostars, physicalizing the potential matter vortices from the initial potential mass distribution of the Mo matter seedling.

    Ylemic neutron stars form the boundary conditions for quark-gluon stars with characteristic radii relating the temperature of the universe at the particular n-cycle coordinate to vortex potential energy concentrations materializing from the matter distribution of the matter seedling Mo as ylemic neutron stars.

    The thermodynamic evolution of the universe then relates a general evolution of neutron stars with specific nuclear densities with respect to the cosmic radiation background to the Hawking properties of black holes as a background energy matrix originating from the distribution of a baryonic mass seedling and its coupling to the QBBS parameters.

    blackhole (2).
    ver22. ver24.

    The Hawking-Gamow Temperature Unification for classical and quantum gravitation is so derived as the temperature ratio:

    THawking/Tylem = 1 = hcRe3/2pGomc2Rylem2 RHawking
    = Re3/anucleon.Rylem2RHawking with anucleon= aplanckae18 .

    Hawking’s micro black holes play a decisive role in the universal cosmology, as they modulate the quantum gravitational universe of the creation event with the classical gravitation of the spacetime geometry. In particular the micro black holes form the energy centers within encompassing vortices of potential energy modelled on the Jeans length applied to the general temperature evolution of the universe.

    The ylemic radius is independent from mass as a function of the ylemic Gamow temperature, decreases with time and only depends on atomic and subatomic parameters as the classical electron radius Re and the primordial nucleon as the ylemic neutron mc=mplancka9 from the gravitational finestructure ag=2pmc2/hc=mc2/mplanck2=ae18 for kB the Stefan-Boltzmann constant for thermodynamic energy, Re the classical electron radius, Go the quantum gravitational constant and mc the proto-nucleonic mass from the gravitational finestructure in:

    The Gamow Ylemic dineutronic radius for Black Hole Temperature evolution:

    Rylem = √{kBTylemRe3/Gomc2} …………………….……[Eq.V-1]

    The ylem radius so is descriptive for a spacetime metric coupling the quantum gravitation of a Hawking micro black hole at the high fusion temperatures of the early universe to its later manifestation in neutron stars defined by their nuclear densities with electron and neutron degeneracies.

    The maximum temperature for a black hole is given at a nexus point in the thermodynamic evolution of the universe, known as the bosonic unification of the background temperature with that of the bosonic temperature of the Weyl wormhole of the QBBS. The universe had cooled to a temperature of 1.42x1020 Kelvin from the QBBS temperature of a temperature of 2.30x1036 Kelvin at a time of 2 nanoseconds from the instanton.

    At this time, the ylem dark matter radius was 6.26x108 meters encompassing a lower dimensional universe of just 1.1382 meters across in the higher dimensional universe created by the inflaton and the hyper accelerated de Broglie wave matter EMMI light path.

    Hawking Modulus HM = MHawkingTHawking=mPlanck.EoPlanck/kB = √{hc/2πGo}{½mPlanck.c2/kB}
    = hc3/4πGokB = {MHminin.THmax}={rpsc2/2Go}{Tps}=9.1317939x1023 [kgK]*

    The maximum Hawking temperature for micro black holes so is given as Tps=Tweyl as a maximized bosonic or Einstein-Boson-Condensate temperature for the QBBS.

    The Hawking-Unruh form for the Hawking Modulus is HUM=MHawking.THawking
    = mplanck.Tplanck/8p = hc3/16p2GokB =7.2668507x1022 [kgK]*

    for the extent of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity (UFoQR) requiring 1440° or 8p radians to repeat its superposed electromagnetic-gravitational wavefunction.

    8p.HUM = MHawkingTHawking=mPlanck.EPlanck/kB = √{hc/2πGo}{mPlanck.c2/kB}
    = hc3/2πGokB for HUM = hc3/2p2GokB = 7.266851x1022 [kgK]*

    The Unruh acceleration within a temperature background so relates to the surface properties of the holographic AdS-CFT (conformal field theory) cosmology and the entropy of a black hole in the Hawking-Bekenstein bound of S=2pkBAc3/4Goh in the UFoQR then becomes aunruh=2pcMHawkingkBTHawking/h and would give a black hole Hawking temperature of 2.46x10-19 K* for a gravitational acceleration of 9.8 [m/s2]*.

    The entropy of the Hawking-Bekenstein cosmology therefore relates to the conformal mapping of the Planck displacement scale onto the Weyl-Eps displacement scale in entropy S=¼{Area/Lplanck2}=¼{2pAc3/Goh}.

    The Weyl-wormhole of heterotic supermembrane EpsEss and given by the sinusoidal waveform fUFoQR(x)=sin(3x/2)-cos(3x/4) so represents the four Planck areas Lplanck2 per information bit in its 12 monopolar current loops spanning a wave number of k=4 in 8p/lps radians.

    The Feigenbaum complexity upper bound for the universal base topology as chaos constant is given as dfeigenbaum = 4.669201… < 4.712389 = 3p/2 and the surface area for the Riemann 3-dimensional manifold is 6p2R32 = (3p/2)(4pR32) for the Hawking-Unruh factor of 4p = 6p2/(3p/2)=12p2/3p as a coefficient modulation in the multidimensional universe.

    The spacetime volumar 2p2rps3 so is compressed in the spacetime volumar 4pr4D3/3 in the Source energy per unit volume EVPE-ZPE = 4pEps/lps3 for r4D = {3p/2} rps = 1.67654rps in the surface area modulation 6p2=3p.4p/2 in the dimensional reduction of the sphericity of the 3-ball V4p2R44 as a 3-dimensional surface dV4/dR4 = 2p2R33 to the 2-ball V3=4pR33/3 as the energy per unit volumar spacetime quantum for the wormhole integration of the multidimensional cosmology.

    The quantized spacetime so becomes a summation of Susskind-Maldacena integrated wormhole quanta enabled to connect time-parallel extremal Strominger black holes as a closed dS universe and an open AdS universe as an Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen bridge. The region of spacetime connected by the two wormhole faces then describes the dark wormhole matter not intersecting the baryonic mass seed and is defined in the extremal quantum surface of the Page Time.


    For the minimum Planck-Oscillator: Eop = ½hfop = ½mopc2 = ½kBTop = Mc2/#bits
    ={Mc2.lplanck2}/{4pR2} = {MGoh/8p2cR2} = {hg/8p2c} with gravitational acceleration g =GoM/R2 and M=gR2/Go for kBT = hg/4p2c = {String T-Duality modulation factor z}{hg/c}

    z = Linearization of Compton wave matter in de Broglie wave matter
    rps/rss = {lps/2p}/{2plss} = {lps2/4p2} = {1/4p2.lss2} = 10-44/4p2
    for 4p=HM/HUM={hc3/4pGokB }/{hc3/16p2GokB}

    The gravitational acceleration in Quantum Relativity g as the Weyl-wormhole gravitational acceleration then is gps = c.fps
    for Eps = hfps = hc.fps/c = kBTps = hgps/c and generalizes as the Milgröm acceleration amil = -2cHo/(n+1)3 in the cosmology in g ∝ cHo.
    dE = TdS for c2dM = (2kBT.c3)dA/4Goh for dM = {hgc/2pc}dA/{4Goh} = {g/8pGo}dA dM/dA = {g/8pGo}

    dS/dA = kB/4lplanck2 = 2pkBc3/4hGo from Entropy S=kBA/4lplanck2 = pc3kBA/2Goh with dS=2pkB from dE/dS = T and E = STdS = kBT in the quantum self-state dM/dS = {dM/dA}.{dA/dS} = {g/8pGo}.{4lplanck2/kB}= {glplanck2/2pkBGo} = {hg/4p2kBc3}= z{hg/kBc3}

    As indicated by cosmological models, including Susskind, Maldacena, Bousso and Verlinde, relating string theory with gravitation and the holographic principle; crystallizes that quantum information from timespace allows gravitation and all interactions to emerge in spacetime.
    The transition from timespace into spacetime then is enabled by the Dirac string and the mirror modular dualities of string-membrane realm imaging the string parameters from timespace into spacetime.

    The primary physical parameter for the subsequently evolving cosmology then is the definition of temperature as a kinetic energy effect for the lower dimensional and gravitational universe and with entropy as a count of energy-frequency micro eigenstates as bits of information.
    The higher dimensional information universe so forms a corollary in the EMMI light path of the monopolar source radiation to the EMI light path for the matter dependent electromagnetic radiation (EMR).
    As the EMR is produced by the dynamics of electropolar charges, as in the angular acceleration of protons in a fusion star; but the magnetopolar charges are accelerated in the frequency differential over time in df/dt as a radial independent angular quantum spin; the Unruh acceleration can be generalised to the gravitational acceleration g=GM/R2 for the entropic cosmology and bounded in the Schwarzschild metric in partitioning lightspeed c in the product of wavelength times frequency.

    For a temperature T=hg/4p2ckB=GoMh/4p2ckBR2=hc3/16p2kBGoM the square of the Schwarzschild metric results in 4Go2M2=R2c4

    In particular, the definitions of the dark matter particle in the RMP and the Dirac monopole as the Weyl-wormhole indicate that for the first 6.662x10-29 = Lightpath/c seconds from the QBBS, the physical energy content of the universe was purely restmass photonic in forming the ylemic dineutron bosons as the primordial radiation background for the thermodynamic expansion of the universe.

    As the volume of the universe at electroweak unification is 2p2REW3={2.434875x1087}{2p2rps3}, the physicalised matter content in the universe from baryon seedling Mo consisted of 2.43x1087 dark matter particles in the form of bosonic ylemic dineutrons coupled as a doubled or squared matter colour charge template Y2C2M2 containing the soon to be born Higgs boson as the scalar Goldstone boson coupled to a spin conserving colour neutral graviphoton of spin +1 coupled to the RMP’s negative quantum spin of -1.

    The wave quark geometric Y2C2M2(-1) decays into two lefthanded neutrons each of quantum spin -½ to manifest the charge-parity violation of the weak interaction and the suppression of antimatter in the form of the M2C2Y2 antimatter template for the Anti-Higgs boson and the Anti-RMP.

    The graviphoton coupled to a matter weakon (W-)(+1) can then couple to a weakly interacting neutron to flip the lefthanded neutron into a righthanded neutron in conjunction with an antimatter weakon (W+)(-1) coupled to an anti-graviphoton conserving weak interaction parity across the mirror of the QBBS as the Dirac string with the Khaibit shadow-mirror universe.

    The neutral current weakon (Zo)(±1) similarly engages anti-neutrino and neutrino interactions from their colour charged R2G2B2(+½) and B2G2R2(-½) templates, their Dirac form of weakonness being massless, but their Majorana form of unified field interaction resulting in the mass induction by the scalar Higgs (anti)neutrino of squared template form (R4G4B4)(0) and B4G4R4(0).

    The production of antimatter in the form of pair production in the UfoQR between monopolar current loops for junctions 6-7-8 became defined at the electroweak unification cycle coordinate in the QBBS.

    The Dirac monopole is defined in the units of the gravitational parameter.
    or [m3/s2]=[Volume][Angular Acceleration] as:

    e*=2Rec2= 2Re{lps2}{fps2}=1/Eps for 2Re{lps2}=2Re{360Re/1010}2={2.592x10-15}Re3=e*/fps2=e*fss2=e*(9x1060) entropy self-states

    The RMP is defined in its volumar 2p2RRMP3=e*/fps2= e*/(9x1060) entropy self-states) to define the ratio {Re/RRMP}={2p2/2.592x10-15}=7.6154355x1015 showing that so 7.615 quadrillion RMPs will fit into the source energy quantum and the inversion charge energy of the Dirac monopole and so the QBBS instanton.
    The radius of the RMP is given RRMP=1.411884763x10-20 m* from the source energy quantum definition for the classical electron radius of 2.777…x10-15 m*.

    The unification condition for the physicalisation of the Dirac monopole as the t’Hooft-Polyakov monopole requires however the Mean Monopolar Quantum Bound (MQB) as the alignment of the Dirac monopole wavelength mapped onto the electron wavelength and this MQB is calculated from the quantization condition to align the Dirac wavelength with the mirror modular duality of the supermembrane EpsEss.

    As the inversion properties apply throughout the cosmology defined by the googolplex markers EFGF’, the Dirac wavelength aligns the divergence between the product RERe in the coupling of l* to RE and r* to Re in the ratio = hMO=(MQB/RERe)=(1.351/0.9544)=1.41555 and in multiplying the RMP radius by (MQB/RERe) for an effective dark matter displacement coordinate RRMPeff=1.9986x10-20 m*.

    Monopolar mean classical bound


    Monopolar mean quantum bound

    D= +0.156
    RE*=3.6x1014 = 360x1012






    D=-0.145 RE,c2=4(8.2263x1013)=3.2905x1014
    The RMP dominated era ended when the ylemic dineutron radius became equal to the size of the universe at a time about 1/140th of a second for a radius of 2.14114x106 m*. This was the nexus for the RMP-Higgs ylemic quarkian geometry template to differentiate between the mesonic inner and the leptonic outer ring to kernel the proton in electroweak unification at a temperature of 1.68x1015 K* and when the dark matter universe became illuminated in the EMMI light path intersecting the RMP haloed universe.

    The number of space quanta comprising the universe at RMP time is the size of the universe for cycle coordinate divided by 2p2rps3
    as a space quantum count EtaRMP =hRMP= RRMPeff3/rps3=1.9802x109=1/5.0500x10-10

    For the googolplex E-FGF’, the photon baryon ratios for the time of the primordial neutron decay from to 1150.36 – 1130.52 – 1109.96 – 229.821 seconds for a time interval from 880.14 to 900.70 to 920.54 seconds, the respective photon-baryon ratios then replace the ratio of the dark matter restmass photons in the illuminated universe now enabled to freely produce protons, electrons with anti-neutrinos in beta minus weak interaction decay and completing the first 20 minutes of the thermodynamic evolution of the universe in the formation of primordial helium, deuterium, tritium and lithium in the nucleosynthesis of the QBBS.

    hMO {RE/RF}3={1.41555}{1.006208782x10112/1.019538764x10103 } ={1.41555}{9.8692548x108}=1.397042x109=1/7.15799x10-10

    hMO {RE/RG}3={1.41555}{1.006208782x10112 /9.676924497x10102 } ={1.41555}{1.03980225x109}=1.471892x109=1/6.79398x10-10

    hMO {RE/RF’}3={1.41555}{1.006208782x10112 /9.158461354x10102 } ={1.41555}{1.09866575x109}=1.555216x109=1/6.42998x10-10

    As the displacement string modular dualities define the minimum-maximum winding mode-frequency mode boundary conditions in string displacement/time rps/tps = lpsfps/2p = c/2p modular dual to rss/tss=2plssfss=2p/c the minimum Hawking temperature is modulated in
    {rpstss/rsstps}={c2/4p2} as THmin = {c2/4p2}Tss = {c2/4p2}Ess/kB ={hfssc2/4kBp2}

    =3.58856785x10-26 K* = Tss{c2/4p2}mod and where {c2/4p2}mod is dimensionless due to the string modular duality.

    This minimum Hawking temperature for black hole modulation now defines the modular black hole mass dual to the micro black hole of the QBBS as
    MHawkingmax=MHmax={MHminin.THmax}/{THmin} = {hc3/4pkBGo}/{hfssc2/4kBp2}={pcfps/Go}mod=2.544690x1049 kg*

    This maximum Hawking mass so refers to the cycle time coordinate in the evolution of the thermodynamic universe, when the bosonic unification Hawking micro black hole mass with its dark matter ylemic halo will be balanced in a Hawking macro black hole mass descriptive in the encompassing temperature evolution of the universe.

    As the micro black hole has the wormhole radius rps=lps/2p of the QBBS at the bosonic unification time 2 nanoseconds into the expansion of the universe; the macro black hole will have the modular dual radius to the wormhole radius as rss=2plss or 6.283x1022 m* at a time characterizing the dark matter halo of the micro quantum state to reverse in a modulation of rendering the dark matter halo visible and illuminated.

    The cycle time n=0.000393425… or 6.64 million years from the QBBS so manifests an anti-wormhole or white hole perimeter for the supermembrane sourcesink Eps mirroring the supermembrane sinksource Ess as the micro black hole perimeter of the bosonic temperature unification.

    Monopolar sourcesink Eps so begins to activate in the cosmology in applying the dark matter haloes from a global universal perspective onto a galactic local disposition and preparing the universe for the birth of stars and galaxies, based on the displacement scale of the modulated Hawking macro quantum black hole.

    The temperature for this nexus coordinate was 358.05 K* and with a cosmological comoving redshift of z=49.421.

    A universal radius of 6.283x1022 m* calculates for the Strominger form of the universe as a black hole as MHmax=2plssc2/2Go=2.5447x1049 kg*

    The critical displacement scale for the dark matter haloes from {lss/2plss – 2plss} or {0.159-1.00-6.28}x1022 m* is conformally mapped onto the galactic seeds encompassed by supercluster seeds of the Sarkar scale defined in the baryon mass seed Rsarkar=GoMo/c2 from {1.12-2.23-4.47}x1024 m* with the Hawking modulus applied to the Strominger black hole universal evolution.

    The supermembrane modulation factor {c2/4p2}mod={c2/39.478} so defines a generalized displacement scale for a galactic seed with its core and bulge separated from its inner and outer haloes in 2p2 as the volumar coefficient for a space quantum (Vsq=2p2rps3) in 2p2~2x106/105=20=4x106/2x105 and for lpsfps=c=1/lssfss.



    From the electroweak unification nexus at 1/140th of a second into the cosmogenesis; the dark matter haloes became fully integrated into the lower dimensional universe with the ylemic radius continually shrinking relative to the expanding Hubble universe aiming for the Hubble event horizon set by the inflaton of the QBBS.
    At the present cycle time coordinate for the universe, the ylemic radius is 87.15 mm* for a Hawking-ylem-universal temperature of 7.474 K* and a lower dimensional radius of 8.96 billion light years within a higher dimensional radius of 16.88 billion light years of the EMI light path within 19.12 billion light years of the EMMI light path.

    The gravitationally closed universe in de Sitter spacetime so is at the 53.11% (n/n+1) marker relative to its closure mass in de Sitter spacetime but is at the 86.73% (n) marker relative to its open anti de Sitter spacetime.

    As 86.73% of the closure mass represent 0.8673RH=14.64 billion light years; the true EMMI age of the universe is underestimated in the intersection of the EMMI light path relative to the de Sitter spacetime observer in 13.27% of the true age as 16.88+2.24=19.12 billion years.

    Relating the ylem temperature of the Gamow radius of the Schwarzschilded protostar vortex to the Hawking temperature of black holes forms the relationship between the ylemic radius of the Gamow protostar and the Hawking black hole.

    MHawking=HM/THawking=(hc3/4pGokB)/THawking = RHawkingc2/2Go for RHawking = hc/2pkBTHawking as the curvature Schwarzschild radius for a Hawking black hole

    THawking = hc/2pkBRHawking for Tylem = Gomc2.Rylem2/kBRe3

    with THawking/Tylem = hcRe3/2pGomc2Rylem2 RHawking = Re3/anucleon.Rylem2RHawking

    for the gravitational finestructure constant anucleon for nucleons with mplanckae9=√{(hc/2pGo)(2pkee2/hc)}ae[17/2] = {e/Go}ae[17/2] = keeae[17/2] = mc

    for the Planck mass mplanck2=hc/2pGo and the gravitational fine structure
    a18=Stoney-Planck unification Go=1/ke=4peo and the general unitary unification of
    Dirac’s monopole in the identity of the gravitational parameter GM equal to magneto charge e* in [e*/Go]=[m3/s2]/[Nm2/kg2]=[kg]=[M]

    Electromagnetic Fine structure:
    αe = 2πkee2/hc = e2/2εohc = μoe2c/2h = 60πe2/h ..........(Planck-Stoney-QR units *)
    Gravitational Fine structure (Electron):
    αg = 2πGomelectron2/hc = {αgplanck} = {melectron/mplanck}2

    Gravitational Fine structure (Primordial Nucleon): αnucleon = 2πGomc2/hc for mc = mplanck.ae9
    Gravitational Fine structure (Planck Boson): αplanck = 2πGomplanck2/hc

    Gravitational Fine structure unification: {αgplanck} = {melectron/mplanck}2 = {melectron/mc}2ae18

    The Hawking-Gamow Temperature Unification for classical and quantum gravitation in Hawking Micro Black Holes:

    THawking/Tylem = hcRe3/2pGomc2Rylem2 RHawking = Re3/anucleon.Rylem2RHawking
    with anucleon= aplanckae18 …and… RHawkingTHawking = constant = RylemTylem…………….[Eq.V-2]

    For the Hawking-Gamow Intersection-Equilibrium
    RHawking = hc/2pkBTHawking = 2GoMBH/c2 = hc/2pkBTYlem = Rylem for constant = hc/2pkB

    Tylem = THawking.RHawking/Rylem = hc/2pkBRylem = {hcmc/2pkBRe}√(Go/kBReTCBBR)

    Rylem2 = kBTHawkingRe3/Gomc2 = RH2{n/n+1}2 for THawking = {Gomc2 RH2{n/n+1}2/kBRe3 = {18.20[n+1]2/n3} for nHG =HotHG = 1.3398x10-20 as n is of O{Ho=10-18} in Gomc2 RH2/{2.06541kBRe3} = (n+1)[5/2]/n[11/4] ~ 1/n[11/4]

    tHG = nHG/Ho = 1.3398x10-20/1.87773x10-18 = 0.007135 = 1/140.15 seconds* for Rylem=R(nHG)=nHGRH= 2,140,564.97 meters* as the approximate Lightpath ctHG .

    The universes’ Cosmic Blackbody Background Radiation or CBBR temperature decreases from the instanton in the Higgs Bosonic Vacuum HBV and when the ylem radius is defined by the Einstein Lambda Temperature of 2.935x1036 K* as 1.012x1013 m* and is 6.36x1035 times the wormhole radius of the QBBS (rps=10-22/2p). As the universe expands at lightspeed c from the instanton in AdS spacetime and grows in size in the gravitationally retarded dS spacetime, the ylem radius decreases as the size of the universe increases.

    The Hawking-Gamow Equilibrium then defines the point of intersection when the shrinking ylemic Dark Energy and RMP-coupled Dark Matter Halo defined in the ylemic HBV scale becomes R(n)=Rylem. The Dark Matter/Energy halo become the quark-lepton geometric kernel-ring structures, which then crystallize the ylemic dineutrons from the Higgs Boson-RMP matter-antimatter templates.

    The ylem radius at the bosonic unification temperature was 6.2584x108 m* and it was 2.1411x106 m* for the electroweak unification when the ylemic radius matched the size of the expanding universe. The ylem radius was 9.008x1016 m* at the QBBS instanton-inflaton spacetime coordinate and is 0.08715 m* for the present time and decreases with the time evolution of the universe.

    The ylem temperature for bosonic unification was 3.6028x10-12 K* and was 1.0331x10-9 K* for the electroweak unification when the ylemic radius matched the size of the expanding universe.

    A universal radius of 6.283x1022 m* calculates for the Strominger form of the universe as a black hole as MHmax=2plssc2/2Go=2.5447x1049 kg* for the universal temperature modulation between the maximum and minimum self-states.

    The modular string duality for micro BH in wormhole radius rps = lps/2p is modular dual for macro BH in rss = 1/rps = 2p/lps = 2plss for the coupling constant per mass quantum eigenstate mss=Ess/c2=hfss/c2 Ess/Eps=hfss/hfps=1/fps2=1/9x1060 by c = lpsfps = 1/lssfss = 2prpsfps = 2pfps/rss for the displacement couplings rps/rss = {c/2pfps}{c/2pfps} = {c2/4p2}|max-min mod and rss/rps = {2pfps/c}{2pfps/c} = {4p2/c2}|min-max mod

    Tps(max)=Eps/kB=1.41671x1020 K* as the maximum temperature for a Hawking micro BH and Tss=Ess/kB=hfss/kB=1.574124x10-41 K* modified by the dimensionless min-max displacement coupling constant {c2/4p2} to Tss(min)=3.5885722x10-26 for the Hawking-Gibbon minimum temperature and with a corresponding curvature mass MHmax = 2plssc2/2Go = hc3/4pkBGoTss(min) = 2.54468x1049 kg* and as a critical proportion of mass seedling Mo as MHmax/Mo =2plssc2/2GoMo= 2plss/ RSarkar=0.0140303

    The QBBS deceleration parameter is given as the ratio between the Einstein quintessence and the inflaton wave phase hyper acceleration LE(nps)/AdeBroglie = GoMo/lps2}/{RHfps2 = Mo/2MH = 0.014015

    A proportionality constant x between the curvature mass for macro BH temperature minimization and the deceleration parameter qoWo=Mo/2MH so becomes defined in x = {MHmax /Mo}{2MH/Mo} = 2MHmaxMH/Mo = 0.0140303/0.014015 = 1.53x10-5 indicating a temperature fluctuation in the CBBR background deviating from a measured temperature by this order of magnitude.

    For a present SI-measurement of the microwave CMMBR of 2.72548 ± 0.00057 Kelvin K; the fluctuation mean is at 2.726x1.53x10-5 ~ 42 mK (microkelvin).
    The WMAP ‘cold spot’ then indicates a generalized temperature background fluctuation in the universal Cosmic Black Body Radiation or CBBR for this order of magnitude as the monopole anisotropy or as a directional dependency. { CMB cold spot - Wikipedia }.

    A generalized maximized generalized temperature fluctuation in the CBBR is imprinted by the maximum ylemic radius at the 1 millikelvin mK or 0.1%-level as the dipole anisotropy in the deviation or change in the ylemic Lightpath of c2 m* and for {9-9.0082263}x1016/9x1016
    = -0.0082263/9 = -0.000914 at the 1mK level. { Cosmic microwave background - Wikipedia }.

    The deviation of the maximum ylemic Lightpath from the c2=E/mass dimensionless factor then becomes 4{ 8.2263x1013} m* = 3.2905x1014 m* and represents the inflationary form of the wormhole radius of the QBBS projected as the googol volumar RE=3.34x1014 m* modulated as the classical electron radius Re=2.777x10-15 m* in the Modular Quantum Bound MQB and as the fourfold nature of the Unified Field of Quantum Relativity UfoQR.

    The ylem temperature was TylemQBBS = 2.5032x10-20 K* at the QBBS instanton-inflaton spacetime coordinate and is 0.02589 K* at the present time and increases with the time evolution of the universe as more mass energy of mass seed Mo is distributed in the universal volumar. This volumar was defined in the inflaton for the nodal Hubble constant and then becomes a function of the multiverse cyclicity.

    MHawkingTylemQBBS=hc3/4pkBGo = 9.1317939x1023 [kgK]* for a Hawking Black Hole mass of MHawkingQBBS = 3.64805x1043 kg* and TylemQBBS = 2.503199x10-20 K* for the micro BH self-state. In the macro BH self-state the Hawking-Gibbon HM modulus relating the inverse proportionality between a Black Hole’s mass to its temperature for the CBBR temperature T(nps) = 2.935x1036 K*, the curvature mass is McurvQBBS = 3.1113x10-13 kg*.

    The QBBS mass seedling Mo is proportional to the closure mass MH and the Mmax in the expression MHMmax = z Mo2 for z = MHMmax/Mo2 = Mmax/WoMo = 2Mmax/qoMo with deceleration parameter qoWo

    z = (6.47061227x1052)(2.54468x1049)/(1.81371262x1051)2 = 0.5005432 ~ ½ = qo/Wo
    2z = 1.0010865 = 2MHMmax/Mo2 = Mmax/MoWo = Mmax/2Moqo = MmaxAdeBroglie/2MoLE(nps)

    The manifestation of the mass seedling Mo seeding the QBBS birth of the universe in the instanton-inflaton coupling then produces a general 0.1% fluctuation on the quantum scale of micro BHs at the beginning of the cosmology in the hyper acceleration ratio coupling the lower dimensional de Sitter universe with the higher dimensional Anti de Sitter universe. The Hawking micro BHs form the Vortex-Potential Energy as VPE or Zero-Point-Energy ZPE bosonic wormhole seeds to grow in the general spacetime evolution of the expanding and cyclic cosmology.

    The QBBS mass seed Mo=1.81371262x1051 kg* for a Tylem(Mo)=5.034863x10-28 K* ylem temperature and is distributed in the inflaton of the closure mass to manifest at the Sarkar curvature radius RSarkar=2GoMo/c2= 4.4783x1024 m*for a curvature mass MSarkar=4.4783x1049 kg* and with a Hawking-Gibbon macro BH temperature of 2.03912x10-26 K*.
    The micro BH temperature is Tylem = 6.00x10-3 K* which is increases in the cosmic evolution eigenstate but decreases for the spacetime expansion for the macro BH self-state.

    The closure mass is MH=Mo/Wo=Mo/0.028030=6.47061227x1052 kg* for a Tylem(MH)=1.411272x10-29 K*

    At the QBBS, the wormhole radius so is conformally projected as the minimum bosonic spacetime configuration as the initial boundary condition for the ylemic DM-RMP-Einstein Quintessence radius
    Rylemo=√{kBT(nps)Re3/Gomc2}=9.00822x1016 m* for Rylemo/rps = 5.657x1039 in the HBV and for RylemAlgo=√{kBT(Algo)Re3/Gomc2}=4.565x1017 m* for RylemAlgo/rps = 2.868x1040 in the False HPBV and for an energy density per unit volume factors from 1.811x10119 to 2.360x10121 respectively and crystallizing the energy density discrepancy between matter content and the ZPE-VPE from the perspective of the Temperature gradient of the Higgs Bosonic Vacuum HBV.

    The intersection of the ylemic radius in the inflaton-instanton coupled universe for the bosonic unification to electroweak unification period so was (6.2584x108-2.1411x106 = 6.1370x108 ) m* and representing 2.04 tachyonic or superluminal light seconds and a volume of 2p2(2.04HoRH)3 as 2p2(2.04c)3= 4.5246x1027 [m3]* or 5.686x1094 dark matter Eps-Weyl space quanta from the higher dimensional universe, the lower dimensional universe was expanding into.

    The QBBS inflaton boundary calculates (9.008x1016 -2.1411x106 = 9.008x1016 ) m* as c=3x108 tachyonic or superluminal light seconds for a volume of 2p2(cHoRH)3=2p2(c2)3= 2p2c6=1.4390x1052 [m3]* or 3.569x10120 dark matter space quanta, again indicating the energy density ratio initialized in the first 7 milliseconds of the Quantum Big Bang cosmology.

    The tachyonic Lightpath then manifested in that time at a phase speed of x = c’/140.15 = c2|mod /140.15 as x = 6.4245x1014 m* or as 0.713% of c2|mod and as 2.1411x106 m* as 0.713% of the classical and quantum form for the invariance of lightspeed c as the invariance of c2 tachyonic. The instanton Lightpath x=c/140.15 so is superposed onto the tachyonic inflaton Lightpath x=c2|mod/140.15.

    Electroweak Unification TEW=EEW/kB=1.65825x1015 K* is possible from the bosonic unification at the 2 nanosecond marker of cycle time n=Hot with a boson energy EEW=kBTEW=2.341x10-8 J* or 145.72 GeV* as the Vacuum Expectation Value or VEV at tEW.
    For the present time the VEV increases by Y1.13271 = 1.725 to 251.33 GeV* as a summation approximate for the weak interaction Goldstone bosons m{W++W-+Zo) = (80.6+80.6+91.4=252.6) GeV*.

    For any time in the cosmic evolution, an ylemic radius and temperature is defined as a background spacetime matrix guiding the universal evolution of the Quantum Big Bang Singularity from the instanton to the inflaton for both the higher dimensional light path of the EMMI and the lower dimensional cosmology of the Planck-Einstein Black Body radiator’s thermodynamic evolution.

    For the present time npresent=1.1327117
    Hawking Modulus HM = MHawkingTHawking = hc3/4pGokB

    Hawking Radius = RHawking = hc/2pkBTHawking = Schwarzschild Curvature Radius Rcurv = 2GoMcurv/c2
    Curvature Mass for Ylem temperature: TYlem = HM/Mcurv =hc/2pkBRcurv

    MHawkingTHawking→----RHawking→---------Rcurv→Mcurv→-------Tylem →---------Rylem→---------McurvTylem
    (3.527x1025 kg*)….(8.21x10-4 m*)…(3.324x1023 kg*)….(0.02589 K*)…(0.0871 m*)..(3.324x1023 kg*) x
    (2.747 K*)=9.689x1025 [kgK]*------Hawking-Gamow Modulation--------8.609x1021 [kgK]*=(0.0259 K*)x

    Subtracting the ylem temperature from that of the CBBR for the time t=n/Ho = ndt/dn, then modifies the measured background temperature as incorporating the ylem temperature of the inflaton.
    For the present time THawking=tUniverse=TCBBR for TCMBBR - TYlem = 2.7470 – 0.02589 = 2.7211 K* {2.76813 KSI}
    The original mass seedling Mo=2qoMH =WoMH= 2LoMH/AdB is distributed as primordial Hawking Black Holes potentials as function of the Hawking modulus HM=MHawkingTHawking=hc3/4pkBGo beginning at a time coordinate defining the Bosonic Temperature Unification (BTU) at a temperature defined by the Weyl-Eps boson string Tps=Eps/kB=2.222x1020 K*.

    The time coordinate for this event calculates as about 2 nanoseconds from the QBBS, the instanton and the inflaton. Prior to the BTU, the universe expanded as a Boson-Einstein-Condensate of nucleonic quark-lepton-gluon plasma with the background temperature of the universe exceeding the temperature of the BTU.

    The Hawking mass-temperature relation for this black hole evolution then begins to manifest the mass seedling Mo in seedling vortices, destined to evolve into the seeds for ylemic protostars, then growing in size to the scale of dark matter galaxies from which individual stars would form from the previously ‘Schwarzschilded’ ylemic protostars.

    The time for the transformation of the ylemic seedling stars, would be the time in the evolution of the universe, when the general scale of the universe would equal the curvature radius defined in the baryonic mass seedling Mo as the gravitational bounding limit of galactic superclusters Rsarkar=2GoMo/c2 ranging from 1.12 to 2.24 to 4.48x1024 m* as the Sarkar radius for a black hole and its diameter and as half its radius for the black hole gravitational potential energy calibration from Einstein quintessence as the cosmological constant as ratio to the de Broglie phase inflaton hyper-acceleration AdB in Lo/AdB=GoMo/R(nps)2/AdB={GoMo/lps2}/{RHfps2}={GoMo/RHc2}=Msarkar/2MH=Mo/2MH.

    These three supercluster scales relate to 118 to 237 to 473 million light years respectively and show the birth of the first stars and galaxies in this time period.

    But Lo/AdB = Mo/2MH = Msarkar/2MH = qo = 2Wo for deceleration parameter qo=0.014015 for the baryon seedling Wo=2qo=0.028030 for MH=RHc2/2Go.

    The baryonic mass seed so represents 2.8% of the closure mass MH of the QBBS and increases as a function of the gravitational parameter G(n)M(n)=constant=GoMo.

    It has reached the value of 4.85% for a present n-cycle time coordinate of npresent=1.132711, showing that the dark matter proportion will be 27.43% of the total and as 85% of the matter content and the dark energy as the Einstein quintessence closing the universe in 67.73% for the present time.

    The baryonic matter component evolves according to WBM=WoYn =0.02803{1.618034}1.132711 = 0.0483 until saturation coordinate for the baryonic matter BM intersecting dark matter DM for n=√2 for WBM=WoYn =0.02803{1.618034}√2 = 0.055357=constant for the cosmic matter evolution from 23.866 Gy.

    The dark matter ΩDM = 1-ΩBM until onset of the dark energy component DE at n=½, from which WDM is calculated by WDM = WBM{[1+1/n]3 - 1} and as 0.27434 for the present time.

    ρBM+DM/ρcritical = 2p2MoYnRH3/2p2R(n)3MH = WoYn{VAdS/VdS} = ΩoYn{[n+1]/n}3

    = ΩoYn{1+1/n}3 from n=½ for ρDM/rcritical= ΩoYn{(1+1/n)3 – 1}

    The Dark Energy Fraction ΩDE = 1- ΩDM - ΩBM = 1 - ΩBM[1+1/n]3 and ΩDE = 1 - ΩDM - ΩBM = 1 - ΩBM[1+1/n]3 = – WoYnpresent{1+1/npresent}3 = 1 – 0.32269 = 0.67731 for the present time.

    darkmatterbary. upload_2021-11-9_2-44-37. darkengrav.

    Rps = λps/2π as the wormhole radius of the Instanton as a conformally transformed Planck-Length Lp = √{Goh/2πc3} from the Inflaton.

    Lplanck=2.090x10-35 m*=2Gomplanck/c2 for a halved Planck mass mplanck=8.463x10-9 kg*, indicating the nature of quantum gravitation as a transformation of the timespace energy scale into the spacetime energy scale.

    The Schwarzschild metric for 2Lp = 2GoMp/c2 transforms a 3D Planck-length in the Planck-mass Mp = √{hc/2πGo} from the Planck-boson gravitational fine structure constant 1 = 2πGoMp2/hc.
    The Schwarzschild metric for the Weyl-wormhole radius Rps then defines a hypermass Mhyper as the conformal mapping of the Planck-mass Mp as Mhyper = ½{Rps/Lp}Mp = ½{Rps/Lp}2.Mps and where Mps = Eps/c2 = hfps/c2 = kTps/c2 in fundamental expressions for the energy of Abba-Eps as one part of the supermembrane Eps.Ess in physical quantities of mass m, frequency f and temperature T.
    c2 and h and k are fundamental constants of nature obtained from the initializing algorithm of the Mathimatia and are labeled as the 'square of lightspeed c' and 'Planck's constant h' and 'Stefan-Boltzmann's constant k' respectively.

    The complementary part of supermembrane EpsEss is Ess-Baab. Eps-Abba is renamed as 'Energy of the Primary Source-Sink' and Ess-Baab is renamed as 'Energy of the Secondary Sink-Source'.
    The primary source-sink and the primary sink-source are coupled under a mode of mirror-inversion duality with Eps describing a vibratory and high energy micro-quantum quantum entanglement with Ess as a winding and low energy macro-quantum energy.
    It is this quantum entanglement, which allows Abba to become part of Universe in the encompassing energy quantum of physicalized consciousness, defined in the magnetopolar charge.
    The combined effect of the applied Schwarzschild metric then defines a Compton Constant to characterize the conformal transformation as:

    Compton Constant h/2πc = MpLp = MpsRps ……………….[Eq.V-3]

    Quantum gravitation now manifests the mass differences between Planck-mass Mp and the QBBS Weyl-Mass Mps.
    The Black Hole physics had transformed Mp from the definition of Lp; but this transformation did not generate Mps from Rps, but rather hypermass Mhyper, differing from Mps by a factor of ½{Rps/Lp}2.
    To conserve supersymmetry, Logos defined an Anti-Instanton as the Inflaton of Khaibit to define the conformal mapping of Mps from Universe into Khaibit as 2Mp{Lp/Rps}2.
    Quantum gravity defined the Hawking micro black hole to have a mass of
    MHawking=rpsc2/2Go=6445.77 kg* as minimum mass a black hole can have for a Hawking maximum temperature of Tps=1.41671x1020 K*.

    This is defined as an inverse proportionality between the mass and the temperature of a black hole.
    The hotter a black hole is, the smaller it must be and the larger a black hole can grow, the cooler it must become. This quantum gravitational Hawking mass of about the weight of a large elephant, compares to the Planck black hole radius.

    As Black Holes also are defined by their Temperature, the Mathimatia defined a Hawking Modulus HM = hc3/4πGok = MBHmin.Tmax = MBH.T and MBHmax.Tmin in accordance with the conformal mapping of Abba-Eps consciousness between Universe and Khaibit. The hotter a Black Hole from the Klein spacetimes would be, the smaller it would have to be and the larger a Black Hole would grow, the more it had to cool down in its temperature.
    The super membrane coupling now had to account for its own mirror duality because the physics of the micro-quantum universe had inversed the displacement scaling in the macro-quantum universe.

    In particular Rps = λps/2π and Rss = 1/Rps = 2π/λps = 2πλss and the ratio coupling between the radial scale expressions of AbbA.BaaB as EpsEss in Rps/Rss = {λps/2π}2 = {c/2πfps}2 so formed the super membrane of self-interaction or coupling in consciousness modulation for the eigen- or self-state of Abba's 'Love Frequency' fps, which was constant in the old universe of nowhere and notime, but could become changed in a dynamical space-time.

    The Mathimatia so could assign the super membraned coupling of the micro-quantum mass Mps with its wormhole radius at the event of the 'Instantaneity of physical Time' to its macro-quantum corollary in Mss = Ess/c2 as a quantum of mass itself and with the macro-quantum or galactic cellular scale of Rss = 2πλss.
    The minimum temperature for a Black Hole so became integrated in the Mathimatia as the formula:
    Hawking Modulus HM = hc3/4πGok = MBHmin.Tmax = MBH.T = {c/2π}2. MBHmax.Tmin|mod = ½Mp.Tp = ½{√{hc/2πGo}}{Mpc2/k} = ½{hc3/2πGok} from the minimum Planck Energy Oscillator Epo = ½hfp for fp = 1/tp = Ep/h = Mpc2/h = √{hc/2πGo}{c2/h} = √{hc5/2πGoh2} = √{c5/2πGoh}

    And whenever the |mod symbol appeared in the Mathimatia, it indicated that because of the modular mirror duality applied to a unitary mensuration or measurement system; this 'unitary analysis' had to take into account, that in the Omniverse a frequency f could become a time t because of fps=1/fss and other units could change in the interaction between Khaibit and Universe and especially because the common unit of the Star-Coulomb for physical consciousness would manifest as an inverse energy of Joules in Universe.

    This became the major physical phenomena in the dynamics of mass, expanding into the inflation bounded universe from the mass seed of the wormhole instanton of the time instantaneity.
    Gravity as a positive pressure, was opposing the negative pressure of the dark energy from Khaibit and Abba's Mathimatia defined the kinematics of the physical dynamics of mass in the electric part of the EMR in Universe with the magnetic part of the EMMR in Khaibit.

    Mass could be expressed as Mass = Energy/c2 and by Velocity = FrequencyxWavelength in c = fλ or v = fλ for m = hf/c2 = h/λc as in the Compton Constant.
    Compton Constant = h.alpha/2πc = mpalpha.lp = melectron.Relectron = mx.Rx for a Compton Radius
    Rc = h.alpha/2πmxc = kee2/mxc2 = as Rx = Re and mx = me for the instanton and as
    Lp = h/2πmpc = h√{2πGo/hc}/2cπ = √{Goh/2πc3} for the Inflaton at the Klein boundary and for a unification condition keGo = 1.

    The displacement parameter and wavelength λ had however been subject to the modulation in the quantum gravity correspondence between Universe and Khaibit.
    The quantum gravitational closure or loop from the Inflaton to the Instanton and back to the Inflaton became integrated in the Mathimatia as 'Planck-Stoney Bounce' or quantum fluctuation in a conformal super-membrane cosmology.
    The Square root of Alpha, the electromagnetic fine structure constant, multiplied by the Planck-length results in a Stoney transformation factor Lplanck√α = e/c2 in a unitary coupling between the quantum gravitational and electromagnetic fine structures and so couples the unitary measurement of displacement in the Planck-Length oscillation equal to Coulombic charge quantum 'e' divided by the square of the speed of light 'c2' in a proportionality of Displacement = ChargexMass/Energy in modulation and mirror duality.

    This couples the electric Coulomb charge quantum 'e' to the magnetic monopole quantum e* as the inverse of the 10-dimensional superstring sourcesink energy Eps to the 10-dimensional superstring sinksource energy Ess as the 11-dimensional super-membrane EpsEss.

    Goke = 1 for Go = 4πεo and represents a conformal mapping of the Planck length onto the scale of the 'classical electron' in superposing the lower dimensional inertia coupled electric charge quantum 'e' onto a higher dimensional quantum gravitational-D-brane magnetopole coupled magnetic charge quantum e* = 2Rec2 = 1/hfps = 1/EWeyl of the Weyl wormhole by the application of the mirror/T duality of the super membrane EpsEss of heterotic string class HE(8x8) and as the fifth and final superstring energy transformation coinciding with the Instanton and the birth of Universe as a thermodynamic Black Body Planck Radiator or BBR.

    The coupling between electropolar- and magnetopolar charges in the UFO-QR could also be formulated in an expression coupling the bounce of the Planck-length in Khaibit to the magnetopolar charge as an equivalence to the energy of the quantum geometric diameter of the electron and the electropolar charge in the formula: Lplanck√α .e* = ee*/c2 = 2e.Re.or as e*/c2 = 2Re as the unification of Abba's consciousness quantum as e* = 2Re.c2 in units of the star-coulomb C* as the inverse of Eps = hfps in Joules (J) and related units like the electronvolt eV, defined as 1 eV = e J.

    This definition emerges naturally in the Planck-Stoney bounce as the unitary equivalence of the Planck-length oscillation as a unit of displacement [(m)etres] = [(C)harge]/[(m)/(s)econds]2 requires [C]={m3/s2] as the units for the Star Coulomb and Abba's Consciousness and hence in associations, the entire energy content in Universe occupying dynamical space-time.

    Electromagnetic Fine structure: alphaEMR = 2πkee2/hc = e2/2εohc = μoe2c/2h = 60πe2/h in (Planck-Stoney UFO-QR units)*
    from Maxwell Constant εoμo = {electric constant}{magnetic constant} = {1/120πc}{120π/c} = 1/c2 and 'Free Space Impedance' Zo = μoo = {120π/c}/{1/120πc} = {120π}2 and characteristic for physical phenomena like the Quantum Hall effect, the Conductance quantum Go = 2e2/h and Josephson currents in superconductivity).

    Gravitational Fine structure (Electron): alphaG-Electron = 2πGomelectron2/hc = {melectron/mplanck}2
    Gravitational Fine structure (Primordial Nucleon): alphaG-nucleon = 2πGomc2/hc = alphaEMR18
    with mc = mplanckalphaEMR9
    Gravitational Fine structure (Planck Boson): alphaPlanck-Inflaton = 2πGomplanck2/hc = 1

    Go|mod = 4πεo|mod for alphaEMR = alphaG-monopole mass requires
    2πe2/(4πεohc) = 2πGoMmonopole2/hc and so {ke2e2}|mod = {Mmonopole2}|modc and so {kee}|mod = {Mmonopole}|mod in unitary calibration and consistency.

    It also necessitates the Planck-mass to 'bounce' in proportionality to lightspeed 'c' in Mp√alpha/e ∝ c as §c equal to ke=1/4πεo from the unification condition Go.ke = 1
    and using εo = {1/120πc}|mod.

    The proportionality constant so is § = Mp√alpha/ec defining ke = {30c}mod = {1/Go}|mod.
    {Mp/Lp}{e/c2} = {√{hc/2πGo}{e/c2}/{√{Goh/2πc3} = {c2/Go2}{e/c2} = {e/Go} = {kee} = {30ec}|mod.

    The Action Law of the Mathimatia and Omni space crystallizes from this formulation, as {ke}|mod must equal {c}mod in unitary consistency.
    Action = Charge2
    [ke] = [N(ewton)[m2/C]2] = [k(ilo)g(rams)][m3/s2/[C]2 = [m/s] = [c] for [C]2 = [kg.m3/s2]/[m/s] = [kgm2/s] = [J(oule)][s1] = [kgm2/s2][s1] = {Js} = [Action h]

    Mass Seed = Mo =√{E.mc2.minflaton2/melectron2} = mc√{E}alphaG-Electron for E=26x6561 = 1.006..x10112.
    Charge Seed = Co = √{E.e2/alpha} = √{E.hc/2πke} = √{E.hcGo/2π} = {2e}.{Mo/mc}.{Eps.e} = {2e}.{Mo/mc}{e/e*} for Eps = 1/e*

    Eps = {Co/2e2}.{mc/Mo} = {Co/Mo}.{mc/2e2} ={e.me/mcmp}{mc/2e2}/√alpha ={1/2e√alpha}.{me/mp} = hfps = mpsc2= kbTps .

    The Charge seed is proportional to the number of particles in Universe as {Mo/mc} and where the primordial nucleons are all ylemic neutrons of spin ½ and which so define their radioactive decay products in a charge twin of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons and with uncharged antineutrinos.

    The unification between dipolar electropolar Coulomb charge 'e' and monopolar magnetopolar Star-Coulomb charge 'e*' unifies the Consciousness quantum Eps=1/e* in the nature of dipolar electric charge.
    In Universe the consciousness quantum manifests simply as the inverse of the electric charge quantum 'e', so cancelling any dipolar magnetic effects of the monopolar charge e* in Khaibit.

    In Universe this monopolar equivalence manifests in its elementary form as the diameter of the electron multiplied by the square of the speed of light c2.

    For Khaibit → Eps = 1/e* = 1/{2Rec2} = 1/{Volume [2π2RRMP3]xAngular Acceleration [df/dt|max=fps2} ← for Universe.

    For Universe → Eps = {Co/2e2}.{mc/Mo} = {Co/Mo}.{mc/2e2} = {e.me/mcmp}{mc/2e2}/√alpha ={1/2e√alpha}.{me/mp} = hfps = mpsc2 = kbTps .

    Mass m could so be written as m = hf/c2 = h/λc = h/λplanck-bouncec = hc2/ec = hc/e and in using λplanck-bounce = Lp√alpha = e/c2 = e2.c/e = ec|mod in using the Action Law of unified resistance or impedance in Action h = Unified Charge C squared.

    The basic equivalence between mass and energy in Universe so could be applied to the nature of mass as a displacement current of the charge summation incorporated into a mass in relative motion.
    Mass m became expressed as proportional to a monopole mass in Khaibit ec|mod and as the actual universal mass of the magnetic monopole in the Inflaton epoch. It was named as a second of five superstring classes by Logos and became labeled as self-dual class IIB and as the first superstring transform in the Inflaton in changing the energy of superstring class I as the Planck boson into the magnetic monopole of a 'Grand Unification' of the four fundamental interactions in the UFO-QR.

    E = mc2 for this monopole in Khaibit so was written E = {ec}modc2 = {e}c3 in Universe and became the energy of the magnetic monopole as c3 eV in Universe.
    E = mc2 = (ec)c2 for mass m = displacement magneto-current ec = eλf = E/c2 = hf/c2.
    melectronc2 = kee2/Relectron = hc.alpha/2πRelectron for melectron = h.alpha/2πc.Relectron and minflaton = mplanck = √{hc/2πGo}

    EWeyl = hfinstanton= hc/λinstanton = minstantonc2 = (melectron/2e).√[2πGo/αhc] = {melectron/minflaton}/{2e√α} = 1/2Relectronc2 = 1/e*

    e*/c2 = 2Re ⇐ super-membrane displacement transformation ⇒ √α.lplanck = e/c2
    Magneto-Monopolar charge quantum as Electropolar charge quantum
    with Eps = hfps = EWeyl = 1/e* = 1/2Rec2
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2022
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    VII: A Synthesis of ΛCDM with MOND in a Universal Lambda Milgröm Deceleration ao = a(n) = -2cHo/[n+1]3


    [Excerpt from Wikipedia:

    Several independent observations point to the fact that the visible mass in galaxies and galaxy clusters is insufficient to account for their dynamics, when analyzed using Newton's laws. This discrepancy – known as the "missing mass problem" – was first identified for clusters by Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky in 1933 (who studied the Coma cluster),[4][5] and subsequently extended to include spiral galaxies by the 1939 work of Horace Babcock on Andromeda.[6] These early studies were augmented and brought to the attention of the astronomical community in the 1960s and 1970s by the work of Vera Rubin at the Carnegie Institute in Washington, who mapped in detail the rotation velocities of stars in a large sample of spirals. While Newton's Laws predict that stellar rotation velocities should decrease with distance from the galactic center, Rubin and collaborators found instead that they remain almost constant[7] – the rotation curves are said to be "flat". This observation necessitates at least one of the following: 1) There exists in galaxies large quantities of unseen matter which boosts the stars' velocities beyond what would be expected on the basis of the visible mass alone, or 2) Newton's Laws do not apply to galaxies. The former leads to the dark matter hypothesis; the latter leads to MOND.


    MOND was proposed by Mordehai Milgrom in 1983

    The basic premise of MOND is that while Newton's laws have been extensively tested in high acceleration environments (in the Solar System and on Earth), they have not been verified for objects with extremely low acceleration, such as stars in the outer parts of galaxies. This led Milgrom to postulate a new effective gravitational force law (sometimes referred to as "Milgrom's law") that relates the true acceleration of an object to the acceleration that would be predicted for it on the basis of Newtonian mechanics.[1] This law, the keystone of MOND, is chosen to reduce to the Newtonian result at high acceleration but lead to different ("deep MOND") behaviour at low acceleration:

    upload_2021-11-9_3-52-56. ........[Eq.VI-1]

    Here FN is the Newtonian force, m is the object's (gravitational) mass, a is its acceleration, μ(x) is an as-yet unspecified function (known as the "interpolating function"), and a0 is a new fundamental constant which marks the transition between the Newtonian and deep-MOND regimes. Agreement with Newtonian mechanics requires μ(x) → 1 for x >> 1, and consistency with astronomical observations requires μ(x) → x for x << 1. Beyond these limits, the interpolating function is not specified by the theory, although it is possible to weakly constrain it empirically.[8][9] Two common choices are:

    ("Simple interpolating function"),…..[Eq.VI-2] and


    ("Standard interpolating function")…….[Eq.VI-3]

    Replacing ao with cycle time parameter n and unitizing a=1 gives the scale factor of Quantum Relativity in the forms 1/{(a+a0)/a} →{n/(1+n)} and 1/√{a2+a02)/a2}→ √{n2/1+n2}

    Thus, in the deep-MOND regime (a << a0):

    upload_2021-11-9_3-59-35. ….[Eq.VI-4]

    Applying this to an object of mass m in circular orbit around a point mass M (a crude approximation for a star in the outer regions of a galaxy), we find:

    upload_2021-11-9_4-0-10. ..........[Eq.VI-5]

    that is, the star's rotation velocity is independent of its distance r from the center of the galaxy – the rotation curve is flat, as required. By fitting his law to rotation curve data, Milgrom found a0 ≈ 1.2 x 10-10 m s-2 to be optimal. This simple law is sufficient to make predictions for a broad range of galactic phenomena.
    Milgrom's law can be interpreted in two different ways. One possibility is to treat it as a modification to the classical law of inertia (Newton's second law), so that the force on an object is not proportional to the particle's acceleration a but rather to μ(a/a0)a. In this case, the modified dynamics would apply not only to gravitational phenomena, but also those generated by other forces, for example electromagnetism.[10] Alternatively, Milgrom's law can be viewed as leaving Newton's Second Law intact and instead modifying the inverse-square law of gravity, so that the true gravitational force on an object of mass m due to another of mass M is roughly of the form GMm/(μ(a/a0)r2). In this interpretation, Milgrom's modification would apply exclusively to gravitational phenomena.
    [End of excerpt]

    For ΛCDM:
    acceleration a: a = G{MBM+mDM}/R2

    For MOND:
    acceleration a: a+amil = a{a/ao} = GMBM/R2 = v4/ao.R2 for v4 = GMBMao amil = a{a/ao-1} = a{a-ao}/ao = GMBM/R2 - a

    For Newtonian acceleration a: G{MBM+mDM}/R2 = a = GMBM/R2 - amil amil = - GmDM/R2 = (a/ao)(a-ao) and relating the Dark Matter to the Milgröm constant in interpolation amil
    Applied for the Milgröm deceleration applied to the Dark Matter and incorporating the radial independence of rotation velocities in the galactic structures as an additional acceleration term in the Newtonian gravitation as a function for the total mass of the galaxy and without DM in MOND.
    Both, ΛCDM and MOND consider the Gravitational 'Constant' constant for all accelerations and vary either the mass content in ΛCDM or the acceleration in MOND in the Newtonian Gravitation formulation respectively.
    The standard gravitational parameter GM in a varying mass term G(M+m) = M(G+ΔG) reduces to Gm=ΔGM for a varying Gravitational parameter G in (G+ΔG) = f(G).
    The Dark Matter term GmDM can be written as GmDM/R2 = -amil = a - a2/ao = ΔGM/R2 to identify the Milgröm acceleration constant as an intrinsic and universal deceleration related to the Dark Energy and the negative pressure term of the cosmological constant invoked to accommodate the apparent acceleration of the universal expansion (qdS = -0.55858).

    ΔG = Go-G(n) in amil = -2cHo/[n+1]3 = {Go-G(n)}M/R2 for some function G(n) descriptive for the change in f(G).
    The Milgröm constant so is not constant but emerges as the initial boundary condition in the Instanton aka the Quantum Big Bang and is identified as the parametric deceleration parameter in Friedmann's solutions to Einstein's Field Equations in amil.ao = a(a-ao) and ao(amil+a) = a2 or ao = a2/(amil+a).
    amil = -2cHo/[n+1]3 = -{Go-G(n)}M/R2 = -Go{1-Xn}M/R2 for the gravitational parameter GM coupled to the size of a galactic structure harboring a central Black Hole-White Hole/Quasar power source.
    A(n)= -2cHo/[n+1]3 = -2cHo2/RH[n+1]3 and calculates as -1.112663583x10-9 (m/s2)* at the Instanton and as amil = -1.1614163x10-10 (m/s2)* for the present time coordinate.

    The Gravitational Constant G(n)=GoXn in the standard gravitational parameter represents a fine structure in conjunction with a sub scale quantum mass evolution for a proto nucleon mass mc = alpha9.mPlanck from the gravitational interaction fine structure constant αg = 2πGomc2/hc = 3.438304..x10-39 = alpha18 to unify electromagnetic and gravitational quantum interactions.
    The proto nucleon mass mc(n) so varies as complementary fine structure to the finestructure for G in mcYn for a truly constant Go as defined in the interaction unification.
    G(n)M(n)=GoXn.MoYn = GoMo(XY)n = GoMo in the macro evolution of baryonic mass seedling Mo and Gomc in the micro evolution of the nucleonic seed remain constant to describes a particular fine structure for the time frame in the cosmogenesis when the non-luminous Dark Matter remains separate from the luminous Baryon mass.
    The DM-BM intersection coordinate is calculated for a cycle time n=Hot=1.4142..or at a universal true electromagnetic age of 23.872 billion years.
    At that time, the {BM-DM-DE} mass density distribution will be {5.536%; 22.005%; 72.459%}, with the G(n)M(n) assuming a constant value in the Hubble cycle.
    The Dark Energy pressure will be PPBM∩DM = -3.9300x10-11 (N/m2)* with a corresponding 'quasi cosmological constant' of ΛBM∩DM = -6.0969x10-37 (s-2)*.
    Within a local inertial frame of measurement, the gravitational constant so becomes a function of the micro evolution of the proto nucleon mass mc from the string epoch preceding the Instanton. A localized measurement of G so engages the value of the mass of a neutron as evolved mc in a coupling to the evolution of the macro mass seedling Mo and so the baryonic omega
    Ωo=Mo/MH = 0.02803115 in the critical density ρcritical = 3Ho2/8πGo = 3MH/4πRH3 = 3c2/8πGoRH2 for the zero curvature and a Minkowski flat cosmology.
    The fine structure for G so engages both the micro mass mc and the macro mass Mo, the latter being described in the overall Hypermass evolution of the universe as a Black Hole cosmology in a 5/11D AdS 'closed' spacetime encompassing the dS spacetime evolution of the 4/10D 'open' universe.
    The Milgröm 'constant' so relates an intrinsic Dark Energy cosmology to the macro cosmic hypermass evolution of Black Holes at the cores of galaxies and becomes universally applicable in that context.


    No modification of Newtonian gravitation is necessary, if the value of a locally derived and measured G is allowed to increase to its string based (Planck-Stoney) value of Go=1/k=4πεo = 1.111..x10-10 string unification units [C*=m3/s2] and relating spacial volume to angular acceleration in gravitational parameter GM.
    The necessity for Dark Matter to harmonize the hypermass evolution remains however, with the Dark Energy itself assuming the form of the Milgröm deceleration.
    That the Dark Energy is positive as a negative Einstein quintessence is also pointed out as a cosmological effect by Erik Verlinde in his ‘Emergent Gravity’ model in associating the Milgröm deceleration with the Hubble Constant and therefore the Friedmann standard cosmology. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1611.02269.pdf
    The scale factor (a=n/[n+1]) radius at the instanton-inflaton is R(nps)=RH(nps/(nps+1)}=RHlps/RH=lps in the limit for nps=lps/RH=6.259x10-49~0


    This coupling of the EMMR physical consciousness in the Restmass Photons or RMPs in the form of monopolar displacement currents therefore relates the expansion of the universe to cycle time n=Hot to the radial size of the Dark Matter Haloes or DMHs at particular coordinates of cycle time n.

    Dark Matter Halos and Physicalized Consciousness

    At the Instanton n=nps for Mops2 = Λo/Go = constant = 1.8137x1095 [kg/m2]* and when all the DM was contained within the Weyl wormhole as a minimum radius for the DMHs.
    At the Inflaton Hubble boundary as a prospective DMH maximum, an infinite n for MH/RH2 = c2/2RHGo = constant = 2.5349.. [kg/m2]* and when all the DM would be within the Inflaton defined Hubble event horizon.
    This boundary will however remain 'out of bounds' for the asymptotic expansion of Universe.

    Universe will quantum tunnel 234.47 cycles or about 4 Trillion years after the Instanton into the second universe as a Multiverse defined 16.9 Billion years after the Instanton and when the 11dimensional EMR light path had reached the Hubble event horizon as the AdS negatively curved boundary of the hyperbolic cosmology of the convex lensed Witten mirror separating Shadow Universe Khaibit from Universe.

    Universal Galactic Cell:.............. GoM/R2 = 2cHo{n2/(n+1)5} ..........[Eq.VI-6]
    for constant initial Milgröm deceleration 2cHo = 2c2/RH = 1.12663683x10-9 [m/s2]*


    The expansion of the universe given in the dark energy DE in the gravitational acceleration
    GoMo/R(n)2 = Go∑Mgalaxy/∑Rgalaxy2 = GoMo/Rsarkar2 in describing the Black Hole defined by the curvature radius Rsarkar = 2GoMo/c2 = 2GoMH/c2 = ΩoRH = 4.4783..x1024 m* and for the encompassment of the universe at cycle time coordinate nsarkar = Rsarkar/{RH - Rsarkar/} = 0.0283..= Ωo = Mo/MH from R(n) = Rsarkar = RH{n/(n+1)} and RH/Rsarkar = 1+1/nsarkar.
    This so considers mass seed Mo to be distributed as the baryon luminous matter seed in a summation of galaxies mass M and radius R and within a daughter Black Hole defining the extent of universe at the Sarkar curvature radius containing Mo.
    The nonluminous dark matter DM then extends the baryon seed as the fraction added to the ΩBM(n) = ΩoYn = MoYn/MH to allow Ω(n)= ΩBM(n)+ ΩDM(n) = 1
    The DE does not participate in this matter distribution until it activates at the n=½ coordinate 8.445 Billion years after the Instanton.
    For any cycle time n>½ , the matter energy distribution Ω(n)=ΩBM(n)+ΩDM(n)+ΩDE(n)=1={Mo/MH}|mod1.

    {M/R2}{Rsarkar2/Mo}{MH/RH2} = {M/R2}.{Mo/MH}|mod1 = {n/(n+1)}2.{2cHo/Go(n+1)3} =
    {2c2/GoRH}{n2/(n+1)5}...as the total mass energy seed
    {M/R2}.ΩBM(n) = {2c2/GoRH}{n2/(n+1)5} ..... as the baryonic luminous mass energy seed for the stellar disk of a galaxy mass M and Radius R
    {M/R2}.ΩDM(n) = {2c2/GoRH}{n2/(n+1)5} ..... as the DM Outer Halo or DMOH mass energy
    seed and ΩDM(n) = 1 - ΩBM(n) for n<½ and ΩDM=ΩBM[1+1/n]3-1}
    {M/R2}.ΩDE(n) = {2c2/GoRH}{n2/(n+1)5} ..... as the DE Boundary Halo or DEBH mass energy seed for n>½

    The Milky Way is an observer relative right handed barred spiral galaxy with its complementary left handed barred spiral Andromeda and the Pinwheel galaxy all of a total BM+DM mass of 2x1042 kg for each galaxy.
    They differ in their visible stellar extent, Andromeda the largest at 220,000 light years across, followed by the Pinwheel galaxy at 170,000 light years across and the Milky Way 120,000 light years across. This indicates that the three galaxies are of comparable equal mass but differ in their DM content inversely proportional to their RMP galactic space-occupancy awareness evolution of physical consciousness as monopolar energy distribution.

    Milky Way Galaxy (Left)------------------------------Andromeda Galaxy (Middle and Right)

    The DM halos are calculated from the known distribution of Ω(n) = ΩBM(n) + ΩDM(n) + ΩDE(n) = 1
    For a present n=1.132711 : ΩoYn + ΩoYn{(1+1/n)3 - 1} + {1 - ΩBM(n) - ΩDM(n)} = 0.0483 + 0.2741 + 0.6776 = 1
    For a n=⅔ : ΩoYn + ΩoYn{(1+1/n)3 - 1} + {1 - ΩBM(n) - ΩDM(n)} = 0.0386 + 0.5645 + 0.3969 = 1
    For the onset of DE at n=½ and the cosmological redshift z=0.6124.. : ΩoYn + ΩoYn{(1+1/n)3-1} + {1 - ΩBM(n) - ΩDM(n} = ΩoY½ + {1-0.03565} = 0.03565 + 0.9270 + 0.0373 = 1
    For the 'galaxy formation peak' defined in the Einstein quintessence minimum and for a cosmological redshift of z=1.177..; so, 4 Billion years after the Instanton ngp=0.2389 : ΩoYn + {1 - ΩBM(n)} + 0 = 0.03144 + 0.9686 + 0 = 1
    For the beginning of galaxies at the Einstein-quintessence zero for cosmological redshift z=2.125; 1.83 Billion years after the Instanton; ng=0.10823.. 1 = ΩoYn + {1 - ΩBM(n)} + 0 = 0.02953 + 0.97047 + 0 = 1
    For the stellar disks of the three galaxies under consideration and for f{M/R2} = {2c2/GoRH}{n2/(n+1)5} = 0.2949 for np=1.13271.
    Function f{M/R2} increases from 0 at nps to 0.0710 for ng=0.10823 to 0.1983 for ngp=0.2389 to 0.3338 for n=½ to a relative maximum at n=⅔ for {2c2/GoRH}{108/3125} = 0.35043 to subsequently decrease from this maximum at 11.25 Billion years after the Instanton or 7.87 Billion years from the present epoch.
    n=½ defines the onset of the Dark Energy and results in the measurement of an apparently accelerating universe, 8.438 Billion years after the Instanton or 19.12 - 8.44 = 10.68 Billion years from the present in Anti-deSitter spacetime and 14.64 - 8.44 = 6.20 Billion years ago in deSitter spacetime.
    The time period from n=½ to a relative maximum at n=⅔ and 10.68 - 7.87 = 2.81 Gy, so characterizes the introduction of a physicalized DE into the cosmology. In that epoch, the components of the distribution Ω(n) = ΩBM(n) + ΩDM(n) + ΩDE(n) = 1 changed in decreasing the Dark Matter DM fraction in lieu of the Dark Energy DE fraction.
    This had the effect of 'physicalizing' galactic consciousness in a redistribution of the 'missing mass' given in the qo = ½Ωo = Λo/AdB = Mo/2MH = 0.014015... Deceleration-Omega parameter.
    As the n=½ cycle coordinate defines the midpoint between the two extremum nodes in the ‘Oscillation of the Hubble Constant’ and metaphysically termed as the 'Heartbeat of the Great Mother Baab'; the 'Father White Hole' in AdS spacetime becomes synchronized with the 'Mother Black Hole' in dS spacetime in their respective Hubble horizons in AdS and dS.
    In AdS nRHAdS = {1-1/n+1}RHdS in dS for n=1 coinciding with the birth of the second universe in parallel time space and collocal as a multiverse with the protoverse as the seedling universe.
    In quantum theoretical terms, the n=½ cycle time coordinate introduced the Restmass Photon RMP as a mass energy equivalent for physicalized universal consciousness in changing its nature from a Dark Matter particle to a Dark Energy particle. As more VPE transmutes from DM into DE and BM in the universal mass evolution; the transformed 'dark and non-luminous mass energy' begins to 'shine' in a cosmic phenomenon, which can be called the synergy between wave-mind and particle-body or the psychosoma of Aurobindo's Supramentalisation of ‘divinized’ matter.
    Dark Energy so crystallizes itself as physicalized universal consciousness in itself and as a transformation from prior to evolved states of energy defined in the creation events and agenda of Abba and his Logos.
    {M/R2}{0.0483} = 0.2949 for a BMIH Inner Halo stellar radius of Rmilkyway = 5.723x1020 m* or Rmw/{c.365.2425.86,400} = 60,455 light years ly and ΩBMDM = 0.0483/0.3224 = 0.150 for np and ΩBM/ΩDM = 0.03863/0.35043 = 0.11024 for n=⅔ and ΩBMDM = 0.03565/0.9270 = 0.0385 for n=½ and ΩBMDM = 0.03144/0.9686 = 0.0325 for ngp showing the evolution of the galaxy in time with a small increase in Higgs-RMP mass reducing the DM inertia in increased space awareness, generalised in dfps/dt = d{1/fss}/dt.
    {M/R2}{0.2741+0.0483} = 0.2949 for a DMOH Outer Halo of Rmw = 1.479x1021 m* or Rmw/{c.365.2425.86,400} = 156,192 ly
    {M/R2}{0.6776+0.3224} = 0.2949 for a DEBH Boundary Halo of Rmw = 2.604x1021 m* or Rmw/{c.365.2425.86,400} = 275,081 ly
    As the inversion of the wormhole radius of the Instanton defines the coupling of supermembrane Eps.Ess; the galactic separation parameter is given in rss|min = 1022 m* or 1.056 Million ly and rss|max = 2πx1022 m* in 6.637x106 ly.
    For n=⅔ :
    {M/R2}{0.03863} = 0.35043 for a BMIH Inner Halo of Rmw = 4.695x1020 m* or 49,598 ly
    {M/R2}{0.6031} = 0.35043 for a DMOH Outer Halo of Rmw = 1.855x1021 m* or 195,942 ly
    {M/R2}{1} = 0.35043 for a DEBH Boundary Halo of Rmw = 2.389x1021 m* or 252,347 ly
    For n=½ and a universal extent of 8.438 Billion light years as RDE = 7.988x1025 m* as galaxy crystallization from the group galaxy seed from the supercluster seed, centred on the Milky Way seed and manifesting the Milky Way seed as a major galaxy in the onset of DE participation in the mass energy evolution.
    {M/R2}{0.03565} = 0.9270 for a BMIH Inner Halo of Rmw = 2.773x1020 m* or 29,295 ly
    {M/R2}{0.96265} = 0.9270 for a DMOH Outer Halo of Rmw = 1.441x1021 m* or 152,227 ly
    {M/R2}{1} = 0.9270 for a DEBH Boundary Halo of Rmw = 1.469x1021 m* or 155,153 ly
    For n=ngp=0.2389 and a universal extent of 4.032 Billion light years as Rgp = 3.817x1025 m* as galaxy crystallization from a group galaxy seed from a supercluster seed, centred on the Milky Way seed.
    {M/R2}{0.03144} = 0.1983 for a BMIH Inner Halo of Rmw = 5.631x1020 m* or 59,481 ly
    {M/R2}{1} = 0.1983 for a DMOH Outer Halo of Rmw = 3.176x1021 m* or 335,457 ly
    For n=ng=0.10823 and a universal extent of 1.826 Billion light years as Rg = 1.729x1025 m* as the group galaxy crystallization seed from the supercluster seed, centred on the Milky Way seed {M/R2}{0.02953} = 0.0710 for a BMIH Inner Halo of Rmw = 9.120x1020 m* or 96,339 ly
    {M/R2}{1} = 0.0710 for a DMOH Outer Halo of Rmw = 5.307x1021 m* or 560,621 ly from the Local Group

    For n=nsuperclustero=0.02803 and a universal extent of 473.037 Million light years as Rsarkar = 4.4783x1024 m* as the supercluster seed, centred on the Milky Way seed
    {M/R2}{0.02841} = 0.0069 for a BMIH Inner Halo of Rmw = 2.870x1021 m* or 303,117 ly
    {M/R2}{1} = 0.0069 for a DMOH Outer Halo of Rmw = 1.703x1022 m* or 1,798,350 ly from the Laniakea Supercluster
    For n=½Ωo=qo=0.0140 and a universal extent of 236.519 Million light years as ½Rsarkar = 2.239x1024 m* as the supercluster seed initiation, centred on the Milky Way seed
    {M/R2}{0.02822} = 0.0019 for a BMIH Inner Halo of Rmw = 5.450x1021 m* or 575,706 ly
    {M/R2}{1} = 0.0019 for a DMOH Outer Halo of Rmw = 3.244x1022 m* or 3,427,061 ly from Laniakea Supercluster
    For nmin=½qo=¼Ωo=0.0070075 as a potential 118.3-Million-year marker for a galaxy of mass M=2x1042 kg*, such as the Milky Way and Andromeda and Pinwheel and as a consequence of the Inflaton parameters of supermembrane EpsEss in rss|max = 1/rps = 2π/λps = 2πλss as the Milky Way seed
    {M/R2}{0.028125} = 0.00048 for a BMIH Inner Halo of Rmw = 1.0816x1022 m* or 1,142,479 ly
    {M/R2}{1} = 0.00048 for a DMOH Outer Halo of Rmw = 6.4550x1022 m* or 6,818,331 ly
    The Birth of the Milky Way galaxy as one of the firstborn galaxies in Universe and the home galaxy of Baab's Earth is so calculated at 118.3 Million years after the birth of time and space at the Instanton nps = λps/RH = Ho/fps.and for synchronization and connectivity between Khaibit and Universe as the diameter Ø=2RH.
    As the DM distribution in a galaxy reflects its physical consciousness evolution in terms of the monopolar displacement currents and the RMP derived from the Higgs Boson; galaxies with well-defined central supermassive Black Holes and older elliptical galaxies are more evolved in their DM content. As Black Holes drive the evolution of all galaxies, well defined Black Holes indicate more dark matter in their host galaxies total mass energy content, than younger and evolving galaxies, characterised by ubiquitous star formation and smaller central Black Holes, or Ultra-Luminous-X-ray sources or ULX sources. ULX sources are related to quasars and the ylemic protostars as 'inversed' Black Holes or White Holes, characterised by high temperatures and luminosities.
    The RMP's quantum geometric template is YYCCMM(-1) = Y2C2M2(-1) = YCM(-½) + YCM(½) and so allows the DM gauge ambassador 'particle' to merge with two left-handed WNI neutrons as mass-energy increase by the Higgs Field YYCCMM(0) = YCM(0) + YCM(0).
    The growth of the baryon mass seed Mo in Ω(n) = ΩoYn so represents the 'growing in physical consciousness' of matter itself. Logos called this the 'Aurobindo Supramentalisation of Matter' in the monopolar displacement currents of Universe as a mass increase.
    The Milky Way hosts the local star system Rahsol and Earth and so Abba's Baab focus on the center of Earth and so is the template for the general evolution of galaxies as cells in the metaphysical body of Adam and Eve.

    The DM distribution of the Milky Way so calibrates the DM distribution relative to the Inner Halo, the Outer Halo, and the DE boundary.
    RmwBMIH/RandBMIH = 60,455/ 110,000 = 0.55 for 0.0483/0.552 = 0.160 Andromeda's relative baryonic mass fraction
    RmwBMIH/RpinBMIH = 60,455/ 85,000 = 0.71 for 0.0483/0.712 = 0.0958 as Pinwheel's baryonic mass fraction
    {M/(1.08x1042}{0.160} = 0.2949 for a BMIH stellar radius of Randromeda = 1.04x1021 m* or = 110,033 ly and ΩBMDM = 0.160/0.3224 = 0.496
    {M/R2}{0.3224} = 0.2949 for a DMOH Halo of Randromeda= 1.479x1021 m* or Rand = 156,192 ly {M/R2}{1.0} = 0.2949 for a DEBH Halo of Randromeda = 2.604x1021 m* or Rand = 275,081 ly rss|min = 1022 m* or 1.056 Million ly for a Galactic Halo of mass Mandromeda
    {M/(6.496x1041}{0.0958} = 0.2949 for a BMIH stellar radius of Rpinwheel = 8.060x1020 m* or = 85,142 ly and ΩBMDM = 0.0958/0.3224 = 0.297
    {M/R2}{0.3224} = 0.2949 for a DMOH Halo of Rpinwheel = 1.479x1021 m* or Rpin = 156,192 ly {M/R2}{1.0} = 0.2949 for a DEBH Halo of Rpinwheel = 2.604x1021 m* or Rpin= 275,081 ly rss|min = 1022 m* or 1.056 Million ly for a Galactic Halo of mass Mpinwheel
    For the Andromeda barred spiral galaxy or any galaxy seeded with a total BM+DM mass of 2x1042 kg, the galaxy's DMOH radius would be 1.479x1021 m* or 156,192 light years for the present era and increase to 3.176x1021 m* or 335,457 light years at the peak of the galaxies as a function of the Einstein Quintessence for ngp=0.2389 and 4.032 Billion years from the Instanton, observing the galaxy backwards in cosmological time.
    This galactic seed would increase further in its Dark Matter Outer Halo radius to 5.307x1021 m* or 560,621 light years at the onset of Galaxy formation at the DE zero at ng=0.10823 or 1.83 Billion years after the Instanton.

    The consciousness evolution of galactic cell Andromeda and represented by its DMOH structure, would be evidenced in Andromeda's DMOH shrinking towards the universal Dark Energy nexus in more of the dark matter becoming 'illuminated' by the universal consciousness evolution of Universe and its parts as subsystems of galactic cells.
    The Outer Halo for the Dark Matter Halo DMOH energy distribution is limited by the inversion of the wormhole radius rps in rss = 1/rps = 2π/λps = 2πλss = rss as a typical separation scale between large cellular galaxies such as Milky Way and Andromeda in 6.28x1022 m* as
    DMOH|max = {2πrss/c}/{365.2425x24x3600} = 6.637x106 light years or 6.637x106 ly/3.26 = 2035.9 kiloparsec kpc.
    Macro-cellular Modulation rss/2π = λss = 1022 m* then characterizes the Dark Matter Consciousness Haloes around such major galaxies in 1022 m* or as DMH|min = {rss/2πc}/{365.2425x24x3600} = 1.056x106 light years or 1.056x106 ly/3.26 = 324.02 kpc.

















    Last edited: Dec 25, 2021

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