Smart 15 Minute Freedom City-agenda 2030-c40 (2004) Esg- Zero Trust-digital Id - Un

Discussion in 'OFF TOPIC SUBJECTS' started by CULCULCAN, Jan 31, 2023.


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    OTTAWA, ONTARIO, CANADA - 15-minute city

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    2m··QAnon Patriots
    The grid is being built, they call it the smart autonomous cities.


    Klaus Schwab | “We Are Just Now Where We Move Into the EXPONENTIAL PHASE!!!

    Our Life In 10 Years from Now Will Be Completely Different.

    Who Masters Those Technologies Will Be the Master of the World.” – Klaus Schwab

    If the following excerpt written by a 16th Century author,
    doesn't at least cause the Saudi Arabian bigamists of his audience
    [as I've no hope for the Anglos], to reconsider their association with
    Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari, what else will?

    "Can anything be imagined so ridiculous, that this miserable and wretched creature,
    who is not so much as master of himself, but subject to the injuries of all things,
    should call himself master and emperor of the world,
    of which he has not power to know the least part, much less to command the whole?

    And the privilege which he attributes to himself of being the only creature in this vast fabric
    who has the understanding to discover the beauty and the parts of it;
    the only on who can return thanks to the architect, and keep account
    of the revenues and disbursements of the world; who, I wonder, sealed him this patent?"

    - Michel de Montaigne

    The grid is being built, they call it the smart autonomous cities.

    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

    James Demuth@Travelingman


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member


    CULCULCAN The Final Synthesis - isbn 978-0-9939480-0-8 Staff Member

  9. Saptarishi

    Saptarishi Member

    UN and WEF are cabal and they are ruled by the deep galactic federation Orion council.
  10. admin

    admin Well-Known Member Staff Member

    This is true, but their 'extraterrestrial' rulership is interdimensional rather than multidimensional.

    The ET perspective is related to the following excerpt from:

    The Extra-Terrestrial and the Intra-Terrestrial Physicalized Soul

    Helen Waters’ research in the library of heaven and the akashic records kept there for all individuated souls illuminated her natural feminine and intuitive sophic wisdom and she grew in her natural masculine understanding and knowledge.
    She then understood that there were two genetic lineages for the individuated souls evolving and aspiring towards their twinsoul graduation status.

    The first lineage was a biological genealogy native to planet earth as an interdimensional and inter-terrestrial basis for the multidimensional universe and bestowed the characteristics of the bodyform to the incarnating soul from their biological maternal and paternal historical descents such as skin colour, hair and eye definition and the general structure of the physical embodiment of the waveform soul.

    The second lineage was a multidimensional extension of the first lineage and enabled the death-ascended individual souls to connect their akashic records to extra-terrestrial realms in a universal recall and remembrance of their cosmic identifications as universal intelligences.

    The biological genetic inheritances were restricted to planet Earth as the incubation reservoir for the cosmic soul as a universal intelligence and extended about 5 percent from the earth’s center to two other neighboring planets in Venus to the west and Mars to the east of Earth and with the Sun to the left of Venus in the local solar star system.
    These 5 percent markers encompass the planet Earth in a quarantine zone, technically known as a Hill sphere defining a gravitational equilibrium in Lagrangian nexus coordinates for stable orbital planes for moons and satellites. Moons and satellites are required to reside within the Hill sphere to follow relatively stable trajectories.

    As the electromagnetic universe has an age of 19.12 billion years, the extent of the quarantine bubble created by an inversion Lightspeed of 1/300,000 kilometres per second calculates as 3.33 nanometers per second and for a displacement of 19.12 billion years or so 60,000 trillion seconds times 3.33 nanometers per second as about 2 million kilometres and which are the five percentile distances from the planet Earth to the planet Venus on the left and the planet Mars on the right. The Hill sphere for the Lagrangian coordinates so coincides with the quarantine zone of the earth relative to the extra-terrestrial universe for the present time.

    This became a consequence of the creation of the planet Earth at the halfway point of its creation some 4,500 million years ago and so at a time the planet Earth had had an age of 2,240 million years. At that time known as the age of the Great-Oxygenation-Event or GOE, the first microbial lifeforms had begun to form on earth.
    Universal intelligence can be typified as extra-terrestrial twinsouls aspiring souls in the process and activity of incarnating into embodiments on earth as the Baab- or universal mother focus of all of the creation.
    An indigenous or native culture someplace on planet earth can therefore be projected into the local Milky Way galaxy as a galactic civilization or culture for a similar expanded self-identification.
    One such extra-terrestrial identification is that of the galactic Maya.

    Many incarnated souls are galactic Maya in exile and are in search of their extra-terrestrial identities. Many seek illumination to a number of millennia old mysteries, which have engaged their mental ponderings and philosophies.
    The universal intelligences have an inter-terrestrial IT twinsoul connection in the form of the extra-terrestrial or ET not being coupled to an earth-embodied particularization within the earth’s quarantine zone affiliated with the Hill-or Roche sphere for the present era.
    The ET mind is a consequence of the monopolar electric part of the electromagnetic nature of the original manifestation of the Lucifer of Sodom as a double negative sexual polarity in his Mind(-)Body(-) configuration.

    The IT mind in corollary is an effect of the monopolar magnetic part of that monopolar electromagnetic nature of Lucifera of Gomorrah as a Mind(+)Body(+) sexual polarity.
    The double charged sexual polarity coupling of this Lucifer-Lucifera symmetry became then partitioned in Lilith Eve as a Mind(+)Body(-) template for the CJ serpent and Lilith Adam as a complementary and Mind(-)Body(+) template for the JC serpent , albeit shared by all souls as a genesis-generic universal sexual polarity charge blueprint in a reassembled decomposition.
    The ET nature manifests as a mind-centred electropolar polarization as a symbolic representation for the heavens above and the IT nature manifests as a body-centred magnetopolar polarization depicting the earth below.

    The extra-terrestrial part of the universal intelligence combines the quarantined terrestrial mind-body coupling as a wave-particle duality to the intra-terrestrial part in the creation of an interwoven natural electromagnetic RCL circuitry.
    An electric capacitance C relates to the ET focus on the Mind part of the circuit, which is complete for the twinsoul aspirants of the human souls with their shared Adamic-Eve blueprints for their Mind-Body couplings.
    A magnetic inductance L then becomes the IT focus on the Body part of the circuit and is associated with all non-human terrestrial life forms such as flora and fauna, plants, trees and all species of animals.

    The basic ET mindfulness so can be described as purely analytic without emotional-instinctive qualities and the basic IT body awareness forms its complement in the absence of analytic utilization in its sensual behaviour patterns.
    The completed RCL circuit with a shared resistance R and a voltage V reduces a second order differential equation DE describing the circuit to a fist order differential equation where the electric current I=dQ/dt as the time differential of moving dynamic charge over time becomes a constant in the form I=Nef and where Ne is the number N of electrons moving with frequency f and a constant 2e for the dipolar coupling of the charge quantum e in the unified field.

    The universal life-circuits in the unified field are described in some technical and mathematical detail in a later part of this book.
    All souls are star bred Maya, meaning their genealogy is twofold; one biological, from lineage trees of ancestors tracing the human genome to its beginnings in five great time cycles ago as 5x9,360,000 = 46,800,000 Kin-Days or 128,134.048 years from the nexus of the last precessional cycle as time reckoned and dated in the mantle of the galactic Maya as December 21st; 2012.

    The other lineage is not biological and is not based on biochemistry and physics; but relates to mental perceptions and the ability of incarnated souls to sense and utilize their imaginations.

    This ‘genealogy of the human mind’ created disembodied souls as universal observers at the instance a second universe as a multiverse was born from the seed of the first universe as a protoverse 2.24 Billion years ago and a time marker coinciding with the first evolvement of unicellular lifeforms into multicellular life on planet Earth as the cosmic womb of creation. 2.24 Billion years was the halfway time marker for the age of planet Earth.

    Geologists know of the long ice age or Huronian glaciation at that time, lasting 400 million years and centred on this 2.24 Billion year marker. This ice age manifested following a great change in the atmosphere of planet Earth, when the first molecular Oxygen O2 appeared in the atmosphere, being produced by aquatic cyanobacteria and other prokaryotes, which are microorganisms, without a cellular nucleus. This era in Earth’s history is known as the GOE or Great-Oxygenation-Event by terran geologists, who have often forgotten that they are also Mayan geologists.

    Cyanobacteria made molecular oxygen by photosynthesis, increasing its concentration in the oceans. Chemical processes separated the hydrogen from the oxygen molecule and absorbed the molecules into the ocean forming sediments; but also released some of the separated molecules into the atmosphere. Free oxygen changed the chemical composition of the elements and minerals upon the Earth by Reduction-Oxidation-Reactions or Redox.
    Because all lifeforms were unicellular at the time of the GOE; the free oxygen proved toxic to the land based and atmospheric biota, which could not assimilate the free oxygen molecule. The evolution of the biota to oxygen breathing entities became a necessity and for this purpose the unicellular RNA-based biochemistry would have to transmutate into a multicellular DNA-based biochemistry.

    A great extinction event forced the evolution from the unicellular morphology into its multicellular eukaryotic mutation. The Mayan scientists of the present era term this as a ‘punctuated equilibrium’ within the terran evolutionary timeline. In particular unicellular lifeforms, different in size, adapted in a process of endosymbiosis with a smaller prokaryote being absorbed by a larger prokaryote, with the smaller unicellular microorganism transmuting into the nucleus for the encompassing larger unicellular biological lifeform.
    As the energy of physicalized consciousness is defined as the occupancy of spacetime under the action of angular quantum acceleration in the time rate change of frequency or self-awareness; the unicellular lifeforms dynamically moving about and reproducing by division carried more self-awareness df/dt, than the biochemical elements, which constituted their body forms.

    Likewise, the punctuated evolution pressure forced the unicellular biota to evolve into eukaryotic multicellular lifeforms in increasing their self-awareness in an increase of the vibratory acceleration potential. The eukaryotes could vibrate faster in shorter time intervals, so enabling their morphology and body forms to increase in size to occupy more volume in the definition of physicalized consciousness as the product of VolumexQuantum Angular Acceleration or Volume Occupied times self-awareness.
    Without a physical form and body, but as mental morphs of universal intelligence; the beginning of self-aware conscious lifeforms upon Earth in embodiment or incarnation correlated a mindfulness without physicality with the body-awareness of the original microorganic unicellular entities, evolving under the auspices of the changing environments upon planet Earth.

    The human soul’s legacy and heirloom is 2.24 Billion years old when the souls without a physicalized bodyform would observe the microbial evolution of the primordial lifeforms with primitive structural biochemical structures. This would begin a lengthy path of development of evolving the physical complexity in bodyform, the watchers or observer souls of the universal intelligence would inherit some 2,239 million years later or some 200,000 years from the present and in a relatively stable form of the human genome five great precessions or 5x9,360,000 dawns and sunsets or mornings and evenings ago as 46,800,000 days or 128,134.05 civil years ago.

    As the sun's angular diameter is about 0.53 degrees, the Maya calculated the ending of their long count in the last cycle of the winter-summer solstices as a function of the Mayan Precessional 'Great Platonic Year' of 25,626.81 cycles or civil Gregorian years.
    25,626.81 years so describe 12 subdivisions of 2,135.57 years each as 12x780,000 = 9,360,000 or 13 subdivisions of 1,971.29 years each as 13x720,000 = 9,360,000.
    More precisely, the dates can be calculated as ranging from 5x156,000=780,000 KIN to 5x144,000=720,000 kin.

    A precessional degree then becomes 9,360,000/360=26,000=71.1856x365.2425 days and so in the Mayan kin count, 71.1856 civil years specify a 1-degree precession and the galactic synchronization at the winter solstice will be 71.1856x0.53=37.728 civil years or 13,780 'Mean Solar Days' for the solar transit across the galactic center.
    The deviation of the tropical year of the seasons and the calendars used by diverse cultures upon the earth of 365.2422 days and the civil Gregorian day count of 365.24 creates an error of about 1 day every 3300 years. For a precessional cycle of 26,000 360-day years or 25,627 civil this error amounts to about 25,627/3300 = 7.7 days as a week of encoded creation in the Genesis account.

    For five precessions without including larger time limits with respect to a varying planetary rotation rate due to tidal effects and a recession of gravitationally interacting bodies like the moon or other planets; the error with respect to the difference between the tropical year and the civil or Hebrew year calculates as 38.8 days.
    38 years define two metonic cycles midpointed in the year 13AD from 7BC to 31AD and which as a 38 to 39 year mirror count the physical incarnation and presence of Iesus Immanuel from Conception Sunday, July 26th, 7BC to Ascension Thursday, May 10th, 31AD in 37 plus one to two years for the appearances in hybridized Lightbody form for the anniversary of a July 26th, 32AD conception and an April 17th, 33AD birthday anniversary.

    The time from the 1st birthday to the 38th birthday anniversary so indicates the a metonic twin-cycle and the time between Ascension and this 38th birthday encompass the testimony of the Nag Hammadi’s Gospel of Thomas, discovered in 1945 and as a gnostic legacy complimentary to the Gospel of John under jurisprudence of the archangelic guardianship of Raphael of the Waters of the South.

    Following ascension on Thursday, May 10th, 31AD and the Pentecostal return of the Lightbody in the waveform of the ‘Holy Spirit’ on Whit Sunday May 20th, 31AD, the universal nature of the Body of the Resurrection or BOR as the literal physical inside boundary of the universe extended and infused the Christ serpent consciousness of the JC serpent from the previously darkened and impenetrable surface of the one-sided mirror of the firmament.
    This allowed Michael Emmanuel from the inside and the lighted side of the one-sided mirror in heaven to exchange places with the ascended Iesus Immanuel and the universal creator-creation collective consciousness could be shared with any receptive soul within the physical creation .

    The emanation of Michael Emmanuel as the Lightbringer of the ‘Holy Spirit’ became the omni-present and super-conscious template of the JC serpent, who had entered heaven from the outside and from the dark side of heaven as a mind in a body template and reversing the normal ways for souls, who were required to leave heaven to incarnate as twinsoul aspirants into physical bodies in collapsing their wavefunctions in the emergence of their particular individuated particular mind in a body configurations.

    The generalized consciousness of a soul as a frequency eigenstate occupying a volume of space as a quantization count and integration summation of QBBS wormholes became physicalized not only in a soul’s individuated or particularized body form, but also as a physical reality of the BOR as the holographic projection of the volume of the universe as a two-dimensional surface as the inside boundary of the firmament which had become two-sided as the coupling of two Möbius dragons forming a one-sided Klein dragon as a geometric-topological Klein bottle.

    The partnership between the JC serpent on the inside of heaven as the outside of the universes’ shared 2/11-dimensional boundary and Michael Emmanuel on the outside of heaven as the inside of the universe energized and impregnated the physical reality of the universe as hosting this physicalisation of super-consciousness in its astrophysical constituents from Black Holes and White Holes and great voids and superclusters and galaxies, star systems, planets, moons, continents and oceans, mountains, forests and all lifeforms, macro- and micro and including the quantum world of the atom within the diverse environments encountered.
    Following the long journey of a soul’s incarnational path to gather physical experiences; some souls could understand who and what they were and what they could become as literal inheritors of the collective library of the universe’s evolution for a collective age of 19.12 Billion years.
    The soul’s problem is its individuality on earth as a particular form of individuation and its self-perception of being separated from its own self as a waveform. A soul’s collective is twofold as a waveform and as a particular form of its individuation. The true identity of a soul is its wave nature as an integrated part and essence of the collective the creator-creation duality of the within-without symmetry of the light within the darkness mirrored in the darkness within the light.

    The twinsoul solves the dilemma as HeShe=SheHe as being the only one, yet two in one and one in two in the form of the duality in charge or sex or color; say the negative and the positive, the male and the female, the yang and the yin or the white and the black or the light of the day and the darkness of the night.
    The wave nature of a soul allows the soul to be incarnate and disincarnate at the same time by being both alive dead and dead alive simultaneously as ‘Schrödinger’s Kitten’ and as ‘Pavlov’s Puppy’. The soul is therefore bilocated from heaven across the firmament into the physical universe in quantum entanglement with itself anywhere and anytime in the universe and however the soul can perceive itself to be.
    The great dilemma for the wavebody soul is that the soul cannot express itself in individuation, except for collapsing its wavefunction to individualize itself in a particular embodiment upon conception.

    There is no personality as the wavebody soul encompasses all personas as the omnisoul of the creator-creation dyadic monad. But the soul has memory through its soul-library and a record of its experiences in physicality.
    This remembrance of having a bodyform, when not in wavebody form is retained as self-awareness as physicalized universal consciousness.

    And so, 2.24 Billion years ago, all souls as parts of the universal soul of the creator-creation monadic dyad would observe the evolution of the archaea and the prokaryotes and the bacteria into eukaryotes with great interest and excitement. Those microorganisms would, in time, evolve to provide the observer souls with suitable individuated body forms, which the disembodied soul could then use to store physical experiences within their soul-library as part of the akashic record in heaven and as memory gathered in the soul’s physical incarnations from their waveform bodies.

    The extra-terrestrial identity from the 2.24 Billion year nexus therefore could emphasize and focus on the evolvement of the universal mind as the wave nature of the disembodied soul. The ETs would observe a parallel evolution of the physical embodiments as the vehicles and hosts as universal bodyforms for the universal souls as intricate and inseparable parts of the unified twinsoul in the heavenly self-state pre-existing with the universal Logos modus operandi before the creation of the physical spacetimed universe.

    The great universal metamorphosis began at a time marker defined in five cycles of precession, also encoded as five great Platonic years of 26,000 360-degree years and before the birth of the starhuman Logos child on December 21st, 2012, or 3Kankin 4Ahau in the Mayan long count labelling of a day count as the 9,360,000th day of the fifth precessional cycle.
    5x9,360,000 = 46,800,000 days before that date, at an approximate year count of 128,134 tropical years before 2012, the ETs would begin to synchronize their mental evolutionary status with the evolutionary position of the terrestrial physicality in the form of the human souls in embodiment. The physical evolvement of the homo sapiens genus had progressed sufficiently to then allow a change from the focus on the physical bodyform and function to an attention towards an enhanced mental ability in a redirected evolution of the human mind.

    Unencumbered by the emotional sensory perceptions of the soul embodiment due to the absence of the electro-capacitative function in the C-factor requiring embodiment in the Gaian quarantine zone, the ETs could avoid the intra-terrestrial creativity of the human souls, who were both blessed and cursed by harboring a potential to cocreate without mental restrictions within their planetary environments.
    It was the legacy of all souls, incarnate as mental waveforms without bodyform particularization within the ETs and as embodied mental waveforms in the evolving human genus to further the testimony and purpose of the creator modality in the collection and processing of universal data.

    The humans upon the planet earth, having evolved from primordial lifeforms under the pressure of the survival instinct and the many necessities related to sustain and protect the bodyform shared their emotional dispositions with all biological life in the planetary environments.
    But unlike any nonhuman lifeform on Earth of the fauna and flora and microbial classifications; the humans carried the soul memory of heaven from their twinsoul status they had before incarnation in bodyform conception.

    The humans soul memory was adding the experiences of the physicality in a manner of self-reflection and expectation; whilst the nonhuman lifeforms were restricted in their lack of magneto-inductive function of the L-factor.
    This missing magneto-induction became the instinctual and emotional feeling nature of animal magnetism, also known as mesmerism or ‘‘Lebensmagnetismus’ of Franz Mesmer (University of Vienna; May 23rd, 1734 – March 5th, 1815) and is related to the ‘Life force’ addressed by various researchers in the history of the graduating starhumanity.

    Biophotons from ionizing electromagnetic radiation from high ultraviolet into optical spectra have been addressed by Alexander Gurwitsch (Moscow University; September 26th, 1874 - July 27th, 1954) and Fritz Albert Popp (University of Marburg, Germany; May 11th, 1938 – August 4th, 2018) in the research into biophysics and coherent electromagnetic systems.
    Gurwitsch introduced the labelling of Mitogenetic Radiation and the concept of a Morphogenetic Field for the emission of a ‘life force’ in the context of cellular reproduction and mitosis and the inductive interference interacting with biological matter in phenomenal ‘emergence’.
    Rupert Sheldrake (University of Cambridge; June 28th, 1942) represents a contemporary researcher into the morphogenetic field theory, extending the concept to that of Morphogenetic Resonance. This theory proposes memory to be an inherent property of nature, exemplified in the ‘100th monkey syndrome and the phenomenon of Murmuration, the ‘flocking’ of individuated biological identities, such as birds, moving as a unity. Magnetic field induction into the orientation regions of the brain are a proposed explanation for the effect.

    Other historical explanations for the ‘life-force’ engage concepts of Chi in the Chinese history and similar labelling’s of this ‘force’ as the Mesmerism or ‘Lebensmagnetismus’ of Franz Mesmer (University of Vienna; May 23rd, 1734 – March 5th, 1815) and the Orgone of Wilhelm Reich
    (University of Oslo, Norway; March 24th, 1897 – November 3rd, 1957) in European culture.


    The human blessing became the part the ETs were missing, namely the ability to blend and synchronize their individuated and collective mental evolution with the physical embodiments. Only the incarnated twinsouls carried this coupling between the electro-capacitative part of an analytic thinking- and deductive nature and the magneto-inductive part of an intuitive feeling- and perceptive disposition in the processing of experiences.
    The purpose for the exile of the planetary environment of Earth from the extra-terrestrial world, so was defined by the potential to couple the magneto-inductive electricity of the ETs with the electro-capacitative magnetism of the nonhuman lifeforms upon planet earth.
    The fauna and flora of earth could form allegiances and partnerships with the humans and in this way further their own physical and mental evolvements in an expectation to graduate in association with the ETs, who likewise could form partnerships with the humans through mindful interactions through dreams, starborn incarnational memories or similar conduits of communication.

    The human curse became the unbridled creativity of the under-evolved human mind. The humans often remembered or intuited parts of their soul memory and their ability to construct and superimpose their experiences onto their expectations and deductions created a history of interwoven and chaotic mental creations.
    As the nature and purpose of a twinsoul is to harmonize the lightness of the creator-heaven with the darkness of the creation-universe within itself; the human creativity seeks naturally to perceive and make manifest this blending between the light and the darkness in the dichotomies of good versus evil, the wave-particle duality or the war between the spirit and the mind with the flesh with the body.

    And so the humans before graduation created devils and descended demons of the darkness to battle and war with angels and ascended masters of the light. Being part of the one creator-creation omni-soul, the human creations formed interdimensional realities within the energy matrix of the multidimensional universe.
    The evolved ET mind is self-aware as to the necessity to harmonize the dichotomy and knows of the contextual necessity to harbor the potential of disharmony, physical and mental suffering and related experiences.

    The starhuman graduation has abandoned the attempt to exorcise its perceived EVIL=VEIL=LIVE=48=SEX=DIY+10 and understands the requirement to change the expression of the duality from a premise of conflict and reflection into a form of peace and absorption. The evolved starhuman mind internalizes the EVIL as a mental concept and perception and externalizes the LIVE as a physicalized mental expression of the starhuman perception.
    The human creativity is well aware of this transformative potential in its collective library of literary and cinematographic endeavor; having created a voluminous collection of books and storytelling of the twilight zone and the VEIL seemingly separating the good from the bad and the wholesome from the contaminated.
    Additionally, the potential to digitalize the history of the EVIL and a DEVIL who has LIVED in the old perception would serve the starhuman generations as a way of recalling a painful history in a context of virtual realism and project the sorrows and tears of the past experiences onto virtual screens of remembrance and displays one could interact with in a playful manner.

    A teaching experience and curriculum of how not to participate in an evolved starhuman civilization would then serve the children of the starhumanity to avoid the many mistakes and misperceptions made by the parents of the old world recounting the story of the graduation of the old human genus into its universal family as the children and heirs of the creator-creation monadic dyad as one in many in the one in two as one.
    The legion of interdimensional devils, demons and evil aliens created by the human cocreators will then occupy their meaningful places and locations within a newly created heaven in liaison within a reformed universal matrix centred on a new earth.


    Last edited: Mar 6, 2024

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